New acquisitions for February 2008

Not a gun, but it mounts on top of one!
Finally got the Eotech from the Member Group Buy... Can't wait to try it out!


Sorry for the horrible pic.
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My new pickup. Savage .17 hmr with a BSA "sweet 17" scope. Squirrels beware! Im coming for you. Just picked it up at Cabelas today still has that new gun smell.
JuergenG: That is looking very cool. I think the mating of the 1911 and 9MM is a great concept. Do you have the Curio & Relic concept in Germany, or would this be like any other purchase?
Picked this up today. Savage Mark II .22 LR with Tru Glo 3-9 X Scope with illuminated reticle. Nice Rifle!

You're gonna love that one Goose! I have one, and it's extremely accurate out to 100 yrds when sighted in. Is that an after market stock? If so, made by who?
Actually I believe it is this model Rimfire Series
Model Mark II Classic T

Wow! very nice! I can't see the trigger in the original picture, but I'm assuming it has the accu-trigger, right? It'll take some getting used to, but is very sweet! Good grab Goose!
Savage rifles have come such a long way in their design. Fancy stocks with thumbhole grips and high cheek welds, not to mention the accu trigger now being a standard feature. Makes my old 93R17 seem like a POS in comparison and that thing shoots spot on at 100 yards. The only reason I wanna get rid of it is to buy a new savage .17 model target rifle. Looks like I'll need to put the WTS offer back up again but with a cheaper price.[thinking]
JuergenG: That is looking very cool. I think the mating of the 1911 and 9MM is a great concept. Do you have the Curio & Relic concept in Germany, or would this be like any other purchase?

I hold a collector's permit, which is similiar to a C&R.
We need to narrow down the field to either/and time frame, region,
manufacturer, and can then buy w/o any limit other than the wallet.
My latest: 1998 USP 45 from Zero Hour. ANIB with two mags. Marc was great, as usual. I never walk out of that shop without learning something cool.


Holy Crap!!!

That thing is awesome! I have been trying to decide if I want to get the 500 or the 460. I like that the 460 has ammo options. I like the 500 because its the biggest, baddest, meanest cannon. I was at a new shop in Middleton last week with my wife. I was holding the long version of the 500 and my wife said that it looks fake. She went on to say that it looks like one of Yosemite Sam's guns....[rofl]
NX1Z: Do you reload? If so, I think the 500 is the way to go, because you can create a variety of loads for it, somewhat negating that advantage of the 460. And you can't beat the 'biggest baddest meanest' advantage of the 500. If you don't reload, you'll go broke shooting the 500, so the ability to shoot 45 colt out of the 460 would be very helpful.

I'll probably buy a 500 some day, but there are a lot of more practical guns to buy first. Also, there's no way I'd buy a 500 until I start reloading.

Jim (EddieCoyle) has a good web page about X-Frame load development.
Finally a surplus item with shoulder strap to lug around my AK mags. Two Yugoslavian magazine pouches, and one even has some graffiti.[grin]


Now if only I didn't live in a shithole state that prohibits me from owning Yugo AK rifles.[sad]
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