Taunton Rifle and Pistol Club

Ah gotcha. I haven't been over on that side - haven't shot trap there before so have never ventured over there. They should set something up to the right of the wide 100 yard range. It seems like it would be a good little spot for it that wouldn't be closed down if trap was in session.

Not that I have anything to shoot there, but that does sound like a good idea... what kind of distance would you want in an archery range? BTW, is there any rules about useing arrows on the main ranges (assumeing no one is useing firearms of course)

The only thing better to put over there would be some sort of IDPA thing....
Not sure what distance - I would say you could probably be able to set up various distances - maybe 15, 20, 30 yards. I haven't seen any rules regarding shooting archery on the shooting ranges. I hadn't really thought of that actually.
Quick reminder everyone, monthly meeting will be held on March 3. At this meeting, we will draw the winner of the Smith & Wesson Enhanced 1911.
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they really need to cut the shit with open membership...there really is nothing preventing a bunch of shitbags joining and not following any rule...almost every single time I go I see some jackass breaking a rule.
they really need to cut the shit with open membership...there really is nothing preventing a bunch of shitbags joining and not following any rule...almost every single time I go I see some jackass breaking a rule.

+1! I hate to say, it's going to get to a point that a RO is going to be needed.
there really is nothing preventing a bunch of shitbags joining and not following any rule...almost every single time I go I see some jackass breaking a rule.

When you see someone breaking rules, do you approach and try to correct that behavior? If it's something patently dangerous, do you get plate numbers and call/e-mail an e-board member?

I genuinely want to know.
When you see someone breaking rules, do you approach and try to correct that behavior? If it's something patently dangerous, do you get plate numbers and call/e-mail an e-board member?

I genuinely want to know.

Personally, Every situation is different. If its something that is endangering the well being of others; sure. If their using old cell phones downrange as targets; no. Big grey area here.
they really need to cut the shit with open membership...there really is nothing preventing a bunch of shitbags joining and not following any rule...almost every single time I go I see some jackass breaking a rule.

Wait, I'm confused. I know I wasn't at the e-board meeting last night - when did the club move to open membership?
they really need to cut the shit with open membership...there really is nothing preventing a bunch of shitbags joining and not following any rule...almost every single time I go I see some jackass breaking a rule.

I am a new memeber, should I assume that you consider me to be one of these people you speak of? I would hope that if I were doing something wrong you would come over and at least speak to me first before you judged me. Then, if I were rude to you or did not correct the issue by all means call me whatever you like.
When you see someone breaking rules, do you approach and try to correct that behavior? If it's something patently dangerous, do you get plate numbers and call/e-mail an e-board member?

I genuinely want to know.
Like Scott said, if it's something that is endangering myself or others, yes, I'll sure as hell say something. But there are many gray areas such as inappropriate targets, that just cause me to shake my head, nothing more.

Wait, I'm confused. I know I wasn't at the e-board meeting last night - when did the club move to open membership?

What I meant is that every application is being accepted...regardless of references or not. There is no mandatory training besides a few hour orientation, which is more about how to use the ranges and facilities, and less about general firearm safety. Yes, people should already know these things, but evidently its not always true.

I am a new memeber, should I assume that you consider me to be one of these people you speak of? I would hope that if I were doing something wrong you would come over and at least speak to me first before you judged me. Then, if I were rude to you or did not correct the issue by all means call me whatever you like.

I in no ways said you or any new member. I was stating that because theres no real system for evaluating candidates, and anyone can really join, that there is a good chance you'll get some people who are reckless and disregard rules. Don't read into things so much, brah.
Jingles...you were complaining, and you said something profoundly stupid.

No, not every application is accepted. The E-board reviews applicants prior to the names read before the membership.
If you have some sort of superhuman ability to evaluate applicants which the e-board lacks, in order to weed out 'shitbags', get in touch with Eric. I'm *certain* that the club would benefit from your unique gift.

I'm a range officer; I volunteer a great deal of my time to the club. If you see someone behaving in an unsafe or improper manner, you are supposed to approach and attempt to politely correct that person.

