Police respond to report of shooting at pro-Israeli protest in Newton

Over the last 8 years I have seen a dramatic increase in many on the LEFT believing their beliefs and rights extend to being allowed to assault others they disagree with.
a by-product of the left's insistence on labeling everyone. People in Category B are unprotected therefor violence is permitted.
According to the story the attacker has life threatening injuries. If he dies the charge will be murder.

The civil rights charge is based on the attackers statements before he charged across the street.

Massachusetts logic at work.
The civil rights charge is laughable.

We can’t hate these communists enough. They’re only good when dead.
According to the law, it's a clear-cut case of self-defense. His counsel will take this to higher courts if Newton continues to press this issue.
The law only allows the use of deadly force if an innocent person is in imminent danger of death or grave bodily injury, and, if outside the home, the defendant must retreat if it is safe to do so. The key questions in this incident, as in all such self-defense cases are as follows:

1) Was the shooter innocent or did his actions help precipitate the encounter?
2) Was the shooter in danger of death or grave bodily injury?
3) Did the shooter have a viable route to retreat?

I think you are mistaken if you think this was a clear cut case of self defense. It does not appear to me to be clear cut at all:

1) This incident was preceded by an argument, so the state may argue that the defendant helped precipitate the conflict.
2) It is hard to argue that one unarmed man attacking three men rises to the level of danger of death or grave bodily injury.
3) It appears that neither the shooter nor any of the other two made any attempt to retreat.

Again, I have no sympathy for ponytail boy. But I predict that the shooter will be tried and convicted and that conviction will stand up in court.

You know the saying stay away from stupid people, stupid places, and stupid things? A protest like this qualifies as at least two of those. I suggest that you stay away from such protests, no matter where your views lie.
If the same unprovoked tackle happened on a Newton Police officer, and that assaulted officer shoots 1 round in defense, what would happen to that cop? Would he be charged with A&B with deadly weapon? If not, why?
The Newton cop likely would have used other force before shooting him.

Not ever attack can or should be met with deadly force.
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This is what was in order! Swiftly, and with full body weight!!

It's time for new soles on those. You can get another ten years or more from those boots, but it looks like you're starting to delam. A shoe shop can fix or replace pretty cheap.

And try to walk a little "forward. You're putting too much pressure on your heels.
It's time for new soles on those. You can get another ten years or more from those boots, but it looks like you're starting to delam. A shoe shop can fix or replace pretty cheap.

And try to walk a little "forward. You're putting too much pressure on your heels.
What's your flat foot diagnosis, doctor?
everyone is as confused
ahh, so, confused they are, poor darlings?
just you wait, as it is now a - literally - an instruction to action for an every pro-hamas rally that are about to begin, starting from the MIT one.

the DA gave a green light to them all of how to behave against those who may dare to object.
A protest like this qualifies as at least two of those
this is why we have no chance - we are already defeated, as there is no way to win if most do feel like that.
people who still feel they can speak up what they think have a right to do that.

ps. knowing this state, i would never bring my edc to a such protest, though. a pepper spray would be safer.
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This is going to be interesting. A very Lib town pushing gun control and prosecuting use of a gun for self defense. BUT there is a not insignificant Jewish population in Newton and while many are very Lib, I've met a number there that I would describe as quiet conservatives, who are perfectly OK with the use/ownership of guns.

The town can't just dismiss the pro gun outright, this time, because their own residents will be supporting the shooter.

I'm sure both side will say no to ASF, but as far as carry goes there is going to be "disagreement"
The law only allows the use of deadly force if an innocent person is in imminent danger of death or grave bodily injury, and, if outside the home, the defendant must retreat if it is safe to do so. The key questions in this incident, as in all such self-defense cases are as follows:

1) Was the shooter innocent or did his actions help precipitate the encounter?
2) Was the shooter in danger of death or grave bodily injury?
3) Did the shooter have a viable route to retreat?

I think you are mistaken if you think this was a clear cut case of self defense. It does not appear to me to be clear cut at all:

1) This incident was preceded by an argument, so the state may argue that the defendant helped precipitate the conflict.
2) It is hard to argue that one unarmed man attacking three men rises to the level of danger of death or grave bodily injury.
3) It appears that neither the shooter nor any of the other two made any attempt to retreat.

Again, I have no sympathy for ponytail boy. But I predict that the shooter will be tried and convicted and that conviction will stand up in court.

