Maybe history has something it can teach us.
I saw this pop up the other day - and one of the more interesting factoids in it I think , is the assertion that after the Nazis took over homosexuality dropped to 2% and transgenderism dropped to zero - when it had been at like 25% among German veterans of WW1 ( never heard this particular thing before - but ok).
I think this is "interesting" because - one could make the assumption that if 2% of the population sticks with their homosexuality under a political regime like the Nazis - where that behavior might literally mean death - well then that 2% REALLY is homosexual. And this 2% number matches up with other stuff I've read about the true amount of people in society that are homosexual.
The homosexual thing gets obfuscated a lot I think - because it's a BEHAVIOR. Which means that pretty much anybody can go out and do it - if they so choose. Social pressure, peer group pressure and/or acceptance, mass media and cultural endorsement - all of these thing have a HUGE effect on at least some people's behavior. That much has been proven pretty solidly with what happened with the Covid vaccines. It's also been shown to be true with behavior coming out of women and the "Lesbian until graduation" thing - where college age females have lesbian relationships simply because it was "in" at the time.
The assertion in this guys' post that transgenderism dropped to zero - might have been due to another thing that he does not mention - but I know I've read about in the past, and that is that the Nazis went around and emptied out the sanitariums and mental health hospitals after they were solidly in power. People were just disposed of. So if transgenderism is just a manifestation of mental illness - and you kill off the mentally ill - well then transgenderism disappears too.