Rant: the move out of Mass post

Jul 13, 2005
Eastern Mass.
Feedback: 27 / 0 / 0
This board has been a little hostile lately but bear with me because I have a little rant of my own:


Whenever someone complains about the Mass firearm laws or some inept Mass anti 2A position there’s always someone all too happy to chime in with the “move out of Mass” post. I understand that for some it’s just a joke or a jab but what people should really be saying is “stay and fight for your rights”. The anti 2A notion is spreading like a disease and it’s not something you can move to avoid. As States like Mass initiate Brady type laws other states will follow. If you think it won’t happen in your state then just wait for the return of the national Assault Weapon Ban. I’m sure you’re all aware that there are presidential candidates that are “NRA supporters” but would also sign the assault weapons bill.

I’m not looking to kill anyone’s fun but it’s in everyone’s best interest if people in Mass stand up to the antis rather than run out of the state.

I’m not looking to kill anyone’s fun but it’s in everyone’s best interest if people in Mass stand up to the antis rather than run out of the state.



But it makes the refugees feel superior to those who stay and fight.
I’m not looking to kill anyone’s fun but it’s in everyone’s best interest if people in Mass stand up to the antis rather than run out of the state.

I couldn't agree more. Suppose everyone ran from this type of problem? Sooner or later you have to stand firm and make a comitment.
If Mass were otherwise a paradise, I'd stay, but my take on Mass is...

The climate sucks. It's cold and wet 9 months out of the year. The chemical reactions required by life require sunshine and warmth. We don't get enough of it here.

Most of the good jobs are in metro Boston, but it's hard to afford living in metro Boston, so people move out to the rural areas. Now gas is $3.00 a gallon and the highways are clogged for a 60+ mile radius.

It's a welfare state. I don't mind rescuing people who through no fault of their own fall upon hard times, but sh**, I'm tired of breaking my back to pay for lazy ass people who work the system for free handouts.

People say, "we have great sports teams." Yeah. Great. STFU.

And as somebody who has spent a good amount of time in Georgia and South Carolina. Life is slower, people are sweeter, and people are every bit as smart and as stupid as you can find up here in Boston. Mass. doesn't corner the market on either.

I'm stuck here. I wish I could move. I love the South. Mass. blows chunks. I learned this about 10 years ago. If you can get out of here, do it. Do it now. Before you end up with your butt anchored to mound of muck stained ice piled on a roadside.
Lets be realistic, I'm all for staying and fighting and I have stayed and am fighting but the moment an op arises to move elsewhere we are doing a magicians act.

Mass, much like California is a lost cause...and its not even about the gun rights at this point.
I'm not faulting anyone for leaving Mass; people should move wherever they please.

I'm just saying that it's poor advice to tell someone to leave Mass if they don't like the anti 2A people in the Commonwealth.
...what people should really be saying is “stay and fight for your rights”. The anti 2A notion is spreading like a disease and it’s not something you can move to avoid. As States like Mass initiate Brady type laws other states will follow. If you think it won’t happen in your state then just wait for the return of the national Assault Weapon Ban. I’m sure you’re all aware that there are presidential candidates that are “NRA supporters” but would also sign the assault weapons bill.

+1. "Never give up. Never surrender." - Jason Nesmith, Galaxy Quest
I'll stay and fight until I retire and move down south. I just have a hard time visualizing myself at 70 years old standing out in the driveway with a shovel pushing slush around. I want to be 70 years old and kicking crabs down at the beach.
What are the facts? Again and again and again --- what are the facts? Shun wishful thinking, ignore divine revelation, forget what "the stars foretell", avoid opinion, Care not what the neighbors think, never mind the unguessable "verdict of history" --- what are the facts, and to how many decimal places?

You pilot always in to an unknown future; facts are your only chance. Get the facts!

-- Lazarus Long

I don't live in MA, I live in NY. Here are the facts as I see them about NY.

Registered Democrats outnumber Registered Republicans (voters) by approximately a 5 to 3 margin. In short, the only way a Republican can win is by "moderating" his positions enough to attract sufficient Independents and the occasional "Reagan Democrat".

Both the Congressional District I live in, as well as the one just next door, just went Democratic in the last election. It should be noted that the district that I live in is the one that used to be represented by Gerry Solomon - the guy who so publicly took on that idiot Kennedy (The Younger) about "assault weapons" on the floor of Congress back in the 90s. It used to be a staunchly Republican, bedrock conservative district.

