2023 OCSA CMP Military Match Schedule, Pembroke MA

Will the Italian still tune Garands? Have a new CMP Expert in need. If so, hoped I could connect at Sunday shoot.
Pretty sure he's still doing work on Garands. I'd be there early- if he's not feeling great he might show but could bail early.

Planning on bringing my O-66 USMC rebuilt Garand and a K31.
I'm a new member at OCSA and plan on going to the m1 Garand match tomorrow. Is there anything I should know that might not be found on the poster?
I'm a new member at OCSA and plan on going to the m1 Garand match tomorrow. Is there anything I should know that might not be found on the poster?
Water, dont forget ear protection and glasses.
Get there 830 and let them know you are new.

You using club gun and ammo?
I have prior plans, maybe be home early enough to jump on last relay. Either way I most likely stop by to say hello….
I’m planning on shooting the Garand matches on 10/1 and 11/5. I’m a total noob and it will be my first CMP shoot. Anybody know if they allow eic points?
I'm definitely planning on making the 11/5 date. Possible on the 10/1. They have club guns (that are very accurate), ammo to purchase if you need it, as well as shooting jackets and mats if you need. If you don't want to mess with a shooting jacket, you at least need a sweatshirt so that the sling can be set tight onto your upper arm.

If you are bringing your own Garand, we are shooting the NRA SR target at 200 yards. You can sight in at 100 yards and be damn close to the X-ring if your shots at 100 yards are hitting about 1.8" high. Basically sight in at 100 and come up two 'clicks' and done.

Bring ear protection, eye protection, and water / Gatorade / whatever to stay hydrated. Show up around 8:30.
I'm definitely planning on making the 11/5 date. Possible on the 10/1. They have club guns (that are very accurate), ammo to purchase if you need it, as well as shooting jackets and mats if you need. If you don't want to mess with a shooting jacket, you at least need a sweatshirt so that the sling can be set tight onto your upper arm.

If you are bringing your own Garand, we are shooting the NRA SR target at 200 yards. You can sight in at 100 yards and be damn close to the X-ring if your shots at 100 yards are hitting about 1.8" high. Basically sight in at 100 and come up two 'clicks' and done.

Bring ear protection, eye protection, and water / Gatorade / whatever to stay hydrated. Show up around 8:30.
Is the ammo ball rounds or match? I’ve got Garand Sellior ammo I will bring but if they have better I’ll definetily use. Hopefully they take cash?…
Is the ammo ball rounds or match? I’ve got Garand Sellior ammo I will bring but if they have better I’ll definetily use. Hopefully they take cash?…
Yes they take cash. @mac1911 might know what they have at the club but it is likely to be ball Greek or Lake City surplus or could even be S&B.
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Hate to be a pain, but we will they be using the SR 100 yard target or the SR 200 yard target or both?
SR target is the 200 yard target 13” black , SR 1 is 100 yard target 6” black.
Sight picture will remain the same.
If your keeping your shots on paper at 100 you will be fine.
If your not shooting with a sling you might do better with one.

Never a pain
Ok, I have a good 100 yard zero on my Garand but I am 13 clicks up from the basement. I would say a 5ish inch group. I’m a good not great shooter. I did qualify expert my whole time in. Is this somewhat normal for a service grade CMP rifle?

I also shot it at the 200 the other day. I had an ok group, mostly all in the black (13 inch circle) but kinda all over the place. I also have to come up 7 more clicks from 100 to 200. Is this normal as well? U guys are saying just a click or 2. My shooting mechanics are fine and I’m shooting sellior Garand ammo. Looking forward to 10/1!👍🏻
Ok, I have a good 100 yard zero on my Garand but I am 13 clicks up from the basement. I would say a 5ish inch group. I’m a good not great shooter. I did qualify expert my whole time in. Is this somewhat normal for a service grade CMP rifle?

I also shot it at the 200 the other day. I had an ok group, mostly all in the black (13 inch circle) but kinda all over the place. I also have to come up 7 more clicks from 100 to 200. Is this normal as well? U guys are saying just a click or 2. My shooting mechanics are fine and I’m shooting sellior Garand ammo. Looking forward to 10/1!👍🏻
As long as you have a zero that puts them on paper you will be fine.
Only thing I can add is make sure your rear sight is not loose.
If they are to loose they can drop elevation on recoil. A quick test . You should not be able to push the rear sight aperture assemble down with your thumb all that easy. Snug up your front sight base screw while your at it.

As far as what you should get out of a service grade garand , keeping them in the black your doing well, the garand was never a “accurate” rifle the ammo is generally not that great either.
Email S&B and see if they will even tell you if they have a accuracy standard for that “M2 ball” ammo. I would be shocked if they do and of so if its all that tight?

Garands with some refinement and good bullets can shoot very well.
Theres a reason for a 3 moa 10 ring…….
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Ok, I have a good 100 yard zero on my Garand but I am 13 clicks up from the basement. I would say a 5ish inch group. I’m a good not great shooter. I did qualify expert my whole time in. Is this somewhat normal for a service grade CMP rifle?

I also shot it at the 200 the other day. I had an ok group, mostly all in the black (13 inch circle) but kinda all over the place. I also have to come up 7 more clicks from 100 to 200. Is this normal as well? U guys are saying just a click or 2. My shooting mechanics are fine and I’m shooting sellior Garand ammo. Looking forward to 10/1!👍🏻
@mac1911 - He should only be coming up ~2 clicks from 100 to 200, right?

