No Guns For Pot Smokers

The story and the lawsuit are pure political bullshit the only purpose of which is to get attention.

The federal government, with very, very few exceptions, defends federal law. Hard stop. The Trump DOJ would have moved to dismiss and a DeSantis DOJ would have as well. Until weed is federally legal is some form, that won't change. And if you think about it, the answer here is to change the law, not have the government undermine laws made by Congress and signed by Presidents.

Florida can also go a long way towards fixing this problem by legalizing recreational weed - i.e. no more cards and registration. Problem solved. But DeSantis won't get behind that because drugs bad. Several years ago, sheriffs here in Oregon tried to deny concealed handgun licenses to people with medical marijuana cards. They were shut down all the way up to the state supreme court and SCOTUS denied cert.

If by some chance this dismissal goes to CA11 and then to SCOTUS, the latter will also likely deny cert or (unlikely) rule in favor of the government.

There really is nothing to see here................
The fact that medical MJ is legal here is nothing short of a miracle. Recreational? Decades here if I had to guess.
Liquor stores have to verify age , and they aren't scanning anyones ID......

Maybe in your AO. Anecdotal but there are a few in this area that are using them now. They are also the same places that have been hit multiple times with underage sales and have "changed ownership" a few times as well.

If your ability to sell liquor is incumbent upon scanning IDs, you can bet yer ass that sh!t is leaving a paper trail.
Speaking hypothetically, the clerk in the foyer scans your license, confirms it's valid. That process "proves" your state id was used to access the building but not that you bought anything. And the security camera could be used if needed to prove it was really you.

Now you go into the secure room. There aren't hundreds of people in line. Walk up to a clerk, he probably glances at your id again, no need to rescan it. He looks at his screen and the last few people that scanned in are listed there, likely with a picture of your id. He clicks that row on the list and poof, your transaction is associated to YOU even if you pay cash.

Use a card? Even easier to correlate your data.

We might as well BE living in the Matrix... You're nothing but data.

I suppose you could steal a license from someone that that resembles you, pay with cash and be safe that way, but if you're trying to be under the radar, find someone to buy it for you, just like kids hanging outside the liquor store...
Liquor stores have to verify age , and they aren't scanning anyones ID......
I’ve been in stores that if you are a grandmother using a Walker you show the ID or no sale. No exceptions.
In Colorado for rec sales they checked your ID to verify you were of age when you entered the store, and checked residency early on when there was a lower limit on sales to non residents to make sure they didn't sell you "too much". The quantity restriction to non residents is gone now.

Medical only shops checked your medical card to verify you had one, as medical sales weren't taxed. Medical sales were tracked to the card to verify tax status.

In Colorado you could be designated a caregiver for a person- meaning you could go buy weed for a patient under their medical card. That would bring up an interesting question for a gun owner.

Concealed carry licenses in Colorado- there were a few sheriff's who would cross reference medical cards and reject licenses. The application did explicitly state that an MMJ card holder wasn't allowed to have a CC license as they were a federal PP.

In Florida, medical only, you must have a state Medical MJ card to enter the store, which is scanned and tracked. Your prescription allows purchase of so much product every 30 days, and the state tracks what you've purchased to ensure you don't go store to store. If the internet is down, the store must stop sales since they can't verify with the state.

The script must be renewed by an MD every 6 months ($150 cost for the doc visit) and the card is renewed annually ($ to the state).
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I thought weed was now legal in Massivetwoshitts. Can someone define the term 'legal' for me? I'm becoming somewhat confused!

Weed is still ILLEGAL at the Federal level. Not only is it illegal, but it's also categorized as a schedule 1 drug, which puts it into the same category as heroin. Weed being illegal at the Fed level has many consequences, and gun ownership is just one of the repercussions. Dispensaries are denied access to the banking system, for example, and have to largely deal with cash, can't borrow capital, etc...

It's stupid and it's reliving the mistakes of the 1920's all over again. But it is what it is...
The story and the lawsuit are pure political bullshit the only purpose of which is to get attention.

The federal government, with very, very few exceptions, defends federal law. Hard stop. The Trump DOJ would have moved to dismiss and a DeSantis DOJ would have as well. Until weed is federally legal is some form, that won't change. And if you think about it, the answer here is to change the law, not have the government undermine laws made by Congress and signed by Presidents.

Florida can also go a long way towards fixing this problem by legalizing recreational weed - i.e. no more cards and registration. Problem solved. But DeSantis won't get behind that because drugs bad. Several years ago, sheriffs here in Oregon tried to deny concealed handgun licenses to people with medical marijuana cards. They were shut down all the way up to the state supreme court and SCOTUS denied cert.

