ATF E-Forms Submission wait time

Of her own decree, anything owned before 7/20 is ok, and she considers everything before-hand OK for now, I would think lowers registered before 7/20 shouldn't have any problem...

Actually, what the AG said was that everything we purchased from 1998 until 7/20/2016 was illegal. But because "we all thought we were following the law" she will not prosecute us at this time. That's far from being "OK".

Why would the ATF approve submissions or transfers for items deemed illegal by the state's AG?

I think everyone who was saying to keep quiet... to not call the ATF and make noise... should be calling the ATF to make noise now. It's done. They've suspended all MA NFA submissions. Now we need to be putting pressure on them to figure out how they're going to proceed.
Actually, what the AG said was that everything we purchased from 1998 until 7/20/2016 was illegal. But because "we all thought we were following the law" she will not prosecute us at this time. That's far from being "OK".

Why would the ATF approve submissions or transfers for items deemed illegal by the state's AG?

I think everyone who was saying to keep quiet... to not call the ATF and make noise... should be calling the ATF to make noise now. It's done. They've suspended all MA NFA submissions. Now we need to be putting pressure on them to figure out how they're going to proceed.

That's not true at all actually. The ATF paperwork does not hold a single clue as to the single characteristic that apparently determines legality in MA according to Healey: MFG date.

The thing is, there is 22 years of precedence and guidance for the ATF with the exact same AWB. There is no reason for the ATF to waffle on this "if the law didn't change" (which we have repeatedly been told). Seriously the ATF is going to take Healey's interpretation after 22 years of written guidance and case law? I don't think so.

They just don't want to piss the White House off.
I'm not here to start any arguments. I just wanted to pass along information.

Regardless of whether we think there's a legitimate reason or not, or whether we think they would or wouldn't give consideration to Healey's decree, it seems that the ATF has indeed suspended MA NFA submissions.

By all means, if you currently have NFA forms pending, call the ATF to inquire on its status. Confirm for yourself.
I emailed the ATF at 8pm on labor day and asked the status of my form 1 and got this response at 6:31 am on 9/6/16 I don't know if this helps or not.

Anticipate a 6-month processing time for an eForm 1 based on the date of submission of the form due to submission volume. The form will not be assigned or reviewed until reached in the queue and, if contact is necessary, the examiner will contact you then. When processed, you should receive an email notification of the final action with a pdf of the form and the form should also appear in the appropriate folder in the eForms system. Please contact the NFA Branch at 304 616-4500 for any status. Their customer service representatives can help you.
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I'm just saying that even if a 1994 preban lower is good to go, the ATF has no way of distinguishing that from a brand new lower.
I'm just saying that even if a 1994 preban lower is good to go, the ATF has no way of distinguishing that from a brand new lower.

I am sure the ATF is capable of / has records to determine if a serialized part was manufactured prior to the 1994 ban. If the manufacturer went out of business, the ATF has their records. If the manufacturer is still in business, the ATF can query them.

Now, whether they will bother is another matter entirely.
I spoke to the ATF this morning about this rumor of holding the applications for Mass owners. Their is no validity to it, they are proceeding us usual. Always do your own homework, context is everything. Current wait is 6-7 months.
I wouldn't hold your breath any longer guys.

I was at an LGS today (not going to mention which one for fear of unintended consequences for them) and the owner mentioned that he received a call from the ATF on Friday 9/2 regarding an NFA item that was to be transferred to his shop. The ATF told him that they were putting all MA NFA transactions/submissions on hold indefinitely until their legal team could make sense of the AG's decrees.

I wish I could provide more details but that was the extent of the conversation on that subject... and I wanted to pass along the info.

Sorry guys.

See this post/information makes sense wrt purchases and transfers submitted AFTER 7/20/16. I do not think it is relevant to submissions prior to that date.
On akfiles guys who filed late March are now being approved. The massachusetts residents are being held back. I got an email from the examiner who had approved all my other form 1s and was told they are waiting for clarification from AG office regarding whether they should approve them or not.

Mass residents are being left in the dust guys.. fingers crossed as I have 2 outstanding both submitted PRE 7/20
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On akfiles guys who filed late March are now being approved. The massachusetts residents are being held back. I got an email from the examiner who had approved all my other form 1s and was told they are waiting for clarification from AG office regarding whether they should approve them or not.

Mass residents are being left in the dust guys.. fingers crossed as I have 2 outstanding both submitted PRE 7/20
Same here, two form1's in limbo
I don't know if there on hold or not I emailed the ATF an what I posted on the previous page is what they emailed me back.

No where did it say the were not processing they said if they had any problems or questions they would contact me.

And they will I had a lady call me on one of my eforms because I was trying to import something and they called and questioned me It was even after hours so I almost didn't answer when they called me.
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I don't know if there on hold or no I emailed the ATF an what I posted on the previous page is what they emailed me back.

It's been confirmed that they are holding MA forms back. It's no longer a question of if they are or not i.e. no longer Internet lore.
Mailed 2 form 4's on 2-22-16 checks cashed 2-29-16 and still nothing. One would think anything submitted prior to 7-20 should be approved.
You're getting baffle strikes? Holy shit. That's not a normal occurrence, like changing POI. Baffle strikes represent a serious problem.

Yeah, guess I drilled a little off center on a couple of the baffles. When up to a size H drill and all is well.
they are waiting for clarification from AG office regarding whether they should approve them or not.

She'll get that reply right out after she answers all the letters of inquiry from state senators and reps...

**** her. No mention of SBR restrictions in her ghey edict or in MGL. Seems ripe for an injunction in Federal court.

It's been confirmed that they are holding MA forms back. It's no longer a question of if they are or not i.e. no longer Internet lore.

Can anyone post up their emailed response, blank out personal info of course. I don't have anything pending right now but I wanted to submit a few more forms but won't do so until we are cleared to go again.
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Time to apply for another stamp to help generate people with standing?

- - - Updated - - -

Can anyone post up their emailed response, blank out personal info of course. I don't have anything pending right now but I wanted to submit a few more forms but won't do so until we are cleared to go again.

Please do.
I efiled two form 1s on 4/16.

If the BATFE was approving tax stamps for SBR AR-15s before 7/20, and is now not approving them on the basis of deferring to Mass state law, that seems like a good indication that Healey's edict changed the law in the eyes of the Feds.
Maybe this could be the basis of one of the upcoming lawsuits, or at least strong evidence.
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