Close quarters combat with a raccoon

Every gun owner needs a .22 revolver and a handful of .22 shorts. I've never tried the quiet .22LR, but I guess they would work just as well.

Never thought about rabies and the bloodspray. I guess you should go with "trap and cap" outside or in a WMA like whacko said. I'm not safety conscious - I'd probably dump a 9 round cylinder into the thing and throw some bleach on the walls.

Carcass disposal is best done by cutting open it's belly to ensure some guts are coming out (wear gloves for crying out loud), swing twice around body and heave through liberal neighbor's window at 3:00AM.
Have it on very, very reliable authority (I’m not openly admitting to first hand witness) - subsonic .22lr square in the forehead will just piss off a raccoon.
Back in the early 80s when coon hunting was big and the pelts use to bring good money all we used was 22s , My High Standard victor has probably killed over 300 tree,d coons when I first started I had a model 15 but pelt buyers didnt like big holes in pelts most dropped dead before they hit the ground a 22 head shot on a coon will drop them dead.
With a raccoon? No, it almost definitely doesn’t. A 22LR bothers them about the same as a .177 pellet gun. Those obnoxious furry f***ers do NOT die easy.

Very true. Plenty of stories about people tossing the traps into water with just barely enough room left for them to get their snouts out and the bastards hanging on all day.
I would add caveot to place trap strategically so you can safely confirm you have a coon and not a skunk.......thats something you want to learn the easy way

Good point. I have released several skunks without getting spritzed.

I always put a hook to hold the door open so I don’t have to fool around with it when there is an animal I want to release. If you put it in the right place it will lock the door open automatically.

Approach slowly with a blanket or a tarp and lay it over the trap. The darkness settles them down and you can open the trap. Sometimes they will come right out and take off; most of the time they will stay right there and leave overnight.

Back in the early 80s when coon hunting was big and the pelts use to bring good money all we used was 22s , My High Standard victor has probably killed over 300 tree,d coons when I first started I had a model 15 but pelt buyers didnt like big holes in pelts most dropped dead before they hit the ground a 22 head shot on a coon will drop them dead.

Same here.
Spend many nights chasing hounds in the dark.
Those were fun times .
1.go to junkyard and pull airbag from anything in front of door and prop side next to door up a few inches
3.wire up with trigger right behind dog door to complete circuit
4.set up 2 gopro's, one at door and one covering expected trajectory.
5.wait for raccoon to lauch itself over neighbors house and bounce off the next roof over video and become internet legend like the guy who made the deck squirell catapult.

You forgot: 7. Profit!
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