MA Liberals on Reddit Need Firearms and 2A To Defend Against Mean Tweets

It's still there

That might be the gayest thread I have ever read on there. Jesus christ. "I'm going to have a cable lock and a case lock, but leave the key to the case with a friend incase I have a bad mental health day". JFC where do I start? Maybe they should all buy bullets but rent guns.
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Who cares? We're never going to win in this state. The GOP is quite literally invisible in Massachusetts. Instead they spend all of their money on a couple of senate seats.
I would wager you do, because your direct statement was that there was somehow some center people who would vote R for gun issues if there wasn't the pro life/choice divide between left and right that both die on as far as hills. There aren't that many center people, based on how close the %'s run on for/against gun issues compared to overall D vote.
I vote libertarian because the GOP sucks.

The libertarian party is full of crackpots.
Liberals think all the rights in the Constitution apply only to them because they have right-think while those who disagree with them don't because they have wrong-think. Those with right-think are rewarded with rights disguised as privileges by having "right privilege."
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