MA Gun Grab 2024: H.4885 - Passed legislature, headed to the governor

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Grandfathering is already put in - anything you legally possess by August 1, 2024 is going to be legal.
According to Amendment 23:

"(H) any assault weapon lawfully possessed within the Commonwealth on August 1, 2024 by an owner in possession of a license to carry or by a holder of a license to sell; provided however that the assault weapon shall be registered and serialized."

The "Rally on the Common" thing has been a joke for years. The lefty DimocRATS laugh at it. It does nothing... it affects nothing... if a rally happens and no one reports on it, did it really even happen? :oops: This is what I mean when I say that GOAL seems wedded to old, ineffective strategies. 🤔
Funny…it works for the democrats but they get numbers and violent.
Gun owners in this state are lazy F*cks when it comes to thier rights . Something is better than nothing, like exactly what’s going on as we speak. Better than sitting on your ass Last rally barely hit 200 people. But many went into the state house and talked to reps and senators like my group did.
If we had 1000, maybe 5000 and all/most went to speak to our elected officials, that would have made a a statement. Made news.
That will never happen here because the left has beaten us over and over and we have the defeatist attitude now. Better to sit on our ass and wait than fight, cause they gunna win.
Funny…it works for the democrats but they get numbers and violent.
Gun owners in this state are lazy F*cks when it comes to thier rights . Something is better than nothing, like exactly what’s going on as we speak. Better than sitting on your ass Last rally barely hit 200 people. But many went into the state house and talked to reps and senators like my group did.
If we had 1000, maybe 5000 and all/most went to speak to our elected officials, that would have made a a statement. Made news.
That will never happen here because the left has beaten us over and over and we have the defeatist attitude now. Better to sit on our ass and wait than fight, cause they gunna win.

Yeah that narrative will never see the light of day even if it did happen.
Why would they?
Well this says SBRs would be assault weapons and illegal to possess unless grandfathered. So after the 2016 bullshit (when ATF for a short time halted form 1’s) I’m assuming they’ll actually care about the current MA gun laws and not approve form 1s since they would violate MA laws? Who knows. I realize ATF isn’t supposed to enforce state laws but…
So if all my ak47s are now considered assault weapons can I unpin the stock and put flash hider in them?
I think this will end up being the case unless they end up making a distinction between 1994 pre-bans and 2024 pre-bans. As it's currently written I think the exception A for what firearm is defined as an AW becomes irrelevant with the proposed exception H.
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Grandfathering is already put in - anything you legally possess by August 1, 2024 is going to be legal.

The HELOC market's jumps as NES collectively buys everything they might ever want, in six months time

and buying now to resell later won't matter, because you won't be able to transfer them right? I gotta go pick up some lowers.... an AR-9, an AR in 7.62x39, and an AR-10

Full send. To the mill!!

According to Amendment 23:

"(H) any assault weapon lawfully possessed within the Commonwealth on August 1, 2024 by an owner in possession of a license to carry or by a holder of a license to sell; provided however that the assault weapon shall be registered and serialized."


Funny…it works for the democrats but they get numbers and violent.
Gun owners in this state are lazy F*cks when it comes to thier rights . Something is better than nothing, like exactly what’s going on as we speak. Better than sitting on your ass Last rally barely hit 200 people. But many went into the state house and talked to reps and senators like my group did.
If we had 1000, maybe 5000 and all/most went to speak to our elected officials, that would have made a a statement. Made news.
That will never happen here because the left has beaten us over and over and we have the defeatist attitude now. Better to sit on our ass and wait than fight, cause they gunna win.

f***ing RINO Tarr…

Here’s Tarr with John Rosenthal…View attachment 844583

This is fake news.

Thanks for the amendment; get in the helicopter.

I think this will end up being the case unless they end up making a distinction between 1994 pre-bans and 2024 pre-bans. As it's currently written I think the exception A for what firearm is defined as an AW becomes irrelevant with the proposed exception G.

My guess is yes. I still have one pending approval, going on 80 days...
Is grandfathering officially part of the bill, now???

Or will it have to be voted on???
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