Guide To Gun Rights in your MA Town - 2020 + Edition

To start it off. This is a couple years old but I know for certain nothing has changed. Same chief. Same admin doing the processing, etc. Harvard. Bright Green. State application. No extra requirements. Unrestricted license given. They are damn fast (< 40 days when my son applied). They also give green cards to anyone with an 03 with no issue. Couldn't be better.
Braintree. I renewed after getting restricted (target-hunting) on my first try. Renewal was unrestricted 2 years ago with a different chief and a different licensing officer.

Also: according to the licensing officer, who asked me several times during the sit-down renewal if I'd ever been convicted of a violent crime, to which I answered several times, "no," he calls me as I'm on my way home and says that back when I originally applied, someone made a "clerical error" and checked box number 8 on the application form while transferring the information to the computer. Braintree PD form mostly mirrors the federal 4473 form. He told me I was "all set" at the end of the conversation. Yellow or red. Whatever.
Woburn is not great. Probably Red. Maybe Yellow depending on how you rank them. This is from summer 2020.

General - Told me they never give unrestricted to first time issuance. Said they would give me the least restrictive they allow for first timers, "Sporting". Said I could apply for unrestricted on my renewal.

Administrative - They were responsive, but wait time was about a month to get an appointment.

Suitability - They require reference letters which kinda sucked but I don't think is that uncommon. What is uncommon is they give you a multiple choice exam based on the Massachusetts gun laws. And the exam was actually somewhat difficult because it was a lot of obscure things that no one would have memorized unless you studied (To which court do you send your appeal of denial of firearms license, how many days do you have to do X, Y, Z, etc).

Despite their stupid test and rule about restrictions, one good thing I can say is that they were all polite and respectful.
Woburn is not great. Probably Red. Maybe Yellow depending on how you rank them. This is from summer 2020.

General - Told me they never give unrestricted to first time issuance. Said they would give me the least restrictive they allow for first timers, "Sporting". Said I could apply for unrestricted on my renewal.

Administrative - They were responsive, but wait time was about a month to get an appointment.

Suitability - They require reference letters which kinda sucked but I don't think is that uncommon. What is uncommon is they give you a multiple choice exam based on the Massachusetts gun laws. And the exam was actually somewhat difficult because it was a lot of obscure things that no one would have memorized unless you studied (To which court do you send your appeal of denial of firearms license, how many days do you have to do X, Y, Z, etc).

Despite their stupid test and rule about restrictions, one good thing I can say is that they were all polite and respectful.

This is great, this is the type of info we need, whenever possible! It makes it easier to define patterns of abuse etc. Will add to main post.
Arlington is green. I got my Unrestricted license in October, 2018. There was a 3 month waiting period.

There is a paragraph every applicant has to write about why they deserve the ‘Unrestricted’ classification. That’s about it.
Woburn is not great. Probably Red. Maybe Yellow depending on how you rank them. This is from summer 2020.

General - Told me they never give unrestricted to first time issuance. Said they would give me the least restrictive they allow for first timers, "Sporting". Said I could apply for unrestricted on my renewal.

Administrative - They were responsive, but wait time was about a month to get an appointment.

Suitability - They require reference letters which kinda sucked but I don't think is that uncommon. What is uncommon is they give you a multiple choice exam based on the Massachusetts gun laws. And the exam was actually somewhat difficult because it was a lot of obscure things that no one would have memorized unless you studied (To which court do you send your appeal of denial of firearms license, how many days do you have to do X, Y, Z, etc).

Despite their stupid test and rule about restrictions, one good thing I can say is that they were all polite and respectful.
Holy hell. I wrote a letter for a friend (also a student of mine) when he applied. I had no idea there was a quiz too. That's brutal.

Don't be confused, even with vague definitions, this is very red
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Woburn is not great. Probably Red. Maybe Yellow depending on how you rank them. This is from summer 2020.

General - Told me they never give unrestricted to first time issuance. Said they would give me the least restrictive they allow for first timers, "Sporting". Said I could apply for unrestricted on my renewal.

Administrative - They were responsive, but wait time was about a month to get an appointment.

Suitability - They require reference letters which kinda sucked but I don't think is that uncommon. What is uncommon is they give you a multiple choice exam based on the Massachusetts gun laws. And the exam was actually somewhat difficult because it was a lot of obscure things that no one would have memorized unless you studied (To which court do you send your appeal of denial of firearms license, how many days do you have to do X, Y, Z, etc).

Despite their stupid test and rule about restrictions, one good thing I can say is that they were all polite and respectful.
So they were polite while they violated you rights, how nice of them.

Everything you listed under Suitability is NOT required in the law. And while there is a "Suitability" clause, what you list here would not qualify, even under the wrong definition the courts are using.

That you call this not uncommon is exactly the kind of accepting an unlawful restriction as normal that I'm talking about.
Ashland as of 2016 was green, but required two letters of reference that were probably circular filed and took 12 weeks exactly from prints to the call to pick up the license.
Ashland as of 2016 was green, but required two letters of reference that were probably circular filed and took 12 weeks exactly from prints to the call to pick up the license.
So yellow.
They require extralegal components in the applications and take way over the legal limit to deliver the LTC. That's not green.
Chelmsford was slow but very green outside of going over the so called required turn around.
Zero questions about “reasons”
No restrictions
No extra requirements
You should add two numbers to the rating. The first is how long it took to apply, the second is how long it took to actually have LTC in hand.

