First Handgun in MA - Skip Larger Sizes Due to 10rd Cap?

Just f*** all the glocks and 1911s, and f*** the parade of clowns on NES who recommend it.

Get a CZ SP-01. It is as much fun to shoot as it is to say CZ.
As a CZ fan boi. I approve this post.

(I have a SP-01 and just bought a shadow 2 compact to replace it for idpa)
a Glock 43X is pretty much a single stack Glock 19

almost the same physical size, just a C hair thinner.

The reality is most use of force situations are less than 6 rounds fired.
This is true and should definitely be considered when deciding on what you want. I was taught that most self defense shootings occur within 5-7 feet, last 5-7 seconds and involve 5-7 shots fired.

Now if I KNEW I was going to get in a gunfight tonight, I’d go out wearing body armor and carrying an AR-15 with at least 6 spare magazines. As well as a backup pistol. However, realistically I’m never go to be in a shooting (I hope) so I carry something that is comfortable, easy to conceal and that I shoit reasonably well with.
So why go with a 38 when you can have twice the fun with a 357
Capacity is a mute point if you can't hit the barn
Because some .357's come with a 9mm cylinder like the Ruger Blackhawk or the extra sexy Taurus 692.

I encourage everyone on NES to buy the Taurus 692, it is that damn good.
I have to accept that the Glock 19 really does check all of the boxes. I may buy one just so I can tell it I hate it every time I open the safe.

I did this with a G17. It's very satisfying.

Seriously, I'm still not turned on by the bloomin' things, but you can't argue with results: I cannot miss with that damn G17, and it carries delightfully. Just an absolute Swiss Army Knife of a pistol.
If you are going to stick to 10 rounds and are not going to carry it, I would say 1911 style
I am a Sig guy... 226-229-220-320- 365. But my new favorite range toy is a CZ Shadow 2 and I love shooting my 1911's, they just feel right in the hand
I had a 239 and a 226. They never did much for me.

Now a Shadow 2, that is a whole different kettle of fish. The Shadow 2 is an awesome gun.
Hi all,

Looking at purchasing my first handgun (mostly a shotgun guy). At the moment, I’m considering the VP9, Glock 19, or the M&P 2.0 Metal. This will be mostly a range toy and a home defense gun - maybe I’ll carry it occasionally but don’t expect to do so very often which is why I am not too concerned with the size.

That said, all of these are designed to hold like 17 rounds and I’d obviously have 10 round mags as a MA resident. Part of me is wondering whether I’d be better off with something with a shorter grip that is designed to hold closer to the 10 round MA cap, but I see lots of MA people carrying these or similar sized guns even though they can’t really use the capacity.

Does it make more sense to look at smaller guns like the VP9sk or Glock 43/26 that will fit my whole hand with an extended mag finger grip and have less wasted space in the grip? Or should I just go for a larger frame and use mags that are like half spacer?
I own and occasionally use a Full size VP-9 (with an aftermarket slide and optic). I daily carry a P365 due to the ease of carrying it. Are you carrying all the time? If so, a compact like a G-26 might be the ticket. If you want capacity, pre ban mags will cost you dearly in any kind of modern handgun. My advice would be go with the VP-9 or Glock 19 if you want to hone up your skills and carry semi-regularly(aka in street clothes), or a smaller gun If you intend to carry 24/7 including gym and shorts.
Why on Earth would you recommend a .40 to a noob? Let the dude get his feet wet with 9mm first, then he can start looking at other options.

I'm not saying a first time pistol owner can't be well served by an alternative caliber, I still want to recommend .32 to people because of low recoil and improved accuracy, but I know some people will faint when they see the price of the ammo on the shelf at, uh, wherever the fukk people buy ammo that's not on the internet.
Well I did mention a g23 and a .40 to 9mm barrel for it, so he can shoot 9mm from it for practice, shoot .40 when he really need it. .40 is not bad,I got that from John l. Plaster,the guy who wrote "the ultimate sniper"book.


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Well I did mention a g23 and a .40 to 9mm barrel for it, so he can shoot 9mm from it for practice, shoot .40 when he really need it. .40 is not bad,I got that from John l. Plaster,the guy who wrote "the ultimate sniper"book.
I get that, that was a reason my first auto was a Glock .40, but today I shoot a lot more 9 than 40 because the price is cheaper and if I'm going to load my own it's going to be 10mm.
Hi all,

Looking at purchasing my first handgun (mostly a shotgun guy). At the moment, I’m considering the VP9, Glock 19, or the M&P 2.0 Metal. This will be mostly a range toy and a home defense gun - maybe I’ll carry it occasionally but don’t expect to do so very often which is why I am not too concerned with the size.

That said, all of these are designed to hold like 17 rounds and I’d obviously have 10 round mags as a MA resident. Part of me is wondering whether I’d be better off with something with a shorter grip that is designed to hold closer to the 10 round MA cap, but I see lots of MA people carrying these or similar sized guns even though they can’t really use the capacity.

Does it make more sense to look at smaller guns like the VP9sk or Glock 43/26 that will fit my whole hand with an extended mag finger grip and have less wasted space in the grip? Or should I just go for a larger frame and use mags that are like half spacer?
HK VP9, Glock 19, M&P 2.0 ( I would not recommend metal frame if you will carry, to heavy ) All would serve you well for home defense, range time and occasional carry. I am partial to the VP9 great pistol but, more expensive then the Glock or M&P.

