Taunton Rifle and Pistol Club

WTF?? are people really that stupid? On both sides (the guy who went down range before makeing sure everyone knew he was going and the one who thought it was 'funny' that he almost got shot).

One question where any sort of 'zombie' gear involved?

I just invited a local politican to the range to get a better understanding of what firearms are and are not (in refernce to the Ct shootings). If this kind of stuff keeps happening I may have to find someplace else :(

Please, please, please walk up the line and make sure EVERYONE knows you want to go down range BEFORE you turn on the range light and walk down. And, if you were one of the people giggling that someone fired while someone else was down range INSTEAD of calling a cease fire...SMARTEN UP! Fortunately, no one was hurt. I know I'm preaching to the choir here but, I saw a similar incident over the summer outside where someone just went down range while others were reloading minus the gun shot and seeing it again today really frosted me. The club is gaining more and more members and the lanes are getting more and more crowded and no one wants to see anyone get hurt.
WTF?? are people really that stupid? YES

I just invited a local politican to the range to get a better understanding of what firearms are and are not (in reference to the Ct shootings). If this kind of stuff keeps happening I may have to find someplace else :(

I would bring the politician to the indoor range, fewer "cowboys and clowns" there to ruin your day
WTF?? are people really that stupid? On both sides (the guy who went down range before makeing sure everyone knew he was going and the one who thought it was 'funny' that he almost got shot).

One question where any sort of 'zombie' gear involved?

I just invited a local politician to the range to get a better understanding of what firearms are and are not (in reference to the Ct shootings). If this kind of stuff keeps happening I may have to find someplace else :(

Post or PM when you take your Rep., I'll try to be on the line when you show up and be a good example (He/she probably hasn't seen many public school teachers shoot).
Post or PM when you take your Rep., I'll try to be on the line when you show up and be a good example (He/she probably hasn't seen many public school teachers shoot).

lol, that is awesome.

Oh and can you warn me as well. Hornady Zombie ammo was 50% off at Bass Pro. I don't want to set a bad example. lol
Post or PM when you take your Rep., I'll try to be on the line when you show up and be a good example (He/she probably hasn't seen many public school teachers shoot).

I will definatly PM you when he figures out when hes free. It was his idea so I dont think its a 'if' more of a when. FYI he generaly supports 2A (includeing concealed carry) but he thinks that the rifle that may have been used in Ct is a evil black killy assault rifle that needs to be taken away...
Can anyone tell me when someone is usually around the club just moved back to the area and looking for a club to join, I was last at Weymouth Sportsmans.

There's usually always around. I was there today. Check out the website for events which is when there are a lot of folks around for you to meet.
Can anyone tell me when someone is usually around the club just moved back to the area and looking for a club to join, I was last at Weymouth Sportsmans.


If you are looking for a club officer to talk to, the montly meeting is your best bet. If you just want to check it out, you can normaly find someone around most days, though getting anyone to answer the door at the indoor range may take a while (you cant hear the door from the ranges)
Friday nights many of the board of directors hang out and you could speak with them then. Heck, this is my weekend without kids, if you want pm me and could perhaps meet up there on Sat.
I submitted my application last month. Does anyone know if it would go for approval at the meeting this Sunday or does it take longer? Sorry if I seem impatient but I am dying to hit the range!
I submitted my application last month. Does anyone know if it would go for approval at the meeting this Sunday or does it take longer? Sorry if I seem impatient but I am dying to hit the range!

As long as you submitted it more than a few days ago, your application will be voted on by the membership tomorrow morning.

.22 Pin Shoot to follow the meeting.

Safety course starts at 11:30 - do not bring any firearms or ammo to the safety course!
Yea, waiting for them to pass you is sometimes tough. I don't have patience but they did a great job and made it fast compared to others.
As long as you submitted it more than a few days ago, your application will be voted on by the membership tomorrow morning.

.22 Pin Shoot to follow the meeting.

Safety course starts at 11:30 - do not bring any firearms or ammo to the safety course!

will they contact me after to schedule the orientation or should I go to the meeting tomorrow?
FYI to everyone waiting. We just read 75 names into the club, so you should be getting a letter/call about your orientation soon. oh and they said there are a few hundred outstanding dues for current members as well, so if your key card doesnt work... you never responded (even life members have to respond).
FYI to everyone waiting. We just read 75 names into the club, so you should be getting a letter/call about your orientation soon. oh and they said there are a few hundred outstanding dues for current members as well, so if your key card doesnt work... you never responded (even life members have to respond).

Sweet. Thanks for the update.
This month, orientation will be on the 3rd Sunday - the 20th. Usually, orientation is on the 4th Sunday.
The Recording Secretary, Dave, will send you a letter directing you to show up for orientation.

Welcome to the Club.

thanks for the welcome! I look forward to being an active member.

I will mark the date for myself and wife to attend.
Don't know if this was already covered, but do you have to have a sponsoring member to join? I live right down the street but don't think i know anyone that is a member yet. Can anyone let me know?

Don't know if this was already covered, but do you have to have a sponsoring member to join? I live right down the street but don't think i know anyone that is a member yet. Can anyone let me know?


Yes, you need a sponsor on the application. I just sent you a PM so you are all set, just stop by the indoor range and grab an application off the door and off you go [grin]
Didn't know you were a member there too Al. We'll have to meet up some time down there.

Sounds good Alex, I went there this evening hoping to try out the new FO sights that Dave Santurri installed on two of my 1911's and the place was full of teenagers shooting target rifles ( guess I should have looked at the calendar on the website). Let me know when you plan to go soon and we can meet up there.
We should have a little meet there some time, maybe once it gets a little warmer. I might be going this weekend but not 100% sure yet. I get out of work at 11 on Fridays so I might try and go over to the indoor range afterwards.
We should have a little meet there some time, maybe once it gets a little warmer. I might be going this weekend but not 100% sure yet. I get out of work at 11 on Fridays so I might try and go over to the indoor range afterwards.

I do the same thing sometimes you can usually have the place to yourself! I was there until 3 am one Sunday night/ Monday morning...
Haha yeah I love going late at night. My brother and I went once at like 1am and there was nobody there except 3 or 4 old guys in the club house who were probably just trying to stay away from their wives
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