'Inappropriate target' - shit, Eric, the president, earlier in this thread explicitly stated that yes, members can shoot cans, produce, and other stuff at the outdoor range PROVIDED that the members pack everything out again.
I dont think I have seen anyone breaking any of the major rules (not counting targets a little to high or low and finding debires from non-aproved targets). Personaly if I see someone show up and acting immature I just leave and come back some other time. I would like to think that if I saw a real safety violation (targets on top of the berm, shooting while others are on range, that kind of thing) I would imidiatly speak up and tell the E-board (if for no other reason so I dont get blamed when they check the footage and see my car around)
Bender, I appreciate your point of view. It's nice to know that you're a range officer, because I've never seen one and wasn't aware we even had any at the club besides being mention in the bylaws.

With that being said, I'll respond: It's good to know that "not every application" is accepted, but you have to admit, theres no formal review process for accepting new member. No interview process, no reference checks,etc...how do I know this? I sent my application in with nothing more then the basics, such as my name, age, etc, and was accepted...I'm surprised I didn't get even a short phone interview. Hell, I'm surprised I even got accepted.

Obviously a lot of applications get accepted, as the orientation classes have been HUGE recently...I just wish there was more of a selective nature to the application process.

Like I said, if someone is unsafe, I have no problem politely correcting them...

and finally, your last part. I provided an example. I wasn't going to type an entire list of all the shit I've seen, as it would serve no purpose.

Just to end this, I have no problem with you bender and I understand that you obviously very passionate about our club, based on the fact that you donate so much of your time. You are entitled to your opinion, as am I. I don't want there to be any bad blood over a simple misunderstanding.
Jingles...you were complaining, and you said something profoundly stupid.

No, not every application is accepted. The E-board reviews applicants prior to the names read before the membership.
If you have some sort of superhuman ability to evaluate applicants which the e-board lacks, in order to weed out 'shitbags', get in touch with Eric. I'm *certain* that the club would benefit from your unique gift.

I'm a range officer; I volunteer a great deal of my time to the club. If you see someone behaving in an unsafe or improper manner, you are supposed to approach and attempt to politely correct that person.

'Inappropriate target' - shit, Eric, the president, earlier in this thread explicitly stated that yes, members can shoot cans, produce, and other stuff at the outdoor range PROVIDED that the members pack everything out again.

Mr Jingles tact may be harsh for some, but I have to agree with the gist of his statement. "Profoundly stupid", not really.
The e-board simply reads the names of new applicants during the business meeting. Unless somebody at the meeting objects; then said new member is accepted. The application process (in my opinion) should maybe be changed to a degree. Maybe look at references, or said new member needs a referral of a current member.

While I have very little spare time to attend the meetings, I do try to make work party's as often as I can. THIS, may be another avenue to explore. Required attendance at work party's, even if the requirement is once a year for the first few years of membership. Having new members clean the mess that's usually at the outdoor range may make them think twice about leaving their shit behind.

I know I know, I should attend a business meeting to bring this stuff up. Unfortunately for me, I work some weekends (on-call) for 48 hours straight.
I for one haven't seen anyone doing something I would consider dangerous... People seem to have decent muzzle discipline there, and manners. People do leave too much debris down range though if you want to shoot something other than paper clean it up!
Same here. I generally haven't seen any real unsafe behavior except for one time on the wide 100 when my friend and I were collecting our targets down range (we were the only ones on the range when we started walking down), and on the way back there were a couple guys that had pulled up to the range and were handling and setting up their rifles on the bench while we were down range walking back. Something was said to do them and got a typical idiot/fuddly response along the lines of "well they aren't loaded!" - great, because we can easily tell that down range with them pointed at us.
Is the new range up and operational yet? I haven't been to the range in a few months.

At the montly meeting today they said that they are waiting on the air handleing system (to be deliverd mid month). Sounds like the end of the month-ish for final opening (partial opening for .22 team shoots and air rifles early to mid month).
Is the new range up and operational yet? I haven't been to the range in a few months.

New range? I thought the indoor range was pretty new?

I'm thinking of joining this range now that I live in Taunton. Can anyone confirm if a .223 AR rifle can be used at the indoor range? While not a deal breaker, it would be nice to be able to practice with the AR during the winter and not have to worry about the weather.

I must of printed and filled out the application form half a dozen times by now. But I always finding something else to spend the money on. haha.
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