An influx of city people fleeing the hell they've made of NYC has turned the local political structure on it's ear. At the county level, the Democrats are taking control of the county legislatures for the first time in decades. In the next town over from me, an out-and-out socialist a**h*** has just been re-elected to the county legislature, and this in a county that I would have once sworn would have seen Hell freeze over before someone like him could have been elected here in the first place.

And don't even get me started on "my" two Senators, Chuck the Schmuck Shumer and the Wicked Witch of the East.

At the State level, our Assembly (Lower House) has 150 members - 100 or so are Democrats, 50 or so are Republicans. A full 50% - 75 members - are from New York City. 74 of them are Democrats. No one alive can remember the last time New York City sent more than a scant handful of Republican Assemblymen up to Albany. No one in the Republican party seriously thinks we're going to take back the Assembly in the forseeable future.

The Republicans still control the State Senate (Upper House) but just barely. For the last decade, I've watched while their 35 to 25 seat majority has been slowly whittled away. Currently, they maintain a majority of only a few seats. Quite a few of them are very old - in their sixties and even seventies - and it's widely acknowledged that the Republicans won't retain their seats when the old, well known names finally retire or die in office. In short, the Democrats expect to take control of that house any election now. When that happens, the last obstacle to their ramming through their full socialist, anti-gun, anti-freedom agenda here in NY will be gone.

Those of us still fighting the good fight here have come to realize that, at best, we are simply fighting a delaying action. Personally, I have contingency plans to send all of my guns out to my brother in AZ to hold for me if the worst should come to pass before I retire in 89 (and counting!) months.

I view NY as essentially lost, and think my vote can do more good for the country if it's cast in a state that's still in play, where it will actually MEAN something.

And I plan top live out my retirement years in FREE AMERICA, not this socialist hell hole.

So to all of my brothers - and sisters - in MA, all I can do is echo Heinlein and ask; "What are the facts?" What are the numbers? What are the demographics? and what are your REALISTIC chances of turning the state around? Where is the plan of action? Where are the candidates who can actually WIN elections and replace the socialists currently running your state?

If it's as bad there as it is in NY, What are you really accomplishing by staying?

The word you are attempting to use is "losing;" i.e., the opposite of GAINING, not "loosing," which is the opposite of tightening - sort of ......
I’m not looking to kill anyone’s fun but it’s in everyone’s best interest if people in Mass stand up to the antis rather than run out of the state.

While that bit of idealism is wonderful- consider for a moment what
one is up against in this state... We don't have enough inertia,
politically or otherwise, to effect anything close to a major
changes. The passage of GCA98 in MA is a pretty good indicator of this.
We simply do not have the votes or political power to
wage war the way it needs to be waged.

I can see in some cases wanting to stick it to the man- hell, if I was rich I would
underwrite peoples lawsuits in this state against crappy chiefs, and that sort of
thing. On the other hand I will gladly defend anyone's decision to leave this state,
gun owner or otherwise. We're at the point where the government in MA
is so corrupt the only recourse left is to punish it by depriving it of
revenue, by getting subjects to flee the place.

I'll stay and fight until I retire and move down south. I just have a hard time visualizing myself at 70 years old standing out in the driveway with a shovel pushing slush around. I want to be 70 years old and kicking crabs down at the beach.

Pffft! I want to be 70 years old sitting on my porch while I shoot at crabs on the beach.
I view NY as essentially lost, and think my vote can do more good for the country if it's cast in a state that's still in play, where it will actually MEAN something.

And I plan top live out my retirement years in FREE AMERICA, not this socialist hell hole.

So to all of my brothers - and sisters - in MA, all I can do is echo Heinlein and ask; "What are the facts?" What are the numbers? What are the demographics? and what are your REALISTIC chances of turning the state around? Where is the plan of action? Where are the candidates who can actually WIN elections and replace the socialists currently running your state?

If it's as bad there as it is in NY, What are you really accomplishing by staying?

John, you summed this up nicely.... couldn't agree more. +1 rep.

It's WAY more than just the gun rights issue.

MA taxpayers will be paying to plug Big Dig leaks long after I reach retirement age. I no longer felt like contributing to that effort.

MA residents are now required to purchase health insurance even if they don't want it. If they fail to do so, the state will forcibly take their money from them as punishment. I opted out of that "progressive" plan.

