The Conference Committee has sent official language out - h.4885

TSUSA deserves your business more anyway.
I fully agree and while I ordered from Target twice this week I still would be interested to know if Larry is still delivering / my bday is coming up in the month and I like cashing out on their birthday special
I ordered and received some non-scary mags from Larry a month or two back

Edit to add that I checked tsusa prior to ordering from Larry but they didn’t have the mags I wanted in stock.
I just got my email so now I know what is OK for a little wile anyway. Time to put some classes together. I don't advertise, however I think I will try and get the word out and make as many classes available as I can find time to do.

That's a good, strong contribution you can make. Good on you.
It seems to be very confusing, however it looks as though you cannot carry anything. You are allowed to travel through the state with the gun under your personal control, however if you get out of your vehicle the firearm must te unloaded and in a locked container and no possession of large cap magazines. You can got to a competition with you firearm but you have to regester it with the state first and it looks like it can't be anything semiauto pistol, shotgun, or rifle. This is how GOAL's interpretation. Go onto there web site to get there full interpretation. It just dosent seem to make any sense and the state is not giving any guidence but it look as though you can't carry even if you have an non-resadent LTC after 8/1/2024.
I did go to thier site and It seems confusing.
I feel like this entire thread should be deleted. Nobody learned anything.

Next week, I’m gonna contact my attorney.
trusts, estate planning, my final will and Testament.
I’ll probably have more useless advice to give you, but at least you’ll be getting it for free. But at the very least I have to Make sure I leave all my drums of lubricant and sex dolls to @Reptile
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By Glenn Kittle, Photojournalist: Anthony Garuti and Tyler Beraldi
Published: Aug. 2, 2024 at 6:35 PM EDT|Updated: 25 minutes ago

SPRINGFIELD, Mass. (WGGB/WSHM) - New gun reform legislation was recently signed into law here in the Massachusetts. Some gun rights advocates are critical, and police departments are trying to get the word out that there have been some changes if you’re looking to get a license to carry.
Changes to what’s required to own a gun in Massachusetts includes more training, including live shooting drills, de-escalation tactics, and knowledge of use of force laws.

We spoke with a local police chief about this updated training process. Meanwhile, an amendment lawyer told us the government doesn’t have the infrastructure in place, meaning people might have to wait months to get a license to carry a firearm.

“I don’t agree with any of the parts of the bill, i don’t think the bill adds anything to our public safety,” Attorney Daniel Hagan told us.
He believes the recently signed Massachusetts gun reform law is unconstitutional.

“It limits what you can buy as of October, every single shotgun or rifle can’t be sold by a gun shop, so basically, hunting rifles in the state of Massachusetts. This is extreme gun control.”
The law also added more updates to already existing training in order to obtain a gun license.

Ware Police Chief, Shawn Crevier shared With Western Mass News what potential gun owners can expect.
“Live shooting they’re going to have to do now, there’s going to be de-escalation tactics that they’re going to be touching on, use of force targeting that they’re going to educate the people on,” he said.

However, Hagan says this updated training could hold up LTCs for months.
He says the Bay State doesn’t have the infrastructure in place to implement these new training methods.
“Certification of new instructors, a whole new curriculum that people have to follow with their training and none of that is set up. So, they’re going to stop issuing LTCs on August 1st unless you have this training, which they have not provide any of the infrastructure to actually allow anyone to obtain the training.”

Chief Crevier also anticipates the new law could lengthen the course and up the cost for a license to carry.
“The normal course right now was four hours I believe, so that could increase to six to eight hours and I’m sure the cost will probably at least double. I see anywhere from $75 now to probably $200.”

Commonwealth Second Amendment, a gun advocacy group in Massachusetts, has filed a federal lawsuit challenging the law.
Hagan is one of the lawyers in the group, he told Western Mass News.
He claims the state is hurting lawful gun owners rather than catching criminals.
“You can’t suspend the constitution, so, I think the injunction will come down on that provision, in terms of the rest of the lawsuit, I guess it will remain to be seen until we can see what the training requirements are.”

Hagan also said there is no updated list of firearms that people can or cannot purchase under this new law.

Copyright 2024. Western Mass News (WGGB/WSHM). All rights reserved.
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Wait can someone fill me in, is Larry done shipping to MASS?
Depends on what you order. I ordered some Magpul followers and that got cancelled because they say it's now illegal to ship parts that can be used in a standard cap magazine ( pasted the email I got in the other thread in gun laws). I also ordered some brass and a ten round Sig mag as a test and that stuff went thru fine.

