Blood test for lead came back high

Shoot suppressed a lot? Once I suppressed my AR, even with a gas redirecting charging handle and a captured H2 buffer spring assembly, every shot was a puff of cancer and lead into my eyes and mouth and to be expected shooting a normal right side ejecting AR left handed. So I went and got a left handed upper and bolt and that took care of it.
Going back a ways I shot in a bullseye league for ~15 years, my sister still is and probably for well over 20 years now.
At one point one of the guys on our team got tested with worrisome lead levels so of course a bunch of us were reasonably concerned and also tested.
Can't remember the exact numbers but I'm going to say maybe a dozen of us tested and just two others came back elevated.
Wasn't a lot of correlation as to who was elevated as far as how frequently they shot or whatever (and being a small/anecdotal test group obviously) but the one common denominator seemed to be reloading.
I was doing a lot of reloading (much of it with uncoated pills) as well as shooting at the time, came in fairly clean and wasn't really taking any special precautions other than the obvious stuff like washing hands. Usually also spent a lot of time in the range on home matches calling lines and staying late to clean up. My sister also tested low with similar exposure time/circumstances, though she wasn't reloading.

As mentioned here already and in retrospect I suspect some of it has to do with individual physiology and how prone you are to absorbing the stuff for whatever reason. I remember the guy who originally tested high was very serious about it and started wearing a respirator and gloves while shooting, quit reloading, investigating other environmental factors, etc and still had a long and difficult time lowering his levels.
People think I’m nuts but I literally always wear gloves when reloading ie handling brass bullets loading primer tubes etc
People think I’m nuts but I literally always wear gloves when reloading ie handling brass bullets loading primer tubes etc
It's the purple gloves you use. If you had blue ones we wouldn't laugh so hard :)

I always stock up when Harbor Freight has them on sale and usually post it in the Deals and Steals thread
It's the purple gloves you use. If you had blue ones we wouldn't laugh so hard :)

I always stock up when Harbor Freight has them on sale and usually post it in the Deals and Steals thread
🤣 I’m running low on my purple gloves! Got some cheaper black gloves but I need more purple gloves. It’s my signature accessory known on NES 😂
🤣 I’m running low on my purple gloves! Got some cheaper black gloves but I need more purple gloves. It’s my signature accessory known on NES 😂
I have box of gloves there but never use them. But I wash hands through the process. I do not think it’s a lot of lead you get through skin, but dry tumbling and then separating media from brass- that is for sure a sucky step and at winter time it is all indoors.
I have box of gloves there but never use them. But I wash hands through the process. I do not think it’s a lot of lead you get through skin, but dry tumbling and then separating media from brass- that is for sure a sucky step and at winter time it is all indoors.
Even in the winter I do it outdoors. The media separator I have is enclosed and you spin it to separate. I do all of that outside. I will take the brass out inside when I’m inspecting the brass
The hand washing, special cloths and other suggestion is overkill

Go look into lead levels of professional
Shooters who go through close to 100k if not way more rounds a year. What do you see them doing?
The hand washing, special cloths and other suggestion is overkill

Go look into lead levels of professional
Shooters who go through close to 100k if not way more rounds a year. What do you see them doing?

Shooting factory ammo.

Wearing team branded clothes that surely get stripped off and washed immediately after shooting.

They probably don’t even clean their own guns.
I know a bit about lead poisoning. I used to work in a lab that tested for it. In all likelihood your work did not contaminate you, lead wheel weights are an aloy of lead and not readily absorbed by the skin.
Your exposure comes from shooting. Probably the air at the range. Most air handlers do a very poor job. That and contamination from your hands or clothing. Shoot at outdoor ranges and wash hands and face well after shooing. Wash clothing when you get home. Sweeping up brass is a great way to contaminate everyone around you. Ping me if you want to discuss.

I assume normal blood tests don’t screen for lead, you need a lead test? If so I’ve no idea my lead level.
Try to stop picking your nose and bawling about your crappy scores wiping all those tears out of your eyes is definitely not helping!
Quest offers the lead test too. Currently $58.

