ATF E-Forms Submission wait time

So any idea when these Eforms are going to get going? I have two suppressor form 1s still in process that I thought would make it through before the new form. one submitted 3/23 and the other 4/21. First time with this trust so I figured it might be a little slower but that 3 months for the first one.
I think it could have them denied - don't know. The ATF complies with local laws, regulations so if they believe that Healy is correct in stating that ARs have always been Illegal in MA post AWB, I think we are SOL

So should we all be filing SBR stamps to find out? Or should we shut up and hope nobody notices the SBRs we already registered?[sad2]
I submitted my application on 01APR. Received an email today from ATF saying to expect a 6 month wait. Soo, October. What are my taxes going to again?
I submitted my application on 01APR. Received an email today from ATF saying to expect a 6 month wait. Soo, October. What are my taxes going to again?

I was already expecting 6-8 months then I saw the truck of form 4's for silencers mailed to the ATF before the deadline and knew it would be longer. Six months seems optimistic.
submitted a form 1 via efile 2/25 and it is still pending. Ill keep this thread posted when it gets approved/denied. SHOULD be any day.
NFA Tracker site shows lots of February forms starting to hit, appears that the window has broadened to 6-7 months for late winter filers.

I expect it to widen further because the volume definitely increased as July approached this spring. I also don't expect them to add inspectors to help with the increased workload.
Remember, this is the administration that has reallocated all FBI personnel who were processing NICS denial appeals to other tasks. They don't care at all how long it takes to process our permission slips.
OH Boy.....

I will keep everyone posted on wait times for 3 applications waiting approval.

I hope they the alphabet club don't get a hair across their ass and deny any of them.

3-15 FORM 1 5.56 SBR
5-15 FORM 4 9mm SBR
OH Boy.....

I will keep everyone posted on wait times for 3 applications waiting approval.

I hope they the alphabet club don't get a hair across their ass and deny any of them.

3-15 FORM 1 5.56 SBR
5-15 FORM 4 9mm SBR
You probably have at least another month even for your first one. I still have one from Feb18 that is still in process. (hopefully anyday now, although I've been saying that for the past few weeks now). I have another on Mar3 but I'm not expecting that anytime soon.
Submitted mine mid May. Probably in the same boat as you. NFA Tracker showing 180+ days for March submissions.

Has anyone heard of a denial, post 7/20, for an earlier MA submission?
Submitted mine mid May. Probably in the same boat as you. NFA Tracker showing 180+ days for March submissions.

Has anyone heard of a denial, post 7/20, for an earlier MA submission?
I'll let everyone know, I have a feeling I'm the test case here. Filed 2-18 and should hear something anyday now. NFA tracker shows 9 approvals from 2-18 already so it can't be much I hope.
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