Emergency Preamble to be signed Weds?

I wish I could slap a bayonet lug on my sa85, it's the short gas tube type so it would be no use, doesn't mean I won't thread that immediately
I do not buy ammo at that store but I did notice they added the glass
I assume it was in preparation of the law so they put glass with locks on the ammo cabinets
They would leave them all the way open, with the key in the open lock, so I do not think it was because of theft
It was theft. My wife and I were there over the holidays and she found an empty 9mm box in a jacket pocket. Brought it to the CS desk and they said it happens all the time.
From what I’ve heard Carl was also a leading proponent to block internet ammo sales from happening in MA. Purely selfish endeavor to keep ammo sales high at his store. I get it, but still a crappy thing to do to your customers.
No shit...

Well f*** them then if true.
Ya, you win.
From what I’ve heard Carl was also a leading proponent to block internet ammo sales from happening in MA. Purely selfish endeavor to keep ammo sales high at his store. I get it, but still a crappy thing to do to your customers.
I've heard a metric f*** ton of things about various regional boxlike shops that would make a lot of people here very displeased. 🤣 The problem is most of these things lack verification. Most are not like Ted Oven going out in public and openly bragging about being a douchebag. 🤣

"Box stores gonna box". Fine by me, it helps keeps the towel attendant/ low infos /tire kickers out of the good shops.
I've heard a metric f*** ton of things about various regional boxlike shops that would make a lot of people here very displeased. 🤣 The problem is most of these things lack verification. Most are not like Ted Oven going out in public and openly bragging about being a douchebag. 🤣

"Box stores gonna box". Fine by me, it helps keeps the towel attendant/ low infos /tire kickers out of the good shops.
f*** Ted.

Sorry. Could not resist
I still relish the fact that I once did a privsale in his shop and the staff was friendly enough to let me use the copy machine to dupe an FA10.... 🤣 (this was when you had to fill out the pdf because the carbons were gone)

He has been trying to sell out. No takers.

My neighbor was his realtor.

He was adding BB gun ammo and some other stuff to pump up his value.

this was years ago.
How do exclusivity deals keep prices down? A big store getting a volume discount does but exclusivity?
Might be some meaningless crap they sign like non compete clauses etc. I can't imagine that there's anything too exotic that they could do without violating antitrust laws. Nearly all buyers groups are regulated by the almighty dollar / commit / buy in over basically anything else.

ETA: there are smaller shops in New England that are even in these groups but they're harder to spot because they're not that common. Most don't want to put up the up front capital.
You can continue to buy basic 10/22 outside of mass assuming a free state dealer will sell to you. It will require an LTC. Non MA dealers are clearly not bound to the new "list" requirement. The new law does not make it unlawful for someone to acquire/possess an off list long gun that isn't an "ASW", it only inhibits a mass dealer's ability to sell one.
Who can recommend the shop for the 10/22 takedown lite?
Originally I was in the “unintended consequences” boat. But specifically if you read the original bill, the 8/1 language wasn’t in there at all. It was absolutely purposely added.

What are you talking about? What do you mean, “original bill”? It was absolutely in the bill passed and signed on July 25th. (H.4885)
4885 was not the original bill. That's why you saw all those lawn signs with ghetto 8,8,5 stickers on top of the "4420" numbers.

Sure, whatever. “Original” if you’re going back that far is kinda meaningless. There was also the senate “original bill” which was different in other ways.

The 8/1 crap is there because they expected to pass this crap in the spring, but couldn’t stay hard for long enough to come; then the end of July came along and they rushed to completion without sufficient foreplay, passing H.4885 packed with typos, wrong references, and crap language.
Sure, whatever. “Original” if you’re going back that far is kinda meaningless. There was also the senate “original bill” which was different in other ways.

The 8/1 crap is there because they expected to pass this crap in the spring, but couldn’t stay hard for long enough to come; then the end of July came along and they rushed to completion without sufficient foreplay, passing H.4885 packed with typos, wrong references, and crap language.
"Going back that far" You mean referencing the draft of the bill that was released in 2023, 3 months before the current one and was the only truly new gun bill in MA since 1994? Yes the bills changed since then. Which is my point. They made concessions to each other to add certain language. Someone's cousin's contracting company got a 12 million dollar solar field contract, and you got the ability to put a brace on a a lower you bought at least 2 months ago.
Explain this one to me muzzle brakes can now be unpinned?
1526 Section 131M. (a) No person shall possess, own, offer for sale, sell or otherwise transfer in the commonwealth or import into the commonwealth an assault-style firearm, or a large capacity feeding device.
(b) Subsection (a) shall not apply to an assault-style firearm lawfully possessed within the commonwealth on August 1, 2024, by an owner in possession of a license to carry issued under section 131 or by a holder of a license to sell under section 122; provided, that the assault-style firearm shall be registered in accordance with section 121B and serialized in accordance with section 121C.
Originally I was in the “unintended consequences” boat. But specifically if you read the original bill, the 8/1 language wasn’t in there at all. It was absolutely purposely added. So they call these laws “Christmas tree” or “ornament laws”. Basically, it’s 120 pages of bullshit and not every lawmaker is on board. And obviously it’s going to pass, but maybe a pro gun lawmaker is willing to give a concession to a future law that is also coming down the pipe that might not pass without his vote. He’ll make a deal “hey, we all know that the current LTC holders don’t commit gun crimes. Put in a provision that makes them happy and I’ll agree to pass your other law and f*** over all future gun owners.” This was INTENDED
No, it wasn't - the bill was written by outside forces then a group of legislators that have essentially zero gun knowledge massaged it into the current form under cover of night.
Nothing that was positive was intentional - their intention was to eliminate gun possession to the greatest extent possible.
hey f*** head. you could have just typed "yeah the 50oz weight limit is gone, check threads on here for more details". you know, like the guy above you did. people like you are exactly what drive away newcomers. and you wonder why we barely got the required signatures.

The law was slated to not be active for another year. sorry it got bumped up and suddenly we all needed a refresher on what's legal today.

You should read more and post less if you’re going to lead off with being a c***.
I am a bit behind on the posts. Has anyone filed a motion for a temporary emergency injunction to halt the tyrant's emergency preamble?
Not that I’m aware of. Is that even an option?
Toby Leary spoke on video about doing this. Not sure if he was entirely serious, but he has a lot of money on the line with his shop. It wouldn't surprise me if he has his lawyers looking into it.

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