The law is currently a clusterfcuk open to interpretation so whatever you hear here or (anywhere else) falls within the 100 shades of gray.
Do what you want, OP. Fear no shit in your pants.
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The law is currently a clusterfcuk open to interpretation so whatever you hear here or (anywhere else) falls within the 100 shades of gray.
I never said I would. Just was presented the legal options by a MA cop. Given the option to relinquish my beloved AR builds, sell it at pawn shop prices to an FFL, or leave it with my buddy and hope he doesn't treat them wrong, option 3 seems like the best bet.Why in the hell
Would you ever surrender them? I’d say move to NH but you would fit in perfectly in eastern mass
BTW it looks like you get to take, and pay for, two gun safety courses. One to get your license and one to renew in four years when they figure out what the new requirements are.
Eighteen months from now and say OP left some firearms behind in PA, would he (now a MA resident with LTC) be required to register those in this new MA database? Seems unlikely to me.
Ya. Plenty of fat pink haired they thems. You’ve never been to Boston before, huh? Hope it works out.I hear Boston is full of single educated fit ladies is it true? Time to look up some hot yoga spots as well.
Yeah lots of single ladies in and around Boston. All left wingers… good luck with that and gunsAs a single guy in my late 20s with a job offer that would provide a comfortable living, despite the huge jump up in living expenses. I hear Boston is full of single educated fit ladies is it true? Time to look up some hot yoga spots as well.
Visited in my early 20s many years back. Was shocked at the number of fit hot young women jogging around. Back in my smaller PA town, the average BMI seems to be well north of 30 so this came as a huge shocker to me. They can't all be insufferable leftists can they?Ya. Plenty of fat pink haired they thems. You’ve never been to Boston before, huh? Hope it works out.
Sounds good. The local cop I talked with recommended I get rid of all my 9s that hold more than 10 rounds anyway and just get a 45 that holds 10 max cause if you're only allowed to have 10 in a mag, why not it be a gun that was designed for it with the biggest bullet and stopping power? Cops need the extra rounds cause their jobs are dangerous but a civilian in home defense doesn't need more than 10 really ever.
Sell anything not legal in MA (ARs, mags over 10, etc) privately in PA. You'll get the most value that way.I never said I would. Just was presented the legal options by a MA cop. Given the option to relinquish my beloved AR builds, sell it at pawn shop prices to an FFL, or leave it with my buddy and hope he doesn't treat them wrong, option 3 seems like the best bet.
No disrespect to the live free or die state, but why can't you smoke weed in your state?If that’s your attitude please don’t move to new Hampshire. Most of our problems are caused by new comers who are willing to accept a certain level of gun control because it’s Less bad than the s$&t hole they came from. Last I checked Pennsylvania has limits on open carry and limits on carry in so called game lands.
IIRC, if they were not in the state on 8/1, they can't be here now. I beleive the new law applies to the gun as manufactured and they cannot be retrofit to meet the new definition.As for the ARs, the police said I would need to have a gunsmith convert them to permanent 10 round magazine that is not removeable [how do you even load the damn thing then... through the ejection port? wtf? OR sell it to an FFL within the 60 day amnesty period, OR relinquish the rifles to a MA police department so they can be destroyed. FFLs have offered and quoted me about 40% the value of the guns which leaves a sour taste in my mouth. Should I just leave them with a friend back in PA? Or sell at 60% loss to a MA dealer? Surrendering them to the local police seems like the worst option out of the three.
There are dozens of things to hate about Massachusetts, including the politics, traffic, weather, gun laws, etc. But it accomplishes nothing to be disingenuous. Women in their 20s in Boston are some of the hottest in the country. Go to Lincoln Tavern in South Boston on a Friday night...if you don't find an attractive women you're ghey.Ya. Plenty of fat pink haired they thems. You’ve never been to Boston before, huh? Hope it works out.
Maybe something about the vegan feminist soy diets does a woman good. Back home in PA, all those Amish pastries and sweets aren't such a smart idea in the long run. Just no.There are dozens of things to hate about Massachusetts, including the politics, traffic, weather, gun laws, etc. But it accomplishes nothing to be disingenuous. Women in their 20s in Boston are some of the hottest in the country. Go to Lincoln Tavern in South Boston on a Friday night...if you don't find an attractive women you're ghey.
Visited in my early 20s many years back. Was shocked at the number of fit hot young women jogging around. Back in my smaller PA town, the average BMI seems to be well north of 30 so this came as a huge shocker to me. They can't all be insufferable leftists can they?