For example:
Acton - Green, 0, 40
Brockton - Yellow, 20, 60

These were made up numbers, but you get the idea. I think that would be easy to add and helpful.
So yellow.
They require extralegal components in the applications and take way over the legal limit to deliver the LTC. That's not green.

Issued with no restrictions or questions about it, though, which is the traditional definition, is it not?

If we go by the other two things you list, then there's no town in this state that could ever be green given they all take for f***ing ever.
Issued with no restrictions or questions about it, though, which is the traditional definition, is it not?

If we go by the other two things you list, then there's no town in this state that could ever be green given they all take for f***ing ever.
I guess. I may have been confusing the "bright" green. My bad
Marshfield is/was Green, at least in 2019 when I got mine.

Took two weeks to schedule the appointment (only one officer does them, creating a bottleneck), 30 mins for the chit-chat that is really a poorly disguised suitability interview (but as those go, not overly intrusive and friendly enough), and about 45 days to get my LTC, unrestricted.

EDIT: Oh yeah, although 2 references were requested on the form, no letters were requested or required.
In 2013, Chelmsford demanded that references write letters of recommendations.
None required now. It was just the state application.
I doubt it is the same licensing officer currently based on his age.
I have experience talking to the LOs for both Medford and Melrose.

I got my LTC in Medford in 2017 and last year in 2020, I called the LO and he was adamant that they will absolutely not lift restrictions for the 1st time license holders (aka me). The LO in 2017 (who I believe is now chief) straight up told me that the only way to get unrestricted the first time in Medford was to own a business or be in a special profession (lawyer/doctor/etc/you know the deal). In fact he dared me to "fight the chief" on it. I wish I could have recorded the encounter but ye olde MA wiretap law was in effect at that time.

Melrose is a completely different story and again, I called Melrose LO last year to ask about their policy. He said Melrose CoP "generally" issues unrestricted to first timers but I'm sure that that was just a way to hedge in case someone they deem a nutcase applies, or to make it known that they "could" restrict it if they wanted to. But given that there are 0 restricted LTCs in the scorecard and that the Melrose LTC instructions do not mention requiring references, I would say it is green at a minimum and perhaps bright green.
Woburn's Red

c. 2019: Restrictions are all but guaranteed on first applications; require letters from two references who they then call to check up on the applicant.
Do you know if Woburn requires references for recent transfers that are due for renewal? I'm coming up for renewal next year and I'm not sure if I should even "move" to Woburn.
Franklin - Green, maybe Bright Green. My son and I first got our permits/licenses (he got an FID since he was 15 and me an LTC-A) about 13 years ago. I recall that it took about a week to get our appointments - filled out application, got finger printed, had photos taken, paid the fees and that was it. No reference letters required. Nice chat with the LO. When I asked if I would get a restricted or unrestricted LTC, he said after going through the process and background check and getting approved, they didn't see any reason for issuing a restriction and got my unrestricted LTC.

Six years later, my son applied for his LTC. Same efficient process. The only thing they required was that since he was going to LTC from FID, he retake the safety course. Made sense to me. They issued an unrestricted LTC. We both renewed a few years ago and again, same quick, efficient process.
Topsfield is so green the PD gives the class a few times a year with "live fire" using their simunitions guns. In the class they tell you to apply for a LTC cuz the price and process is the same as for an FID. The application has a place for your reason for the license and they tell the class to simply put down "all lawful purposes ".

My 22 year old son got his unrestricted class-A on the first try. I also see a few MG licenses in Topsfield in one of the spreadsheets. I guess the ratio of 702 LTCs to only 37 FIDs says something too.
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Past 6 months. My wife took the safety class, applied, and 6 months later got her class a unrestricted on her first try.
I remember years ago they took FOREVER. 6 months is ridiculous. But at least she got unrestricted I hope renewal doesn’t take that long
Webster is bright green. Got it as a new app, unrestricted, last year. Think process took around 45-60 days. No references ( I asked and he said are you going to give bad references, I said no and he said "okay they check out then" lol), no letter.
From 2020 T&G article mentions Oxford chief:
Nice! Good for him.

Here’s a quote from the Northbridge PD website that made me wonder about there:

“A chief may issue a Class A to a non-disqualified person who is “suitable” and who has “good reason to fear injury to his person or property, or for any other reason, including the carrying of firearms for use in sport or target practice only.”
Lowell. Green to yellow. First time applicant in late Nov 2020. I had no issues as a first time applicant except for the hoops to jump through.

I had taken the basic safety course and a safe carry course (combined at OnTarget in Dracut). Three letters of recommendation (I think they asked for 2) and an essay on why I wanted an ltc. No appt needed. I just showed up on one of their office / open days with my application and paperwork and waited my turn. Finger printed. Brief interview. The LO was polite and engaging. I received my class a unrestricted in the mail 6 weeks later in January of this year.

I wonder if hearts and minds are changing in Lowell??? Lowell has a history of not issuing unrestricted. My brother in law stated he inexplicably lost his unrestricted status upon renewal in lieu of sporting/target restrictions just a few years ago. I am not 100% convinced his original was unrestricted though. It seems odd and he is a bit vague on his renewal conversation and process. Another friend had no problem getting his previously restricted flipped to unrestricted at renewal last fall. He also needed letters of recommendation and an essay and had taken the same course I took.
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I spoke with Officer Berube of Attleboro. He is currently processing applications from the last week of September 2020. 7-8 month backlog I was told. Ridiculous

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