NES Member
So let's say hypothetically you purchased a PCC with 2 or more of the evil features from a MA FFL then you are illegal regardless of the fact the FFL sold/transferred it to you.
Ruger PCCs weren't introduced until December 2017. I made the comment in reference to the 2016 edict. I guess I added confusion instead of clarity.
The 2016 Edict is just political grandstanding and of no relevance to anything legal. So we will discard that thought.
You are responsible for every gun you possess. We all know this in terms of keeping it pointed in a safe direction, finger off the trigger, etc. But this also applies to the gun's legality. The law says you cannot possess an assault weapon. There is no caveat that says "unless sold to you by a FFL". It is a felony for the FFL to sell you an assault weapon and a felony for you to possess.
The FFL is very unlikely to get in trouble even if you are arrested and prosecuted. They can raise reasonable doubt that compliance work was done before it went out the door and you changed it after you left to make it illegal.
So unfortunately, should this purely hypothetical situation occur, you would be the only one at any serious risk.
On a totally unrelated note, we do compliance work at my shop should you ever need any