Glock would have the edge if you want pre ban standard capacity magazines $$. Sig P226 would be an option with plenty of pre ban mags.

Even with the stupid mag ban in this state if your in need of 17 rounds or more during a home invasion situation you better be fighting to a rifle or shotgun ! IMHO

Lots of good options
Home defense?

You need 17 or 15 round capacity.

If you and your family and kids are targeted for a home invasion- the gang of thugs coming over has hi caps.

You need a gun like a Glock 19 or 17 that you can shoot accurately with more than 10 rounds.

If you are just going to Dunks, capacity is less of an issue unless you are defending against multiple attackers.

A Glock 17 hi cap mag might as well be 2 guns at that capacity.

You don’t have a chest harness in your bedroom safe?
Home defense?

You need 17 or 15 round capacity.

If you and your family and kids are targeted for a home invasion- the gang of thugs coming over has hi caps.

You need a gun like a Glock 19 or 17 that you can shoot accurately with more than 10 rounds.

If you are just going to Dunks, capacity is less of an issue unless you are defending against multiple attackers.

A Glock 17 hi cap mag might as well be 2 guns at that capacity.

Don't fall for this BS. Also, don't buy his mags.

OP, the simplest answer is:
- buy whatever you are comfortable holding and can aim naturally.

- Buy the most reliable gun. Forget about saving $100-200. That is stupid thinking, specially when you want something to potentially save your life one day. Unless your life is worth sh*t, then buy sh*t.

- Ignore mag capacity. Get what you can accurately shoot and are comfortable with. 17 rounds means sh*t when you can't hit a piece of paper 10 yards away.

- Ignore re-sale price. That is stupid thinking.

- Get a caliber you can afford to practice with. .45 is nice, but if you can't afford the ammo it is a waste.

- Don't get rApetiled.

- You are only allowed to buy a .40 during pride month.
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There is zero reason for you to buy a smaller pistol given your intended use, so don't limit yourself. I'm sure once you get the pistol and become more comfortable and proficient using it you'll want to look into getting the LTC and that's when you'll want to look at smaller sizes.

If there's any size to magazine capacity restriction worth looking at it's width, there's no benefit to doublestack pistols around these parts other than common magazines. One I'd recommend is a 9mm 1911 and I'd suggest Rock Island due to being a good bang for the buck. I'd rather recommend more modern pistols like the Glock, but I'm drawing a blank on any poly frame single stack 9mm's that aren't compacts. Maybe the Glock 48?

The one thing you don't want to do is to buy a negative value gun, one where as soon as you buy it it's like the South Park meme "Aaaaand, it's gone!" as you'll never be able to resell it except for packs of cigarettes and malt liquor.

An alternative option is always Hi Point, those are actually highly regarded for their simplicity and value.

Given the popularity of 9mm, I can't recommend any other calibers for a first time pistol owner.

Your advice on guns is as terrible as the guns you buy.

Don't fall for this BS. Also, don't buy his mags.

OP, the simplest answer is:
- buy whatever you are comfortable holding and can aim naturally.

- Buy the most reliable gun. Forget about saving $100-200. That is stupid thinking, specially when you want something to potentially save your life one day. Unless your life is worth sh*t, then buy sh*t.

- Ignore mag capacity. Get what you can accurately shoot and are comfortable with. 17 rounds means sh*t when you can't hit a piece of paper 10 yards away.

- Ignore re-sale price. That is stupid thinking.

- Get a caliber you can afford to practice with. .45 is nice, but if you can't afford the ammo it is a waste.

- Don't get rApetiled.

- You are only allowed to buy a .40 during pride month.

Anyone else think it's funny that one of NES's biggest shitposters comes out of the woodwork and gives the first good answer ITT?
I disagree with people saying don’t worry about capacity. It’s important. Maybe not on a flat range. But if 2 or 3 armed thugs just kicked in your door in the middle of the night, id much rather have 17 in the magazine than 10 and potentially have to do a reload under the most stress you’ve ever been in, in the dark, and your families lives are on the line. Is it the most likely scenario? Maybe or maybe not. But it’s worth preparing for that level of violence, if you’re going to prepare for any at all.

I would suggest you buy a gun that has a market for pre-ban standard capacity magazines. If it’s primarily for home defense, most of the time a longer grip is a good thing not a bad thing. But you do want to make sure it’s not too fat for your hands if you have little girly hands.

For a carry gun, I’m a little more in the camp of there are plenty of guns that are good carry guns because they are small and are only designed to have 10 round magazines anyway. I can see that. I’m big enough to carry the men’s models so I don’t need to go down that road. But to each their own.
Why would 2 or 3 armed thugs kick in your door in the middle of the night? I suppose in that situation I would want full capacity, how ever in that situation a shotgun with 8 rounds would serve you better
Anyone else think it's funny that one of NES's biggest shitposters comes out of the woodwork and gives the first good answer ITT?
I always give good answers when a thread deserves it.

It just happens that so many threads are either sh*t, or a good answer was given 10 times so there is no point in mentioning it an 11th time.
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