MA Gun Grab 2024: H.4885 - Passed legislature, headed to the governor

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Even if my P365 is GTG, this might be the end of CC for me. It’s the no carry zones. The locations I work put me right up against the the current restricted areas, These added areas will make it impossible to navigate. I’ve had a sidearm on me every day of the week for the last 10 years. I’ve been called out just one time when my shirt rode up over the grip. The cascading ramifications of someone enforcing the new zones (as slim as that might be) would be catastrophic.
Dicta from scotus already shows where allowable restrictions can be placed
Everyone of those places (courts, polling, legislative buildings and schools) all have one thing in common - layered physical and armed security.

Whole we need a good case to do so, we should see an end to gun free zones within 5 years.
When I got divorced, I was instructed to mail my child support check to a DOR “lockbox” and it would be added to my ex-wife’s state debit card. I mailed the first check early and it was cashed. The lockbox showed no record of it. I called to make sure it went thru, and they said it did. Two weeks later , same thing. Two weeks after that, I got a notice in the mail that I was three payments behind and they would be contacting my employer and taking the payments directly out of my check from here on.

I didn’t bother contacting anyone in government about this current issue, because they don’t give one single f*** about me.

They tell you there’s a process and a format to follow, but they have no intention of honoring their side. They just do what they want and claim it was the result of your own negligence.

They don’t care if you intend to comply or not. We are the enemy and that is the only lens they view us through.
Never get involved with the Massachusetts DOR they will do what ever they can to screw you, and take no prisoners. This has got to be the most ruthless government agency in Massachusetts. I have a story to tell, however it is too long a story and this is not the post to tell it.
According to the review summaries they indicate a semiauto ban. With the new “assault-style firearm” definitions, approval board, and another wacky restricted roster it makes sense to get something you were holding off on before Aug 1.

The 2 volume dealers I posted above from the mailers, one interpreted as “rifles” no longer to be sold, and the other one from Carl lists both SA rifles and shotties.
Everything will be subject to the roster
Since there are only handguns on the roster, no shotgun or rifles of any kind will be available for commercial sale in Massachusetts until testing is developed and manufacturers comply.
We are far better off with GOAL that without them.

My concern about litigation is I fear GOAL may bring a case requesting the court to throw out the entire law. This is a path almost certain to fail, as it gives the courts numerous issues to decide - and if it is inclined to be anti-gun rights (d'uh!!) the common tactic is to hang a denial on one or more of the weaker claims and not even address the strong claims.

What is needed is to bring a suit to address a single point of the law. Perhaps "non transferrability" or property as a taking; the 2A as applied to all semi-auto rifles; or maybe even the ban on carrying legally owned pre-ban magazines.

It is easy to find an attorney to agree with your strategy as long as you bring funding to the table. It's tougher to find an attorney who actually knows how the game is really played who will advise you "slow down on your goal, go for something smaller, and you just might win". As K. Dragger described, it's eating an elephant one bite at a time.

When Comm2A went after the non-citizen LTC, we formulated the case based on the inability of lawful permanent residents (non-MG "green card" holders), not non-citizens in general. Sure, it would have been a better win if we had included anyone lawfully present in the US ... but widening the scope would have significantly reduced the chance of a win. We presented the court with a case involving vettered individuals on a clear path to citizenship, not 21 year olds on student visas from questionable countries.

Does using plaintiffs like a former British serviceman with an honorable record and a Boston based MD both with green cards as plaintiffs rather than Abdhul al Hassan from Iran, Yemen or Syria who is here on a student visa make a difference in the outcome? According to blind justice, no .... but that's not how things really work.

Not perfect, but Comm2A accomplished something and moved the needle just a bit in our direction. We may very well have lost if a wider net was cast.
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Are his feelings the same about you owning guns? Does he own guns? If not why no? Guessing you have same upbringing, so should be similar thoughts on 2A.
Yes, he does have guns, and we have been to the range a ton. He firmly believes in his rights, as do I. Upbringing doesn't have much to do with it, as neither of my parents have any. My dad is a felon.
That’s for large capacity feeding device. Look at the assault weapon definition.

It doesn't specifically state rimfires are exempt but it does state "centerfire" rifle so I guess that exempts all rimfires as assault rifles? Franklin Armory in 17 WSM good to go then?

So how are you going to circumvent the roster now?
Neil what’s your intrepretation on grandfathering status of the following:

Pre 94 AR’s
Pre ban mags
Massified ARs
Semi autos like sig mcx etc.

All granfathered in if efa10’d prior to 8/1 with ability for indefinite private sale/transfer in the future?
Currently at The Gun Rack...


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Neil what’s your intrepretation on grandfathering status of the following:

Pre 94 AR’s
Pre ban mags
Massified ARs
Semi autos like sig mcx etc.

All granfathered in if efa10’d prior to 8/1 with ability for indefinite private sale/transfer in the future?
I've been trying to stay out of the fray. I agree with all your points as to those guns and mags being grandfathered except I think the intention was to try to only grandfather pre Maura ban ARs. I think they're still in the same place they were after the edict bc of the "legally possessed" language, so a crap shoot. As a practical matter I think you aren't likely to see prosecutions for pre 8-1 guns.
Neil what’s your intrepretation on grandfathering status of the following:

Pre 94 AR’s
Pre ban mags
Massified ARs
Semi autos like sig mcx etc.

All granfathered in if efa10’d prior to 8/1 with ability for indefinite private sale/transfer in the future?
What is a "massified AR" exactly?
I've been trying to stay out of the fray. I agree with all your points as to those guns and mags being grandfathered except I think the intention was to try to only grandfather pre Maura ban ARs. I think they're still in the same place they were after the edict bc of the "legally possessed" language, so a crap shoot. As a practical matter I think you aren't likely to see prosecutions for pre 8-1 guns.
I assume this isn't the case if there is an emergency preamble and signature prior to August 1st?

Also if that were to happen, wouldn't even barrel shrouds be problematic for existing owners as the new definitions would apply prior to 8-1?
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