Conference Committee
When a stalemate develops between branches over an amended Bill, a Conference Committee is estab-
lished to try to resolve the disagreement. A Conference Committee is made up of three legislators
from each branch, chosen by the Speaker of the House and the Senate President. Two of the mem-
bers are chosen from the majority party; the remaining member is selected from a minority party.
Usually the Chairperson of the Committee where the Bill originated from is selected as the
Chairperson of the Conference Committee. This selection is often made to acknowledge the
Chairperson's expertise and knowledge of the subject area.
Conference Committee members are expected to uphold the position of their prospective branches.
However, each Conference Committee is responsible for working out a compromise that both branch-
es can agree upon. Once a majority of Conference Committee members reach an agreement a
Conference Report is sent to the floor from which the Bill originated. A Conference Report cannot be
amended; it can be only accepted or rejected by this branch and sent to the other branch for accep-
tance or rejection. Conference Reports that are accepted by both branches are sent to the Governor
for signature or veto. Rejected Conference Reports are sent back to the Conference Committee for
further negotiations.