If by some chance this dismissal goes to CA11 and then to SCOTUS, the latter will also likely deny cert or (unlikely) rule in favor of the government.

There really is nothing to see here................

I agree, but you have to admit the process/methodology/standard of evidence they used is pretty garbagy though. "oh you have this card so automatically you're an abuser" a smarter judge would have taken umbrage at the fact that they have a poor definitions under the law for those terms.
You answer the user question on 4473.. Say no...

Questioned about it during a joint NATO exercise using the FBI/ATF/CIA/NATIONAL GUARD/DHS say: I quit 30 days ago, I am no longer a user.

Smoke weed again, then quit 30 days before you intent to purchase..

Or, buy everything FTF :)
That's actually a fun problem with the law like what qualifies as habitual abuser? For example 10 years ago a guy might have smoked pot 28 times in a year and then never smoked pot ever again after that is he still a habitual abuser because of the earlier frequency LOL.. that's how vague and retarded the law actually is
Medical is legal in 37 states, recreational is legal in 19 states, with 12 others decriminalizing possession.

The feds have kept it listed on schedule 1, but also aren't going after any businesses (medical or recreational) in the states where it is legal as long as they are operating under the laws of those states.

They do bust folks for possession on federal lands in Colorado, Forest Service rangers do stake out ski areas that operate on FS lands- although most of the time the rangers were going skiing and they were calling it an MJ patrol.

One of the little known facts is folks were growing in Colorado then shipping it to nearby states where it wasn't legal (Texas, Kansas, Wyoming) hoping to hide the shipments, but the grows weren't registered with the state, so they did get busted at times.

It's about as ambiguous a situation as you can get, it's dumb, and it was Obama who refused to remove it from schedule 1.
People don’t understand the difference between Medical (there is a Dr. recommendation/authorization in place along with a medical card) and recreational.

“Recreational” oxy is illegal, “Medical” oxy is perfectly legal…see what I did there
People don’t understand the difference between Medical (there is a Dr. recommendation/authorization in place along with a medical card) and recreational.
“Recreational” oxy is illegal, “Medical” oxy is perfectly legal…see what I did there
That's because Oxy is Schedule II; prescriptions/prescribed possession is permissible under federal law.

State law cannot override the federal schedule and negate federal crimes.

I agree, but you have to admit the process/methodology/standard of evidence they used is pretty garbagy though. "oh you have this card so automatically you're an abuser" a smarter judge would have taken umbrage at the fact that they have a poor definitions under the law for those terms.
Consider also states such as ME/PA/IL which have the concept of a "registered designated caregiver", authorizing possession, but not use -- they have a card, but are not automatically an "abuser" or even a "user".

Illinois state police said:
Am I eligible for a FOID card if I have a Medical Marijuana License, am a caregiver pursuant to the Compassionate Use of Medical Cannabis Pilot Program Act, or otherwise use cannabis recreationally?
If you possess an MML, are a caregiver pursuant to the Compassionate Use of Medical Cannabis Pilot Program Act, and/or otherwise use cannabis consistent with Illinois law, your FOID card will not be revoked nor will your FOID application be denied. Medical Marijuana Licenses are state issued and cannot result in the denial of any right or privilege. However, under Federal law, you are subject to restrictions that prohibit you from acquiring or possessing firearms and firearms ammunition. These restrictions are pursuant to the Gun Control Act of 1968, specifically 18 U.S.C. 922 and remain in effect until the revocation or relinquishment of your medical cannabis card or until one year after you last used cannabis, whichever is later.
Notice how the first half says "Sure, you can hold a FOID", but the second half fails to differentiate between caregiver and user.

So still clear as mud.
Whoever mentioned it earlier in this thread, related to what Republicans ought to do, had it spot on. I too think uniformly what we ought to preach to current day Republicans is to merge with some Libertarian principles, it would be a political slam dunk.

If it's a matter of maintaining freedom, be it religious, the right to bear arms, some pursuit of happiness, they ought to staunchly defend that right and place a really high bar on making something illegal when it comes to US citizens.

A lot of the shit they do , particularly the religious based ideas, ie meddling with established law on abortion to make it illegal & resisting gay marriage at every turn, resisting legalization of weed, really hurts them in the polls over shit many Republican voters do not give a shit about.

Didn't even know RI legalized it recently. Probably at least 1 or 2 more states will do so this election cycle. Ironic that NH is so libertarian but will be the last NE state to legalize.