MA legislators are all career politicians, with no obligation to respond to the will of the electorate, and a penchant for cronyism and corruption. I no longer felt like funding them.

I don't enjoy having to make three separate stops for gas, beer, and ammo.

I like the idea of actually voting for our next president (and having my vote mean something).

Stay and fight, if that's your choice. I've made mine and have NO regrets or remorse.
Quoting Claire Wolfe: " It's too late to work in the system but it too early to start shooting the bastards!"

I'm with Bruce and the others. Yes, there has been progress in some of the 2A stuff with the most recent the Cambridge licensing fee finally getting noticed. Let's carry this further...why did this happen in the first place for? If it wasn't up to all the local LA in each town, we wouldn't need a case to get ruled on because one town is " doing its own thing." That's peanuts next to the whole picture - WE STILL NEED A LICENSE TO PRACTICE A CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHT! We're outnumbered here. Hell, we have some of our own team voting to put the grabbers in office using excuses like " my daddy voted Democrat and so do I!" or whatever you've heard from members in your clubs. You want to stay and fight for this place when even your team is helping lose the game?

Jim, Bruce, and Derek brought up points that I also agree with that aren't related to 2A stuff here. I'm tired of brain-dead pols that keep doing the same thing over and over again and it doesn't fix what is wrong. The Big Dig, police details, smoking in bars, and whatever else they come up with that does nothing to fix the problem. I luck out in having a decent state rep in Franklin that I have e-mailed on issues but he's only one of a handful that gets it. As long as we have good teams here in MA, people won't see how bad it really is enough to fix it. I do have a small part of me that wants Hitlery in office so these people that think the Republicans have screwed up the country will see what a real Marxist paradise looks like. I'm tired of dealing with the sheep here in the PRM to the point that I don't even look forward to weekends anymore!

We're past the point of needing a change in this country/state. I'm done with trying to reason with people who will not see. I'm leaving when I get the chance and will look back at this and laugh for living here as long as I did. When I'm too old to fight, that's when I'll sit back and just enjoy the socialist paradise that we ended up with... NOT!

Joe R.

I'll stay and fight until I retire and move down south. I just have a hard time visualizing myself at 70 years old standing out in the driveway with a shovel pushing slush around. I want to be 70 years old and kicking crabs down at the beach.
I second that motion. This state is a lost cause. We have taxation without representation. We are outnumbered and it`s getting worse.Ted Kennedy will never die. He serve`s forever. The Commonwealth will sink under it`s own weight.
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I think we should blindly blame democrats for anything we don't agree with. That will be the most effective way of loosing this battle forever.

As I see it, BOTH sides want more laws on the books, just on different issues. More laws governing marriage, more laws for healthcare, more laws for guns, more laws for religious groups, etc.

It's all a load of crap to me. Republicans, you guys screwed yourselves. There would be no wacko left-ists without wacko right-wings.

Are there any Libertarian states left?
I think we should blindly blame democrats for anything we don't agree with. That will be the most effective way of loosing this battle forever.

As I see it, BOTH sides want more laws on the books, just on different issues. More laws governing marriage, more laws for healthcare, more laws for guns, more laws for religious groups, etc.

It's all a load of crap to me. Republicans, you guys screwed yourselves. There would be no wacko left-ists without wacko right-wings.

Are there any Libertarian states left?

When the state government is comprised of 90% Democraps it's easy to figure out where the problem is.
When the state government is comprised of 90% Democraps it's easy to figure out where the problem is.

Why do people become Democrats? Or are they just bad people?

They aren't going anywhere. Anytime you have very red states, you'll have very blue states.
When the state government is comprised of 90% Democraps it's easy to figure out where the problem is.


All you have to do is go over on Beacon Hill and visit the House chamber. On the wall of on side of the speaker are the names of the democraps and on the other the GOP.

It is a sobering thing to see. It makes you realize how hopeless it really is. Now the corner office is gone as well
Why do people become Democrats? Or are they just bad people?

They aren't going anywhere. Anytime you have very red states, you'll have very blue states.

Democrats aren't bad people I have friends who are moonbats.

However every democrat I know thinks criminals are victims of their environment, believe that redistributing tax dollars to those who won't work is a good idea, only Cops should have guns, healthcare should be run by the .gov, and talking with the latest one today and his trip to Sweden, global warming is killing us and only the Dems can stop it. [thinking]
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