As a single guy in my late 20s with a job offer that would provide a comfortable living, despite the huge jump up in living expenses. I hear Boston is full of single educated fit ladies is it true? Time to look up some hot yoga spots as well.
There are dozens of things to hate about Massachusetts, including the politics, traffic, weather, gun laws, etc. But it accomplishes nothing to be disingenuous. Women in their 20s in Boston are some of the hottest in the country. Go to Lincoln Tavern in South Boston on a Friday night...if you don't find an attractive women you're ghey.
'Six Figs' is still impressive in central PA but yeah I know it's slightly above poverty in greater Boston. I'll be "pulling" a liveable salary for the area and in my industry, right around 175. Figured out my budget and decided commuting from Quincy was better than having much less left over at the end of every month. You're telling me Boston girls are hoez?I’m not saying there aren’t some. I’ve moved two of them out of the greater Boston area to a free state. But the general pool that most are going to be pulling from, if he’s not pulling in 400 grand a year, aren’t spectacular. I know a lot of ex-colleagues in that area and they’re doing pretty well for themselves and they’re pulling in average looking women.
The hot women we are talking about in Boston are nice to look at but they’re un-datable. They’re either looking for a guy with a larger bank account or they’re hardcore feminist leftist c*** bags that won’t snap out of the smell of their own BS until they’re single and 40 and have got nothing out of life that they wanted. And now theyre settling because their looks are gone.
Other than that, ya you are surrounded by fat pink haired they thems
Yes they can.They can't all be insufferable leftists can they?
Hoez?'Six Figs' is still impressive in central PA but yeah I know it's slightly above poverty in greater Boston. I'll be "pulling" a liveable salary for the area and in my industry, right around 175. Figured out my budget and decided commuting from Quincy was better than having much less left over at the end of every month. You're telling me Boston girls are hoez?
Now you have found one of the things that is so much better in MA.No disrespect to the live free or die state, but why can't you smoke weed in your state?
Well..... He / is / stupid enough to intentionally INTO MA at this point..... trolling not required.Dude. If you did that you would be in possession of illegal magazines in MA, which is a felony. You would quite likely be arrested on the spot.
Don’t bring post-ban illegal magazines into Massachusetts. You can dispose of them out of state or leave them out of state. But don’t bring them into MA with the delusional idea that you should turn them in to the police. That would be like bringing heroin to the police department and saying “I know I can’t have this so I’m turning this in”. What do you think police would do in that situation?
Edited to add, this has to be a troll.
Would you guys trust your guns in a public locker unit? Even if it was climate controlled and they have cameras and you double up with some Abus disc locks, still a bit uneasy about that. Might just leave em with a friend and hope he doesn't destroy them and burn through my uppers. It's only fair -- part of free indefinite storage with a buddy is he gets to shoot it whenever he wants.
Tuft area is not a bad commute from NH (assuming you mean Tufts medical and not Tufts University) as long as you don't drive. I have several coworkers from NH and until recently one from Maine. Most commute into North Station by train, but one drives. The problem (beyond traffic) is they've made parking such a PITA it's not worth it. But if you can get to North Station it's a 15 minute ride on the orange-line....assuming you can get somewhere near a commuter rail station you could do it in under an hour easily.
Someone living in Quincy and using mass transit will spend the almost same time doing red-line/orange-line as someone living in NH doing commuter rail and orange-line.
I have a member of my extended family...lives in Quincy...almost North Quincy. She's legally blind so can't drive. She spends an almost an hour getting to her job not far from Tufts.
Of course if parking is available and not too expensive you can deal with Boston traffic. I can't cause it makes me homicidal. I live in RI. 15 minutes to train station....40-45 minutes on train and I ride through tufts about 10-15 minutes after that. I've tried driving it a couple times...takes me just as long
Please cite. Instead of repeating this Trope that everybody talks about all the time with nothing to back it up. The worst thing that could literally happen is that if the place got robbed or burned down then the facility insurance would not cover any of your shit and they would not be liable for anything that happened to it. You could really only incur any liability if you stored something dumb like flammables in there and it contributed to the building burning down or something.Contractually you wouldn’t be able store firearms and ammo in typical public storage facilities. You’d be at risk in the civil and criminal courts.
This is not true. I don’t agree with the NH law on weed possession. But no, you will not go to jail for having half a joint.If you do decide to eventually move to NH, bring the guns but leave the weed. If they catch you with even half a joint in NH they will throw you in jail.![]()