Almost nobody is going to get jammed up on this because millions of Americans violate this every day. Think about the sheer volume of Americans who possess guns and the sheer volume of Americans who use weed, regardless of state legality. There is an obvious overlap to the tune of millions. Anecdotally I know a guy in Ohio where I'm from who has both an Ohio MMJ and an Ohio CCW (not that you need the latter anymore). It's also possible that a local police officer enforces this. I've seen episodes of Cops with very different outcomes: In one, the cop charged the suspect with prohibited person in possession of a firearm because they had weed. In another, the cop warned the guy that they shouldn't have both "at the same time" but because he had a valid MMJ card and valid gun license, did not charge him.

But the fed government likes the status quo because they can use it to selectively prosecute people they don't like politically. Like "fpsrussia" who was one of the original YouTube gun channels but got imprisoned for a small amount of hash oil: FPSRussia - Wikipedia

Or the guy in Texas who was a "nazi" (see they love to throw that word around their political opponents because just like "racist" the accusation is enough that nobody will stick up for you):

We've had threads about this before and I believe there was a court case in the 90s involving a drug dealer or otherwise possessor of weed who had a gun, but the government refused to define the time limit of possession. As in, at what point after stopping use or possession can you resume firearm possession? Bill Clinton and Obama both admitted to marijuana use. Are they federally prohibited?
No it isn't. Like it or not, marijuana isn't legal - despite what some states say. Bunch of stupid damn hop heads.

And no, I don't drink anymore either.

Honestly, I can't see what the difference is between having a couple beers or a couple lines of weed, but apparently one is legal and one isn't. And telling people weed isn't legal makes them go all sky-screamy, which makes me laugh.
I don't know what that marijuana stuff is but if you give me some, I'll drink it!

Didn't even know RI legalized it recently. Probably at least 1 or 2 more states will do so this election cycle. Ironic that NH is so libertarian but will be the last NE state to legalize.

Almost nobody is going to get jammed up on this because millions of Americans violate this every day. Think about the sheer volume of Americans who possess guns and the sheer volume of Americans who use weed, regardless of state legality. There is an obvious overlap to the tune of millions. Anecdotally I know a guy in Ohio where I'm from who has both an Ohio MMJ and an Ohio CCW (not that you need the latter anymore). It's also possible that a local police officer enforces this. I've seen episodes of Cops with very different outcomes: In one, the cop charged the suspect with prohibited person in possession of a firearm because they had weed. In another, the cop warned the guy that they shouldn't have both "at the same time" but because he had a valid MMJ card and valid gun license, did not charge him.

But the fed government likes the status quo because they can use it to selectively prosecute people they don't like politically. Like "fpsrussia" who was one of the original YouTube gun channels but got imprisoned for a small amount of hash oil: FPSRussia - Wikipedia

Or the guy in Texas who was a "nazi" (see they love to throw that word around their political opponents because just like "racist" the accusation is enough that nobody will stick up for you):

We've had threads about this before and I believe there was a court case in the 90s involving a drug dealer or otherwise possessor of weed who had a gun, but the government refused to define the time limit of possession. As in, at what point after stopping use or possession can you resume firearm possession? Bill Clinton and Obama both admitted to marijuana use. Are they federally prohibited?
It's on the ballot to "legalize" it in MO this fall by referendum. It's already legal as medical MJ and it's pretty easy to get the card, or so I've been told.
I thought weed was now legal in Massivetwoshitts. Can someone define the term 'legal' for me? I'm becoming somewhat confused!
Currently, federal law supersedes state law. So while local popo's won't mess with you, a fed could just as easily, in theory, sack you up.

That said, no fed worth anything is going to touch personal use with a 10 ft pole, unless other things are going on and just a stack on charge.
Weird that the Dems are for legalization but the DOJ, staffed with Dems , is against it. Pretty sure there are multiple bills being drafted to do just that...

Why make it legal when it's one more thing they can use against you ?
Dems would make breathing illegal if they could.
There are a number of articles on the Federal government growing and giving marijuana LEGALLY for compassionate use. I wonder how this jibes with their position that it has no medical use. I remember seeing this on 60 Minutes years ago. The patients got pre-rolled government grown high grade marijuana delivered right to their door for personal use. I wonder it is legal for them to own firearms....

bullshit. complete, and utter bullshit. This person obviously never smoked, and their only exposure to it was 1950s Reefer Madness videos
I discovered in college that pot simply makes me a little dizzy. A puff or even a couple of joints, a little more dizzy. "Maybe" slightly relaxed.

Nothing like "Reefer Madness" nor any description of being high I've ever encountered in movies, books, etc. It was so disappointing.
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