NES Member
I get your point. But might suggest it’s more like the Muslim town residents fearing backlash when the Jihadi element does some Jihad against the infidels. The town will be leveled and they’ll be dead or refugees, while the Jihadists slip away the night before.This is like Jihadis complaining about a "backlash" whenever they do Jihad against some infidels.
If the Trans population is even as much at 0.3%, that’s ~1 million people. While many may be conversing live and online, we’re seeing the posts selected by social media to inflame sentiments.
I’d say most Trans folks are sensitive - some hypersensitive - to social issues surrounding being Trans. The kids playing Trans wanna-bes make as much or more noise than the “real” Trans activists, but many in the middle just want to go about their lives with some measure of acceptance.
From the Trans (and whole LGBTQAI+ perspective) it’s hard to see and draw some satisfaction from the idea that in America they can actually exist publicly and politically without being hunted down and jailed/killed, as they are in most of the world. It doesn’t feel like liberty, freedom and justice, but it’s about the best there is to be had.