NY AG dissolve the NRA Lawsuit?

Again, no mention of the GOA or SAF.

This flustered reaction to the NRA being dissolved is a failure by gun rights supporters who put all their eggs in one basket and when the basket is rotting and falling apart they refuse to get a new basket. The reaction is literally, "NO! WE CAN FIX IT! THERE'S NOTHING WRONG WITH THIS BASKET! I LIKE THIS BASKET JUST FINE! THOSE OTHER BASKETS AREN'T GOOD ENOUGH!"

I was a member of GOA for a couple of years before I cut them off. I noticed that every legislation, court case, and political campaign that the NRA, or SAF, invested in and won, the GOA would claim the credit. Every gun control victory by anti-2A forces, GOA would blame the NRA.

GOA claims "no compromise" positions that make members feel good, but they have no actual political or legislative influence.

GOA is basically a pro-2A e-mail newsletter that primarily exists to draw donations away from the NRA and continually solicit their members for more money. Once they get your name they send more solicitations than the NRA.

GOA doesn't unite gun owners, it tries to divide them. If you think the NRA is not accountable enough because of LaPierre, you are going to find the GOA isn't responsible at all. All the GOA money goes to Pratt. Funny how that doesn't seem to outrage all the anti-NRA/pro-GOA trolls.
Which won't stop quickly formed (if the paperwork wasn't already prepared) PACs from collecting money to support the elections and the NRA.
BTW, the NRA has been adding about 1,000 new members per day since June. A friend of mine who has no interest in owning a gun is going to join.

Also, by filing now, she effectively stops the NRA from making any donations in the swing states. Not political at all.
she is also planning to seize all funds and assets to then support leftist groups.
I think this position is ridiculous hyperbole. If your position is Trump will sign ludicrous legislation if the NRA doesn't exist, i respond with you are being absurd.

where did you get that I was implying Trump would do that? there is an election this year and both the executive and the senate are in play.
The AG is a grandstanding POS with an agenda. WLP's shenanigans have allowed her to tee off hard on the NRA. This is the kind of shit that happens when corrupt leadership of such an organization is not held accountable and is allowed to run amok. The NRA could come out of this stronger by finally 'doing the right thing' but I won't hold my breath. The Knox's and a few others tried to remove the ticks a couple years ago, but the parasites were too deeply embedded.
I was a member of GOA for a couple of years before I cut them off. I noticed that every legislation, court case, and political campaign that the NRA, or SAF, invested in and won, the GOA would claim the credit. Every gun control victory by anti-2A forces, GOA would blame the NRA.

GOA claims "no compromise" positions that make members feel good, but they have no actual political or legislative influence.

GOA is basically a pro-2A e-mail newsletter that primarily exists to draw donations away from the NRA and continually solicit their members for more money. Once they get your name they send more solicitations than the NRA.

GOA doesn't unite gun owners, it tries to divide them. If you think the NRA is not accountable enough because of LaPierre, you are going to find the GOA isn't responsible at all. All the GOA money goes to Pratt. Funny how that doesn't seem to outrage all the anti-NRA/pro-GOA trolls.
Sounds exactly like the NRA. Projecting much?
Remember, this is the DB who replaced Slappy Schneiderman who liked to slap around his women, nothing but a publicity stunt. This is a lawsuit against US, not the NRA.
Yes, Wayne is a POS but the NRA still puts the fear of God in liberals and makes their heads explode. Wayne needs to go but looks like he is digging in. I am a Patron member but won't donate another dime until Wayne and his cronies are gone.
This interest isn't sudden, it's been long planned. They started this investigating the second she got into office and she planned it well before that. The increase in membership goes along with the record breaking background checks and new gun sales. Many of those are first time buyers who all of sudden realize how bad the gun laws in many states are.

Some people I know had no idea what the process was for buying until they walked into a gun store and were told no dice because they didn't have a license.

That could account for the sudden interest from the AG, if that is an increase in the rate of membership expansion
Some people I know had no idea what the process was for buying until they walked into a gun store and were told no dice because they didn't have a license.

A lot of people get their information about guns from major news outlets who have been pushing the narrative for years if not decades that buying a gun is as easy as buying a gallon of milk. If no one gives them facts to the contrary, you can't blame 'em for believing what they see on news outlets they consider trustworthy.
Worse a lot of people get their gun information from entertainment TV shows that make it look like guns can be bought on any corner.

A lot of people get their information about guns from major news outlets who have been pushing the narrative for years if not decades that buying a gun is as easy as buying a gallon of milk. If no one gives them facts to the contrary, you can't blame 'em for believing what they see on news outlets they consider trustworthy.
As far as I can tell, this is a civil action. The goal is not to make the NRA reform. The goal is to dissolve the NRA, put all of it's assets into the hands of a trustee recommended by the NY AG, and then disburse the funds to "charities" picked by the AG and the trustee.

If you think it's anything less than an all out effort to destroy the NRA because of it's political clout, I have some swamp land in Louisiana I can make you a terrific deal on.

I hope this forces a leadership change at the NRA. I wouldn't be sad if Wayne goes down on criminal charges...
I hope this forces a leadership change at the NRA. I wouldn't be sad if Wayne goes down on criminal charges...
Wayne isn't being charged criminally with anything. The AG didn't bring charges, this is a civil suit on behalf of the state.