@SgtHal75 - As Mac stated, be sure your rear sight is tightened. Clicks should be relatively stiff and crisp. CMP (and others) do not always have the sights tight enough. Of course I learned this in a match a few years ago...
@mac1911 - He should only be coming up ~2 clicks from 100 to 200, right?

@SgtHal75 - As Mac stated, be sure your rear sight is tightened. Clicks should be relatively stiff and crisp. CMP (and others) do not always have the sights tight enough. Of course I learned this in a match a few years ago...
Technically yes 2 moa from 100-200 yards
But as life is , go with what works.

All though I wont be surprised if SgtHal75 hits high , lol
Shots safely down range and on paper is the goal.
Most likely wont nake Oct Match , if im lucky maybe in time for the last relay and bring something I have not shot in a long while. ?
I’ll check the tightness of the elevation. It’s definitely not loose, but not as tight as the windage. ..the windage I almost need a tool it’s so freaking tight.
I did. Had a great time and I did good until the offhand stage. I can see why everyone wears those fancy jackets😂😂. I’ll be back next month hopefully with a cool shooting jacket👍🏻

They have some very good Creedmoor jackets at the club that shooters can borrow. Nice way to try before you buy, or if they don't have your size possibly one of us can let you try one on.

Offhand is where we all get our humble pie. @mac1911 and I both practice offhand with pellet guns. Dry firing is good too- it trains your muscles and strengthens the ones you need. As I get older I find that I need to keep my back in shape for offhand or it gets pretty uncomfortable by the end of the stage. When your back hurts you start thinking "F it, I'm going to pull the trigger and get this over with". That doesn't help scores.

A little coaching on offhand helps too. Maybe somebody knows of a good youtube etc. The Italian Stallion at Pembroke can straighten out bad habits and teach some good ones. I once had some offhand coaching from a member of the Army Marksmanship Unit at CMP SAFS, but I could not quite throw my hip out there like she could. :)

Hope to make the November one. Fighting some crud in my lungs at the moment.

They have some very good Creedmoor jackets at the club that shooters can borrow. Nice way to try before you buy, or if they don't have your size possibly one of us can let you try one on.

Offhand is where we all get our humble pie. @mac1911 and I both practice offhand with pellet guns. Dry firing is good too- it trains your muscles and strengthens the ones you need. As I get older I find that I need to keep my back in shape for offhand or it gets pretty uncomfortable by the end of the stage. When your back hurts you start thinking "F it, I'm going to pull the trigger and get this over with". That doesn't help scores.

A little coaching on offhand helps too. Maybe somebody knows of a good youtube etc. The Italian Stallion at Pembroke can straighten out bad habits and teach some good ones. I once had some offhand coaching from a member of the Army Marksmanship Unit at CMP SAFS, but I could not quite throw my hip out there like she could. :)

Hope to make the November one. Fighting some crud in my lungs at the moment.

Yes, the Italian Stallion was there and he was great! Helped me out with my rifle and a better offhand position. I will be dry firing the f*** out of my Garand over the next month. I did OK in the offhand position when I was in the Corps but we also only fired five rounds from that position.

Funny story… I picked up one of the clubs shooting jackets because I thought it was the shooting mat. When I unrolled it and saw what it was, I said holy shit. How the hell can someone shooting in one of these things😂.

Creedmore is my new favorite site!
Yes, the Italian Stallion was there and he was great! Helped me out with my rifle and a better offhand position. I will be dry firing the f*** out of my Garand over the next month. I did OK in the offhand position when I was in the Corps but we also only fired five rounds from that position.

Funny story… I picked up one of the clubs shooting jackets because I thought it was the shooting mat. When I unrolled it and saw what it was, I said holy shit. How the hell can someone shooting in one of these things😂.

Creedmore is my new favorite site!
If you ever see Creedmoor .30-06 on CMP's website, avoid it at all costs- at least until I buy some. [rofl] Pricey but the Lapua brass lasts forever. Folks at Creedmoor have always been super nice and helpful to me.
If you ever see Creedmoor .30-06 on CMP's website, avoid it at all costs- at least until I buy some. [rofl] Pricey but the Lapua brass lasts forever. Folks at Creedmoor have always been super nice and helpful to me.
That shit was a bargain. I’m surprised it lasted. As long as it did. I bought up a good amount of the 308 before that ran out.
I did. Had a great time and I did good until the offhand stage. I can see why everyone wears those fancy jackets😂😂. I’ll be back next month hopefully with a cool shooting jacket👍🏻
The jacket is a fancy elbow pad holder, and it does cut down on your body‘s natural pulse. I won’t say it doesn’t help support you in standing what I will say is even with the jacket off hand I get tired if I am out of practice and out of shape, which I have been these last few seasons.
The pad on the shoulder helps when holding high on the shoulder and just the toe of the stock is catching the shoulder pocket.

Off hand - accept your sway the more you fight it the worse the wobble gets. Get up get on target , pull off the shot when you get your sight pucture. Dont hold the gun up to long, solid stance and NPA will help ALOT build a good stance and NPA and the rest falls into place a bit easier.
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