They regularly have sales on different tests but I’m not sure I’ve ever seen this on sale.
My first gun club was 1/4 mile from my house and I used to shoot pistol extensively (all lead bullets) every Sunday in the indoor range. Essentially that range had no air flow. For 2-3 days after shooting, every time I blew my nose, lots of black crud was the result. Mitigation was discussed a few times, but nothing was ever done. They ran NRA 3-gun every month, had a very active pistol league, etc. Finally, for this reason and some internal politics, I quit that club after 24 years (in 2000) and joined Braintree R&P which has a very well maintained HEPA system.

A number of years later I ran into the pistol league chairman from my first club at BR&P. He told me that he had reportable lead levels from shooting there! I don't know what MA gov does with reports from doctors of patients with high lead levels, but nothing ever changed at that club.
With grease and gunk from presses or lube on cases, just better to wear gloves and not have to deal with scrubbing your hands clean.
skin is actually quite good, if you have no other conditions, for preventing poisons into your body. just need to have enough mental control to remember not to shove poison covered fingers into anything else while they are, well, poisonous.

but inhaling lead covered dust from the cleaning media is quite real. to do it outside like andrew does is the best idea, but, laziness prevails, of course. :)

other part, well, to throw away dirty media is a more problematic topic, as it is just as annoying of a process. i even have enough of fresh one, but just after this exchange yesterday forced myself to empty out old content that was pretty black and was in there for probably an year at least. and i have clean media for at least 3 more refills. no excuse, just laziness.
I know a bit about lead poisoning. I used to work in a lab that tested for it. In all likelihood your work did not contaminate you, lead wheel weights are an aloy of lead and not readily absorbed by the skin.
Your exposure comes from shooting. Probably the air at the range. Most air handlers do a very poor job. That and contamination from your hands or clothing. Shoot at outdoor ranges and wash hands and face well after shooing. Wash clothing when you get home. Sweeping up brass is a great way to contaminate everyone around you. Ping me if you want to discuss.
We have a couple of guys at my club that have tested high for lead. They were both regular attendees at the weekly indoor work party that cleans the indoor range including sweeping the rubber backstop media back up onto the berm and emptying the spent brass cans and sorting the brass (removing aluminum and steel cases). They started wearing good quality masks with filters and washing up with de lead soap after finishing up for the night.
People think I’m nuts but I literally always wear gloves when reloading ie handling brass bullets loading primer tubes etc
If they think that, they probably don't reload.

I also wear gloves. Keeps all the lube, powder and junk off my hands. Easier to throw a glove away when I need to step out than having to wash my hands every time because I can't touch anything without getting it dirty.
I assume normal blood tests don’t screen for lead, you need a lead test? If so I’ve no idea my lead level.
And most doctors will tell you to screw. I called around, no one gave a sh*t. I ended up paying something like $50 for a lab to do it.

This was maybe 3 or 4 years ago.

I made a post on NES, and most sided with the doctors, that there was no need for them to order a test if I was healthy, or something like that. :rolleyes:
And most doctors will tell you to screw. I called around, no one gave a sh*t. I ended up paying something like $50 for a lab to do it.

This was maybe 3 or 4 years ago.

I made a post on NES, and most sided with the doctors, that there was no need for them to order a test if I was healthy, or something like that. :rolleyes:
Do you recall who you ended up using to get the test? This seems like an easy option:

Do you recall who you ended up using to get the test? This seems like an easy option:

It was either Quest or Personalabs.

I rememebr I payed online, showed up to a building and they did the test. I had the results a few days later.

Edit: found the Email. It was in 2019, Personalabs. I haven't used them since then.
And most doctors will tell you to screw. I called around, no one gave a sh*t. I ended up paying something like $50 for a lab to do it.

This was maybe 3 or 4 years ago.

I made a post on NES, and most sided with the doctors, that there was no need for them to order a test if I was healthy, or something like that. :rolleyes:
Yeah, my doctor was initially slightly hesitant to do the testing too. I felt a little vindicated asking for it when my levels came back high.

At this point I'm thinking everyone who shoots at least semi regularly and especially if you are a reloader, should be testing yearly. If your doctor wont do it as part of your physical, $50-$75 a year out of pocket is a drop in the bucket for what we spend on everything else to keep track of your lead levels and your health.

Looks like it is $52 at Quest diagnostics which are pretty common here in MA.

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