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Because I work as a range officer at the S&W Sports Shooting I have to have a blood test every six months to have my lead level checked. I spend around 48 hours on a month on the S&W public range and my lead level has never been in the high end.
It amazes me that the gun clubs are not required to put in some kind of "approved" ventilation system to prevent these problems but apartment owners are legally required to have LED paint removed before renting a unit.
While I don't like these kinds of setups, IMHO I'd rather have people make their own decisions about lead safety than pull the nanny state business on them. We have enough of that as
it is.
. I'll shortly be going back for another test, and if my level hasn't come down substantially I'll be giving up shooting Bullseye for good; not something I want to think about.
The only guys I shoot with who don't have documented lead problems are the ones who haven't had it tested. If you shoot much indoors at any range that is less than state-of-the-art you have a lead problem, period. I now shoot with a respirator fitted with P100 filters and I would no more think of not using it than I would of not using my glasses or ear muffs. About half the guys on my Bullseye teams now wear respirators and I expect that will rise to nearly 100% in the next year or so.
All I shoot is lead. Shoot once a week indoors. Never had a lead level check and don't plan to. I feel no ill effects.
There are very few indoor ranges that I've shot in that have adequate ventilation - the S&W range is one of the few. I can't at the moment think of any of the others, but there are a few (emphasize, few) out there.
I know someone mentioned getting the mask to seal properly is very difficult; a question- is a semi-sealed mask still better than none or do the filters have enough of a pressure-drop across them that it really needs to be a secure fit to work at all?