Close quarters combat with a raccoon


NES Life Member
NES Member
Dec 2, 2005
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Let's say, just theoretically, you have a highly self-confident raccoon which knows how to open your dog door and visit your laundry room. Let's also say, theoretically, you have a 22 magnum rifle which does not have iron sights, just a rail for mounting a scope.

What would theoretically be the best close-quarters optic with which to engage in combat with said raccoon if it became necessary.

This is entirely theoretical. I would not fire a 22 magnum in my house or off my porch under any circumstance for pest control.
OP wating for the doggy door to open....

I dunno why you're busting the lil guys balls. He's just coming over to borrow some tide pods. Your wife probably forgot to tell you. [wave]
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A REAL man would take an entrenching tool, sharpen the edge and turn it 90 degrees. That's what they did in Nam.

Seems any cheap red-dot would work. I'd worry about shooting and wounding an animal inside my home or near a home ingress. But that's just me.

Live trap. Large trash can. Water. Problem solved.

(Heard a story of a guy that was gonna do that and theWife made him put it in the woods across town instead. YEs, that's illegal. I know. But the poor widdle fing! So he does. Opens trap. Raccoon comes around and bites him hard on the finger. Whoops. Go to hospital. RABIES POTENTIAL. So a gashed up finger and rabies shots. A trash can and a pissed off wife would have been better.)
If you get him in a trap, then you can experiment with which rounds work best. Whatever you do, after he is taken care of, make sure to hang him outside for a while so the other raccoons get the message that they shouldn't go into your house.
Samurai sword?

Louisville Slugger?

Set up a snare?

Claymore mine?
Fire poker.
When I was a kid, the neighbor down the street lit his first fire of the fall in the fireplace. He forgot to open the flue. When he did open the flue, a raccoon dropped down into the flames. The burning racoon immediately started running around the living room full of drapes, carpet and cloth upholstered couch, setting things on fire as he went. Watching the neighbor chase and dispatch the critter with the poker would have been a real (grizzly) go-pro moment.
Buy or rent a live trap. That will be the cleanest. From experience in live trapping they will tear up grounf under the trap something awful. They can be mean dodes so be careful. Try to get him trapped outside the house so no damage inside as he goes bananas if the 1st shot is not effective. Good Luck!
Now that’s a party

Fire poker.
When I was a kid, the neighbor down the street lit his first fire of the fall in the fireplace. He forgot to open the flue. When he did open the flue, a raccoon dropped down into the flames. The burning racoon immediately started running around the living room full of drapes, carpet and cloth upholstered couch, setting things on fire as he went. Watching the neighbor chase and dispatch the critter with the poker would have been a real (grizzly) go-pro moment.
Remember that once you have worked out the details of you plan it will take a minimum of three people. You being the man of action, another to film, and one more to hold your beer.:eek:

Tannerite is always an option:D

Seriously, open the pet door and put a havahart trap there or near by. Sardines make a good bait as does cat food. Then you can dispose of the masked bandit in the way that you choose. No muss no fuss.

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