MA Gun Grab 2024: H.4885 - Passed legislature, headed to the governor

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So if all my ak47s are now considered assault weapons can I unpin the stock and put flash hider in them?
They were already considered assault weapons, you were already breaking the law. Scroll back a few pages on this thread, there was a whole discussion on this topic
Hey, stupid question:

Did the full capacity magazine restriction go away? I don't see any restriction on them in the bill. Am I missing it?
Is grandfathering officially part of the bill, now???

Or will it have to be voted on???
While nothing is official yet, from my previous post (Post #744), it looks like assuming grandfathering does make it to this bill, it will only apply to those who are willing to register their guns. No register; no grandfather!

I think this will end up being the case unless they end up making a distinction between 1994 pre-bans and 2024 pre-bans. As it's currently written I think the exception A for what firearm is defined as an AW becomes irrelevant with the proposed exception G.

I want to believe this -

But if the criteria for being "legal," after 8/24 or passage of this bill, is being "legally-owned," beforehand, wouldn't that mean that AW's are grandfathered in the condition they are prior to 8/24 and would have to be neutered or pre-94 to be "Legally owned" at the time?
While nothing is official yet, from my previous post (Post #744), it looks like assuming grandfathering does make it to this bill, it will only apply to those who are willing to register their guns. No register; no grandfather!


Since raw 80% lowers are the same as “assault weapons” in this bill, can we register an incomplete but serialized lower and do anything we want with it like it was pre-94?
We might be better off if it passes without any amendments.

The more horrible this thing is, the better it might be for us in the courts.
This thinking is actually very wrong. The problem is, each singular portion of this horrible monstrosity will have to be litigated one piece at a time in the courts. The more B.S. that is in it, the longer it will take in court to get each piece overturned. The current amount of nonsense in this bill would probably take 15 to 20 years to fight piece by piece. Letting them pass the worst version is our worst option. It is my opinion that contacting Senator Spilka and asking that Bill S.2572 be tabled until a proper public hearing can be scheduled with proper prior notice is our best hope of stalling it and being heard. Also contact your local Chief, and ask if and why they support disarming their citizens.
While nothing is official yet, from my previous post (Post #744), it looks like assuming grandfathering does make it to this bill, it will only apply to those who are willing to register their guns. No register; no grandfather!

That is amendment #23. There is also amendment #11 which does not mention registration. I don't understand how these may conflict with one another. But this is how I read it.

Amendment ID: S2572-11
Amendment 11
Grandfather Clauses to Assault Weapons Ban
Mr. Tarr moves that the proposed new text be amended by inserting in line 112 after the word, “clause (i);” the following: - “(H) any weapon lawfully possessed in the Commonwealth prior to the passage of this act;”.
So this would read:

"provided, however, that “assault weapon” shall not include: ... (H) any weapon lawfully possessed in the Commonwealth prior to the passage of this act;
Is it safe to assume that all the folks at the Mill this weekend will be buying AR-15 lowers so they can register them before the ban?

Otherwise they would be worthless.
Remember, MCOPA has blessed what the Senate did. No gun bill has ever passed w/o MCOPA blessing. Other than three of those guys standing for a photo op, where is this on their website? Where is the letterhead endorsement?
This is all we got so far which says enough for me.

Gillis said his group was won over by "all the conversations, the ability to collaborate with Senate leadership about how a bill should be crafted, what would be effective, what wouldn't be effective." He declined to highlight any specific policies that association prefers in the Senate version to the House version.

"I don't think we're going to get into a back and forth and contrast about what we like in the Senate bill versus what we have issue with in the House bill," Gillis said. "I can say that what we find in the Senate bill makes sense. It's concise. At the end of the day, it has to be enforceable. Whatever this body does has to be carried out by people in our sphere, and when it's distilled down and simple and makes sense, it's going to work. So that's what works for us."
Remember, MCOPA has blessed what the Senate did. No gun bill has ever passed w/o MCOPA blessing. Other than three of those guys standing for a photo op, where is this on their website? Where is the letterhead endorsement?
They posted it on their official Facebook account
There’s multiple ‘grandfathering’ amendments - there’s also #69 by the bills author
I missed that one. Thank you for pointing it out.

in section 3, by inserting after the word “weapon”, in line 115, the following words:- “; provided further, that the weapon shall not be considered a copy or duplicate if the weapon was owned and registered in the commonwealth prior to July 20, 2016”.
Big question here: what's to stop anyone from buying a banned weapon in Maine or NH in private sale other than the seller refusing to sell it to you?
amendment 75 the voluntary do not sell to me database 🤣 for when your sane self registers your crazy self preemptively?
Big question here: what's to stop anyone from buying a banned weapon in Maine or NH in private sale other than the seller refusing to sell it to you?
The fact that federal law prohibits private sales of firearms across state lines. All interstate acquisitions of firearms have to go through an FFL.
Damn, all those $200 tax stamps and waiting for Form 1s are now all for naught for those who went that route.
Not exactly. Most SBRs in this state were stamped because, well, they are federally SBRs. Not necessarily because of the AWB madness. Are they still screwed? Sure, but functionally no worse than any other AR/AK/whatever owner is under this "new" AWB. Obviously it depends on motive, but most people I know with stamps were not so much concerned about the state's BS.
Call your police chief. They never saw the bill.
The board of MCOPA supported it. Chiefs never had a voice.

Sneaky. Think they didn’t learn anything from the House?
Agree, confirmed this with my Chief. The lobbyists from the various police chief associations sat down with the legislators, the chiefs didn't have a vote like they did with the House bill.
Agree, confirmed this with my Chief. The lobbyists from the various police chief associations sat down with the legislators, the chiefs didn't have a vote like they did with the House bill.

And is your chief burning up the phone lines, talking to his own MCOPA board? Bitching at them?

Has your chief issued a public statement on his own account, like some local CoPs did in response to the House bill even before MCOPA came out against it? Nothing is stopping him.
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