Making an SBR

When you call, there is a prompt for status on a pending form 1.. they have always been very helpful. Report back what they tell you
I tried fyi before you posted info lol and went thru the prompts nobody picked up . I'll keep trying im at like 92 days now.
I tried fyi before you posted info lol and went thru the prompts nobody picked up . I'll keep trying im at like 92 days now.
I have mixed results, some times 10 days, some time 3 months plus,

If you call they will probably tell you standard processing time is 90 days
So I sent my form1 in on Oct 10th for an SBR build didn't have digital prints but FedEx the prints a couple days later.
Is the non digital prints whats holding up my app we will be at 90 days today? Its still listed as submitted in process

The SBR form I did earlier this year with paper prints took a little under 2 weeks. Eprints were going 2-5 days the time.

IDK what they are doing in the ATF offices but they seem to lose track of these from time to time.
So, much luck. I may have mentioned on ANOTEHR thread, that. . . I forgot my safe combo. And the combo and all of my paperwork WAS in my sock drawer. But is missing. I clearly took it out and. . . . DAMMIT!

I checked with Liberty. If I have the original receipt, they can get me hte combo. If I don't, I need some notarized form from a cop that says that I am the guy. Ugh.

So on a whim, I called Eastern Security. I bought the safe in 99. NINETY-NINE!!!!

In a minute, they had my PHYSICAL file and emailed me a copy of the receipt about 1 minute later.

In case you ever need a safe, know that ESS saves EVERYTHING. Forever.

Now I can open my safe in a couple of days (when I get the combo) and start the SBR process.

Secondary aside: Was watching PewView. He had Silencer Central do a SBR registration for him last week on a YT video.

Time from start to approval? 24 hours. WOW!
Just got one back in 24 hours.

Has anyone ever had their LEO call them asking what the form is? Just wondering because you'd assume some have never seen it before and the whole "maker" designation might have them thinking about "ghost guns" and the new law or something stupid like that. Massachusetts!
Just got one back in 24 hours.

Has anyone ever had their LEO call them asking what the form is? Just wondering because you'd assume some have never seen it before and the whole "maker" designation might have them thinking about "ghost guns" and the new law or something stupid like that. Massachusetts!
That why I didn't send the local pd anything
My recent form1s have been taking about 2 months. Efile. EFT prints, FBI VAF UPIN. Individual. My form 4s lately have taken about two weeks. Just got back two stamps yesterday.
Local PDs don't seem to know much about NFA stuff. Maybe it's because most of their calls deal with state law and local ordinances.
I include a cover letter that only says, submitted as required, no further action is necessary.

I don't really care if the CoP is throwing them away.
Just got one back in 24 hours.

Has anyone ever had their LEO call them asking what the form is? Just wondering because you'd assume some have never seen it before and the whole "maker" designation might have them thinking about "ghost guns" and the new law or something stupid like that. Massachusetts!
When I renewed my LTC, the officer remembered my notification letter and complimented me on SBRing an AK pistol stating the gun really needed a stock to handle well.
Hows your hearing holding up?

Just fine (well, no worse than when I left the Army).

Use ear pro. My 11.5” with a flash hider is no louder/more concussive than a 16” 308.

All guns are loud. I wouldn’t shoot a 16” 9mm without ear pro either.
So stupid. OK. Looks like I'm gonna get it done at Mill for convenience sake.

Now I just need to get my safe open. Don't ask. Long story. LOL

They do charge an extra fee, but they really know their stuff forwards and backwards.

I was at the shop once, and there was a sizable line. Someone in front of me was SBRing a rifle, and the process seemed really smooth and straightforward from what I observed.

I ascribe to the same philosophy you seem to have. You might be paying a tad extra compared to doing it yourself, but you know everything is in order. I'd use them if I planned on SBRing anything in the future.
Free men don't ask permission....or something like that.

but if you pop a short upper onto a rifle lower in your own home, your 'smart' listening device like your Echo, Google smart lock, TV remote, computers, phones can hear the two pins clicking and notify ATF right away and before you know it, they be kickin yo door down an shiet
Im in a free state and not sure why anyone would go thru the hassle SBR over just doing a pistol with no paperwork or fees.

Edit....but I get it if you want a full collapsable stock, can and other features...which now if I finish it I will likely go thru the process of SBR as well.
Can we do a pistol AR in mass now without a pinned mag ? Hard to follow along in this state !
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