You know the saying stay away from stupid people, stupid places, and stupid things? A protest like this qualifies as at least two of those. I suggest that you stay away from such protests, no matter where your views lie.

I wish dogs could shoot back.

I wish dogs could shoot back.
The question is: did your actions help precipitate the fight or not?

For example, suppose you are in a bar and a guy bumps into you spilling your drink. You turn around and yell at the guy. He yells back and pushes you. You push him back. He swings at you. You swing at him. He grabs a beer bottle by the neck, smashes it so he now has a sharp weapon, and you draw your gun and shoot him. A judge may well decide that that was mutual combat, not self defense, and that you are not allowed to claim self defense because you helped start that fight and escalate it.

What words were said by the shooter to ponytail boy prior to the attack? Did those words help instigate the fight?

If you start, or help start, a fight, you may not be allowed to claim self defense if you end up using deadly force.
You know the saying stay away from stupid people, stupid places, and stupid things? A protest like this qualifies as at least two of those. I suggest that you stay away from such protests, no matter where your views lie.

I was at least following along up until this part. Staying home or "taking the high road" or whatever other pseudo-moralistic euphemism we use for not showing up is simply going to cede ever more power to the leftists and terrorist-sympathizers who will never be satisfied. That's a big part of what has gotten us into this nightmare in the first place.
I was at least following along up until this part. Staying home or "taking the high road" or whatever other pseudo-moralistic euphemism we use for not showing up is simply going to cede ever more power to the leftists and terrorist-sympathizers who will never be satisfied. That's a big part of what has gotten us into this nightmare in the first place.
I am not sympathetic to the pro-Hamas sympathizers. Not at all.

But it seems to me that protests for or against supporting Israel have a higher than average likelihood of resulting in violence. Same with the BLM protests. I have no desire to be anywhere near those. If you decide to go, I strongly suggest that you bring along some less-lethal defense tool, like OC spray, and that if violence does break out that you use Nike-fu to GTFO.
1) Was the shooter innocent or did his actions help precipitate the encounter?
You'd be fun on a rape trial. "oh well she was wearing a skimpy outfit and got drunk at night with some bad guys".
The Newton cop likely would have used other force before shooting him.
How do you know? There's plenty of video to suggest otherwise. I gave a hypothetical assuming the shooter was a government official. Would the charges still apply?
What words were said by the shooter to ponytail boy prior to the attack? Did those words help instigate the fight?
Words are words. Assault is assault. If you're saying words justify a physical attack, there would be a lot more DVs happening.
It's time for new soles on those. You can get another ten years or more from those boots, but it looks like you're starting to delam. A shoe shop can fix or replace pretty cheap.

And try to walk a little "forward. You're putting too much pressure on your heels.
These boots are less than a year old. I go through boots. The front is worn more in the center than the sides!
The question is: did your actions help precipitate the fight or not?

For example, suppose you are in a bar and a guy bumps into you spilling your drink. You turn around and yell at the guy. He yells back and pushes you. You push him back. He swings at you. You swing at him. He grabs a beer bottle by the neck, smashes it so he now has a sharp weapon, and you draw your gun and shoot him. A judge may well decide that that was mutual combat, not self defense, and that you are not allowed to claim self defense because you helped start that fight and escalate it.

What words were said by the shooter to ponytail boy prior to the attack? Did those words help instigate the fight?

If you start, or help start, a fight, you may not be allowed to claim self defense if you end up using deadly force.
That's quite a different scenario - this guy was knocked to the pavement after an exchange of words.

Something a bit similar to your scenario, with a different outcome:

Connell, 26, of Florence, died after his head struck the pavement outside the Silk City Tap Room in Florence in the early hours of Jan. 3, 2009. According to witnesses who were in the bar that night, Connell was upset when he was unable to find his coat, and Duffy attempted to intercede between him and a bar bouncer. In the scuffle, Connell broke a chain Duffy was wearing around his neck.

Later, as Connell was leaving, he and Duffy had words and Duffy shoved him. Connell fell backwards down four steps and hit the blacktop, according to prosecutor Alice Perry. Perry said witnesses saw Duffy walk past Connell’s prostrate body and out of the parking lot.

Police called to the scene found Connell bleeding from the ears and mouth. He was pronounced dead shortly afterward at Cooley Dickinson Hospital of brain injuries.
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