Close quarters combat with a raccoon

Well cobra you were right, lots of good ideas so far. I'm sure there will be more coming. I myself would be mostly concerned with collateral damage to the house, or loved ones, but as for Rocky raccoon, F**k em. He'll make a very nice winter hat. YMMV
Vicious, filthy little sh*ts and they carry diseases, don't risk getting bitten at all costs. Trap and drown them as prescribed. Then cut off its tail as a trophy and hang it from your cars antenna and drive around with it :D
I say leave him alone...

Sincerely, the dog

1) block the doggy door for a few nights.

2) get a piece of chain link fence and lay it on the ground with an extension cord and alligator clips. Hook up power to the fence and ground everything around it. (Bonus points if you keep the area wet with a hose).
Also, stop being a pansy and let the dog in and out as needed. Without the doggy door it wouldn’t be a problem to begin with. What kind or dog do you have that can’t handle this problem.
Sit down with it and talk it out over a beer and some buffalo wings. Appeal to its sense of reason.

If for some unforseeable reason that doesn't work you can then kill it with malice aforethought but a clear conscience.
1) block the doggy door for a few nights.

2) get a piece of chain link fence and lay it on the ground with an extension cord and alligator clips. Hook up power to the fence and ground everything around it. (Bonus points if you keep the area wet with a hose).

yeah we removed the dog food from the mud room and have taken to putting the plexiglas blocker into the doggie door at night. Still I'd like some payback for the trespassing, and I'd like to be able to leave the dog door open at night sometimes without worrying about this varmint.
Let's say, just theoretically, you have a highly self-confident raccoon which knows how to open your dog door and visit your laundry room.

I got bit by a raccoon last year.
$13,000. initial emergency room visit with rabies shots. Follow up shots cost more. ...
So whatever you do try not to get bit.

Don't paint the inside of the mud room with rabid raccoon blood, either.

claymore facing the doggy door

Pro-tip: Front toward raccoon.
If you're in the same room with it (hypothetically), I wouldn't think you'd need any assistance with sights or an optic. You're in point & shoot range, and will likely be moving, and shooting at a moving target. Just aim down the barrel at it...

Have you considered a .410 shotgun?
The hell with sealing the door shut. I would bait him into a trap. Instead of drinking beer and watching TV. I would be drinking beer and watching the doggie door.

Make sure you take video!
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