ATF E-Forms Submission wait time

Sorry I wasn't specific in my first post. Didn't mean to kick anyone's balls in. It is ridiculous what you Massers have to go through and hopefully at least the ban on suppressors can be lifted in the near future.

I've been wondering what's gonna happen with "An Act Relative to Suppressors" after this AG nonsense. Hope it's not dead.
Can somebody tell me why the Feds have to concede to the state laws on these matters? Why not issue the stamp and leave it up to the citizen to deal with state statutes?
Kinda a foolish way of thinking. Especially when all pre-7/20 submissions get approved

By "when" you do mean IF right. I don't see the ATF allowing you to SBR a rifle that might land you in jail. Will this all be thrown out? Most likely but who really knows how long could be months but it could be years. Id prefer not having a bunch of money tied up into a rifle that I may or may not be ever able to build.
By "when" you do mean IF right. I don't see the ATF allowing you to SBR a rifle that might land you in jail. Will this all be thrown out? Most likely but who really knows how long could be months but it could be years. Id prefer not having a bunch of money tied up into a rifle that I may or may not be ever able to build.

Why would anything land me in jail if I owned it prior to 7/20?
Is that where it's at now still waiting approval? Or are you the saying you've been approved as of now. Because you would be the first in MA.

The first to post on NES. We sometimes think all gun owners come here, but it's still a minority within the greater gun community. I know a lot of very active gun owners who are have no interest in "things computer."

There could have been approvals since 7/20 that aren't reported here.
Sorry for not being clear I am still waiting.

Submitted a form 1 and still nothing after 220 days.

I emailed the ATF and they said the forms go in order they are received and they haven't gotten to it yet.

And if there is any problem they will call me. [rofl] What B.S.
Hasn't the ATF put a hold on all MA applications until Maura Hitler gives them clarification including pre 7/20 and pre 94 preban stuff as well?

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