Micro-roni.com vs caagearup.com


NES Member
Sep 13, 2016
Western MA
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I may have made a mistake. I ordered something from caagearup, but probably should have ordered from micro-roni.

Anyone have experience with either? Am I about to get a pile of hot garbage from CAAGearUp and recieve zero customer service in terms of rectifying it?

I thought CAA was the company that made micro roni's, didn't realize there was two before doing some google searches and seeing some really bad reviews and talk on reddit.

And now there are 20 websites selling them, unsure if they are resellers or scams.
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I'm asking because they say they ship in 5 to 7 days. I ordered on the 2nd, it's been 11 days and 9 business days, I have recieved no updates, and cannot raise a human via email, text chat on the website, or by calling their listed number. I couldn't even get an automated text bot via chat.
So you got ripped off twice this month? Didn't you have a problem with the husky site too? That sucks. Sorry dude
no, the husky site never charged me anything and I haven't seen anything come through on my card. I also got their current card processor to kick them off, like stripe did.

CAAGearUp #1 complaint is the lack of communication. They have had guntubers review their gear. Although HonestOutlaw and TFBTV would review a tactical fleshlight for the right price.

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M_0mdmNWxSU

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mniWeXGzYxo

and have active social media across the board.

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m3_vjFbiD04

But reddit has less than positive things to say

View: https://www.reddit.com/r/guns/comments/1hb5fx0/caa_gear_up_conversion_kit/

View: https://www.reddit.com/r/gundealsFU/comments/ygpw7g/reviewnegative_caagearupcom/

And review aggregate sites don't speak highly of them either.

Shit, even micro-roni.com doesn't have a physical address or publicized domain name.

CAA Gear Up has a physical location that contains a storefront where you can buy it in person.
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Ok, folks.

I've been on the fence on this.

If Agnotology wants one, so do I.

Where do I go to get one?

Which one is better?

Micro-roni or CAA?

Please provide a link!!!
Whatever, just buy it from CAAGearUp so hopefully you can knock agnotology’s order loose like a vending machine.
Ok, folks.

I've been on the fence on this.

If Agnotology wants one, so do I.

Where do I go to get one?

Which one is better?

Micro-roni or CAA?

Please provide a link!!!

Someone bought one on my recommendation, after I showed him the reviews and the function. Being on sale for $250 made the purchase a lot easier too. I glanced over the google reviews and saw 4.3, but the positive ones now look more and more faked. Super generic and hammering on how their biggest weak points - customer service, communications, shipping times are amazing when all the human-looking reviews are 1 star and complaining about the zero customer service, comms, and ship times.

Looks like it's all out of stock!!!

I am praying that is just a effed up website redesign rollout and I didn't just have to make my friend go through the PIA of a chargeback.

But it's looking that way. 0 replies to emails, call-backs from their voicemail, or responses from their web chat. We ordered it back on the 2nd, they say shipping in 5-7 business days, it's been 10 business days.
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I've got mine for sale. I loved it but sold the gun it was the host for. Any one interested lmk
$150. Glock 17/21 sized

It's this kit. Case and everything

Shoulder it like God intended it to be done. That target is from 30 yards away. Tack driver with a red dot
well, still nothing from these chucklef***s. shipped in 5-7 days they say. Figure 4 days to get up here from Florida. So at the very least, it's a week late.

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