It's guaranteed that the AG is going to point to the NRA's mission of "safety" and hand the money over to Bloomberg's Demanding Mom's to push for "safety".
The LaPierre haters here remind me of the never Trumpers. It doesn't matter how much good he does they are gonna call him names, accuse him of wrong doing, and support endless investigations.

The anti-NRA posters remind me of the leftists who hate America and the pro-GOAs are like the folks who think China is the good guy.
The LaPierre haters here remind me of the never Trumpers. It doesn't matter how much good he does they are gonna call him names, accuse him of wrong doing, and support endless investigations.

The anti-NRA posters remind me of the leftists who hate America and the pro-GOAs are like the folks who think China is the good guy.

Pretty sure Trump buys his own suits
The LaPierre haters here remind me of the never Trumpers. It doesn't matter how much good he does they are gonna call him names, accuse him of wrong doing, and support endless investigations.

The anti-NRA posters remind me of the leftists who hate America and the pro-GOAs are like the folks who think China is the good guy.

Trump delivers on promises and actually fights for a lot things everyone else only pretended to when campaigning.

What has Wayne done lately for the 2A? Other than lobbying Congress to maintain the status quo he hasn't done shit. Hearing Protection Act? Getting FOPA enforced? Enforcing the 2A via the 14th for reciprocity? He got us the bumpstock ban and red flags.

Now imagine if the NRA was run by someone like VCDL's Phil Van Cleave or Maj Toure. That's the sort of person and reform we need.

The NRA's board is too interested in self dealing to keep up with their core mission to the point the training division has really suffered the past 10 years.

The over the top you must be stupid late night TV infomercial scare tactic mailings most people get because they don't opt out of them with member services need to stop too.
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Were you at the Statehouse when NRA representatives stood alongside Jim Wallace to contest the proposed legislation?
Were you at the Capitol when lobbyists inform legislators of the consequences of their decisions?
Do we have nationwide gun registration?
How many states have either licensed carry or Constitutional carry? What was that 10 years ago?

Yours is the type of attitude that will destroy us from within. Go ahead skinflint the cause and then in a few years wonder why your rights are disappearing.

The NRA (Via Wayne and Cox ) supported the Red Flag laws and don't let anyone tell you different.
That was the straw that broke the camels back for this 40 + year member here.
If you don't think that wasn't the most destructive measure taken against the constitutional rights of American citizens in your or my lifetimes think again.
It pretty much violates every tenant of the United States constitution and the f*ckers endorsed it with a smile.
I'm truly of the mindset that , the SOB is playing for both teams for his own benefit.
No thinking sane supporter of our God given rights would ever support that steaming pile of crap , yet there you have it.

Representatives of the NRA worked overtime to try and tank constitutional carry in both NH and FL.
Not speculation , fact.
It was the subject of some heated threads right here from our NH members.

Do we need an NRA ? Yes.
In it's current form however under Wayne it's worth about as much as two dead flies on a windowsill.
An honorable man would step off for the good of the organization at this point to let the ship right itself before it's too late.
He's not going to though, he'll suck it dry like one of those vampires in the movies till nothing remains but a dry husk.
Scarier still it's probably more dangerous to us than helpful because God knows what the guy who claims to speak for all gun owners in the country will "Compromise " away next.
The LaPierre haters here remind me of the never Trumpers. It doesn't matter how much good he does they are gonna call him names, accuse him of wrong doing, and support endless investigations.

The anti-NRA posters remind me of the leftists who hate America and the pro-GOAs are like the folks who think China is the good guy.

I'm glad o see the thread that the typical NES turn as of late...

"Don't agree with me, you hate American and are a Communist."
The LaPierre haters here remind me of the never Trumpers. It doesn't matter how much good he does they are gonna call him names, accuse him of wrong doing, and support endless investigations.

The anti-NRA posters remind me of the leftists who hate America and the pro-GOAs are like the folks who think China is the good guy.

That’s such a lazy argument.

NRA has done some good in the past therefore everyone must blindly accept that WLP is the right guy for the job.
Not Likely...

Edit: That is to say, We need a National Organization to deal with Congress/POTUS/SCOTUS.
State .orgs are important, but what can replace the NRA as far as clout?

Better to fix it than to throw the baby out with the bathwater...

Were you at the Statehouse when NRA representatives stood alongside Jim Wallace to contest the proposed legislation?
Were you at the Capitol when lobbyists inform legislators of the consequences of their decisions?
Do we have nationwide gun registration?
How many states have either licensed carry or Constitutional carry? What was that 10 years ago?

Yours is the type of attitude that will destroy us from within. Go ahead skinflint the cause and then in a few years wonder why your rights are disappearing.
Bull. NRA opposed constitutional carry in NH. When was that? 10-15 years ago?
The NRA at least serves as a bogey man to scare democrats, but it needs to return to it's actual charter.

So do virtually all "big" charitable organizations, such as Unicef and probably right on up to the Roman Catholic Church.

Perhaps they should take this opportunity to re-examine themselves, replace some or all the leadership and set about DOING what they say they've been doing for the past few decades.

Lobby for pro-gun legislation in the true spirit of the Second Amendment.
You realize that if they do strike the NRA down, the backlash is going to be the GOA and SAF rising up like Cthulhu from the sea?

The left can't even lie about "no one is coming to take your guns" anymore. Stepping up their game when people see the police won't protect them and might not even exist in places anymore while mentally ill mobs of anarchists and communists roam around like something out of Mad Max isn't going to cause people to NOT want to own guns or support organizations which want to promote their right to keep and bear arms.
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