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GOAL should tell them. Legalize Suppressors to fight noise pollution just to mess with them.
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I just can't see the hold-up being a money thing. DimocRATS love to spend our money. It's fully half of their official party raison d'être. And let us not forget that much of the cost of implementation will be borne by the people along with the cities and towns through their police budgets. The state doesn't give a rat's ass about those dollars.I think it’s mostly C. They are strapped for cash now with the ridiculous cost of housing, food, clothing and whatever else for all the illegals. It really seems like they really didn’t realize how big the spend would be for it.
Trust me... they know full well there will be multiple lawsuits and they have exactly ZERO concern about that. Leftists wear such lawsuits as a badge of honor... a profile in courage for defending their anti-constitutional ideology and more money and staff for the state AG's office.I don’t think they’re too concerned with Bruen considering how outlandish and over the top their bill is. You don’t chuck out something that retarded if you’re worried about blowback.They were ready to duke it out in court when they started rolling it out. It’s the cost of all their other f***ery that makes litigation suddenly not an appealing option.
As my old Indian co-worker always used to say in such times... "Something's going on" ... and in this case, it's nothing good. Nothing good at all.There’s definitely some in fighting happening behind closed doors. I think the Senate is giving the house a little pp slap.
They don't much care about law suits because nothing comes out of their own pockets. It comes out the taxpayers of Massachusetts pockets. I'm fortunate in being able to move out, so I don't have to fund any of that foolishness.
They want us to have been part of the making of the bill because….political cover.
They get to say it is gun owner approved.
One of two things is gonna happen.....
Your gonna hear crickets until it gets passed in the dead of night, and your gonna wake up in the morning with your ass sore from the night of legislators ramming it up your butt.
Or it will get pushed out and you can breathe a little sigh of communist relief for the short term.
Lest not forget you still can't own a full cap magazine, cans, and a lot of other things legally here, and MA is like #2 on the do not ship anything to list as well. Your rights are violated hard already.
This. Unless they fxck with renewals most long term people have their shit and wont be impacted unless caught with itMeh.
I'm not going to ultimately care because I will not likely personally be impacted. Long termers already know how to dodge all that shit, and/or have opted out of their bullshit. The worst outcomes are going to be on the noobs which haven't gotten over the pant shitting phase yet or don't have a license. That's the truly disturbing impact of this legislation is the chilling effect problems, downstream. Makes it incredibly harder to get new people into gun ownership.
Later than that. This will be rolled out well after midnight on the 31st.I'm still expecting a 5pm news dump on the 31st
My question is do I put my upper and lower together and register now, before a possible legislation is passed? I know, I know. Nobody knows.
Your first mistake was posting this on here. Keep calm and carry on is my advice.My question is do I put my upper and lower together and register now, before a possible legislation is passed? I know, I know. Nobody knows.
Yeah, I was thinking the same last night... Is this (i.e., the Trump assassination attempt) the event the MA Legislature has been hoping for to finally justify pushing the "Mother Of All Anti-Constitutional Gun Control Bills" down our throats?
It's probably not exactly what they wanted (not enough dead bodies)... but is it close enough?
Remember, July 31st is coming at us pretty quickly now.
It won’t be law until Healy signs it, which is earliest end of the week. It’ll be voted on tomorrow though.Full grandfathering for everything owned up to this garbage signed into law. Sale, transfer after that is ok…
Sign into law is supposedly tomorrow.
You/ us all were warned and had plenty of time. In the next few hours I will acquire… nothing as I need nothing.
I believe Healy indicated that she will sign it immediately as soon as it is voted.It won’t be law until Healy signs it, which is earliest end of the week. It’ll be voted on tomorrow though.
We’ll need to understand effective dates since laws aren’t effective immediately when signed unless there is an emergency preamble.
That may just be for serialization since it’s in that section. We need the actual text."Exempts antiques, curios and relics from the definition of firearm."
How do they define curios and relics? I'm guessing not the same way as the ATF wrt 03FFLs