You can't survive the second, if you don't survive the first. "Tried by 12 or Carried by 6 " I'll take the first option every time.
Yes. But was he really in danger of death or grave bodily injury? I'm sorry, but I simply don't see it. I understand that many of you disagree with me on this, but I think the court system is more likely to agree with me than with you.
The fact that it might have escalated into such a danger moments later doesn't legally justify the use of deadly force now. And, yes, fights can turn deadly in an instant. The fact that some people have died by being tackled or that some people have died after receiving a single punch does not mean that the court system consequently views all unarmed assaults as danger of death or grave bodily injury.
Men get into unarmed fights thousands of times each day. Very few such fights result in death or grave bodily injury. Which is why the courts rarely uphold the use of deadly force in such incidents.
Are there exceptions? Yes. What are the typical disparity of force justifications and do they apply in this incident?
- One against many. Doesn't apply, this was one-on-one (or possibly one attacker against several defenders).
- Young against old. The attacker was 31, the defender was 47. That age disparity is unlikely to support such a claim. If Hayes was 66, that might be viewed differently.
- Healthy against disabled. We don't know if Hayes has some disability. He certainly doesn't look to be in good shape, but in general it appears to be two able-bodied men involved in this situation.
- Female against male. Doesn't apply in this situation.
In my partially educated opinion, Hayes' attorney is going to have a difficult time winning a self defense claim. I'm not saying he can't win, but it looks like an uphill fight to me. I'm betting that Hayes takes a plea deal involving jail time.
You don't have to like this. You don't have to agree with this. But you sure as hell had better understand it. So many people here on NES think you can legally use deadly force in situations where you can not legally do so.
My sympathies are with Hayes, not with the aggressor. But I'm talking about how I believe our court system will rule, not how I want it to rule. In the Jesse Stone movie Night Passage, one of the characters asks police chief Jesse Stone:
"You said stuff was just legal or illegal. Well, what about it being right or wrong?"
Jesse Stone replies:
"I'm not in the right and wrong business. I'm in the legal and illegal business."
You folks are mixing up right and wrong with the legal and illegal. I'm talking legal and illegal, not right and wrong.