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Those in that position can still buy one from someone else in state that has a pre 7/20/16 gunSo f*** anyone who got their license after that?
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Those in that position can still buy one from someone else in state that has a pre 7/20/16 gunSo f*** anyone who got their license after that?
Most dealers did not FA10 a lower frame/receiver so acquired by a buyer pre-2016. So essentially a “Pre-Healy” lower - so these are OK to FA10 prior to 8/1 and be grandfathered?By the letter of the bill? No, I don't believe so unless the dealer did an eFA-10 for a zero length multi caliber entry.
This kind of pessimism does not help.
Maybe they need to bring in some famous people. Maybe stage it as a "gun control rally" (but not say the anti gun control part), With social media, this can still be a winning way to follow up and move forward. People need to come up with new solutions and new ideas, as the old methods just are not working.
I think most gun owners in the know have settled in a quiet mode of civil disobedience. People have been bending over backwards to stay within the confines of the law, but when the laws change to bend you over to physical impossibility, people will naturally come to the conclusion that in for a penny, in for a pound.
I haven’t bothered to look at the verbiage on registration. Just not interested at all at this point. Really? Registration? Guess we’ll find out how ‘law abiding’ Massachusetts gun owners are, soon enough.
Pre Healy is a feel good moniker that means zero.Most dealers did not FA10 a lower frame/receiver so acquired by a buyer pre-2016. So essentially a “Pre-Healy” lower - so these are OK to FA10 prior to 8/1 and be grandfathered?
If not what is the legal status of these pre-healeys after 8/1?
*raises hand*
Yep. Trying to understand all this is really just way more work than I feel like doing. When you already know you don't intend to follow a law, your mentality changes.
Did NY or CT have an FA-10 equivalent before requiring registration? If MA just rolls the FA-10 database into the registry, will you need to “(re)register” what they already have record of you owning? Whether accurate or not? If you don’t register what they have records of you owning, isn’t that just a roadmap of who’s ignoring the law?
Oh oh oh that’s me. That’s me. This really sucks.So f*** anyone who got their license after that?
Seems like a nice guy. Doesn't get it though. Voting in MA to fix this shit? As he said himself 50+ years of MA shitting on 2A.
NY and MA demonstrate an intermediate step for registration:NY (the state not the city) didn’t register anything but pistols prior to the SAFE Act. The SAFE Act added registration of what the crown identified as assault rifles. There is no registration of fudd-type long guns in NY even now.
Everyone's favorite native American is out there still spewing her nonsenseAnyone else notice how quiet the Democratzis have been about banning "assault rifles" since one was use to try to assassinate President Trump?
Everyone's favorite native American is out there still spewing her nonsense
Anyone else notice how quiet the Democratzis have been about banning "assault rifles" since one was use to try to assassinate President Trump?
Every party agrees it is time for unity on controversial issues.She’s such an embarrassment, even by MA pol standards.
For .....'s question, if you have some AR's or other guns that were never in the FRB what will the new law be?
...what guns?
I'm being serious. Delete this post and tell your friend "Congratulations." If the jerks who work for the State doesn't know about his guns, why in god's name would he want to tell them?
What if they want to sell those guns going forward?...what guns?
I'm being serious. Delete this post and tell your friend "Congratulations." If the jerks who work for the State don't know about his guns, why in god's name would he want to tell them?
What if they want to sell those guns going forward?
...what guns?
I'm being serious. Delete this post and tell your friend "Congratulations." If the jerks who work for the State don't know about his guns, why in god's name would he want to tell them?
Legit questions, stuff before this transfer shit was put in place, and we know it’s riddled with errors and botched/missing entries. So some guy tries to sell his pre whatever In the state and it’s a no go. And LTC revoked at that point and further undesirable consequences.
This thing is an abomination.
Concur - everything I'm saying here comes with a bigboy pants disclaimer.
You enjoy your position because thousands of patriots bled and spilled blood for your rights.
Freedom dies when a generation fails to understand that fact and act with the responsibility it inspires.
I know for sure that lower was FA-10'd years ago when it was originally built it out. f*** knows why it isn't in their garbage database.So a lower that someone bought and tossed in the safe 20 years ago (anything pre-2016) and never FA-10 (as was not assembled) is no good? Purchase receipt or supplier confirmation of manufacture date good to enter into portal as 5.56? .22LR? …built out
Just make sure your M1 carbine does not have the Type 3 barrel band with the bayonet lug. That's the most common configuration and would put you at 3 evil features under the new test. detachable magazine, "shroud," and bayonet lug.I don’t think so. The Garand does not have a detachable magazine, and the other two do not have pistol grips. But the shroud addition will make a lot of rifles illegal.
George Washington would likely be labeled a terrorist under todays definition. I find it strange that people on the right are willing to get bent over to avoid being labeled this or that by the people bending them over.I’m sure the patriots that came before me made it a point to make blowhard comments on the internet signaling their plans to rebel.
Not to mention the fact that we are quite literally behind enemy lines. This isn’t a majority of Massachusetts revolting against the British an ocean away. This is a minority of Massachusetts residents being out voted by the majority population. While I know I am right, I also know that to take direct action would be the literal definition of terrorism. We have a judicial branch for a reason. Are we any better than the liberal mob if we don’t give the judicial branch a chance to be the check and balance it was intended to be?
Please, using plain English explain to me what responsibility I should be inspired to? Whose blood should I spill? What’s the term for that? Murder?
I really wouldn't compare you getting pissed because your Fundemental Rights are getting stripped to a liberal mob, lol.I’m sure the patriots that came before me made it a point to make blowhard comments on the internet signaling their plans to rebel.
Not to mention the fact that we are quite literally behind enemy lines. This isn’t a majority of Massachusetts revolting against the British an ocean away. This is a minority of Massachusetts residents being out voted by the majority population. While I know I am right, I also know that to take direct action would be the literal definition of terrorism. We have a judicial branch for a reason. Are we any better than the liberal mob if we don’t give the judicial branch a chance to be the check and balance it was intended to be?
Please, using plain English explain to me what responsibility I should be inspired to? Whose blood should I spill? What’s the term for that? Murder?
Just make sure your M1 carbine does not have the Type 3 barrel band with the bayonet lug. That's the most common configuration and would put you at 3 evil features under the new test. detachable magazine, "shroud," and bayonet lug.
The new "Inland" produces a special variant for California that does not have the bayonet lug, which appears that it would work even under this new bill.