I went to the Ram and ordered the followers and some replacement springs for 30 round mags, already shipped.
I just got my email so now I know what is OK for a little wile anyway. Time to put some classes together. I don't advertise, however I think I will try and get the word out and make as many classes available as I can find time to do.
That birthday price is a scam. Log out of your account and the price is the same.
They just put "birthday price" next to the price.
At least for anything I was trying to buy. Maybe they give you a deal on clearance junk
This movie scene has been the cause of much martial discord in my house... whenever my wife/kids are annoyed at me (a frequent occurrence) I start quoting Landfill's "fwus-tratng" line, much to their annoyance.
It's such a funny scene. Always has me in stitches. My friends and I always used to say this to each other to piss each other off. Great times!
The fourth paragraph may wake up a few FUDDs. Maybe?
Nope. I’ve already heard a few say “I already have all the guns I need for hunting. It doesn’t affect me and some people shouldn’t be able to own guns”. I told one guy how inline muzzleloaders that use a 209 cap are now considered firearms and need a license. He said I was wrong and wanted to call his “EPO” buddy and ask him for legal advice. f***ing idiots.
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Nope. I’ve already heard a few say “I already have all the guns I need for hunting. It doesn’t affect me and some people shouldn’t be able to own guns”.

I believe that the underlining intent of this unconstitutional legislation is twofold.

First it is directed at current license holders in an effort to cause them as much inconvenience as is possible as they attempt to exercise their Constitutional Civil Rights. The Powers That Be know that current shooters are a lost cause pursuant to attempting to convince them to willingly give up their 2-A Civil Rights so the new rules are essentially just for nuisance value.

The second target of this legislation is more insidious in nature. This is a organized attempt to try to convince the younger generation to not even consider trying to enter the shooting sports arena in the first place. The authors of these sorts of edicts hope to combine massive unchallenged gaslighting about the 2-A along with the nuisance values referenced above as a means to discourage any new generations from having any knowledge of much less interest in shooting with the hope that as older shooters die off the 2-A community will eventually just disappear in the mists of time.

Yes...... I am quickly approaching my 72nd birthday and for all practical purposes I do in fact own all the firearms that I will ever need for whatever period of time that I have left. The nuisance portions of this legislation can be dealt with by our family........complaining about them but refusing to give up our 2-A civil rights.

My concern is that if we as a community fail to attempt to fight back against this appalling attempt to disenfranchise future generations of the shooting community then we will be guilty of material mismanagement of our civil rights that those younger generations were counting on us to be good stewards of.

Woody Allen summed up our current challenge thusly:

I believe that the underlining intent of this unconstitutional legislation is twofold.

First it is directed at current license holders in an effort to cause them as much inconvenience as is possible as they attempt to exercise their Constitutional Civil Rights. The Powers That Be know that current shooters are a lost cause pursuant to attempting to convince them to willingly give up their 2-A Civil Rights so the new rules are essentially just for nuisance value.

The second target of this legislation is more insidious in nature. This is a organized attempt to try to convince the younger generation to not even consider trying to enter the shooting sports arena in the first place. The authors of these sorts of edicts hope to combine massive unchallenged gaslighting about the 2-A along with the nuisance values referenced above as a means to discourage any new generations from having any knowledge of much less interest in shooting with the hope that as older shooters die off the 2-A community will eventually just disappear in the mists of time.

Yes...... I am quickly approaching my 72nd birthday and for all practical purposes I do in fact own all the firearms that I will ever need for whatever period of time that I have left. The nuisance portions of this legislation can be dealt with by our family........complaining about them but refusing to give up our 2-A civil rights.

My concern is that if we as a community fail to attempt to fight back against this appalling attempt to disenfranchise future generations of the shooting community then we will be guilty of material mismanagement of our civil rights that those younger generations were counting on us to be good stewards of.

Woody Allen summed up our current challenge thusly:

View attachment 905153
You're definitely on to something here. When I went for my LTC around 98 or so they gave me a "book" of stupid sh*t that I had to do. When I first looked through it I said forget this, its way to much work and nonsense to deal with. But my nature is a defying pr*ck and an as*hole. The more I thought about it the more it pissed me off and motivated me to get it. If I had been able to walk into a gun store and buy that Ruger P97 or whatever it was I probably would have bought that and over a year or two just kinda dropped the whole thing. When young people go to a police station and get their paper work they probably feel the same and just forget about it.
You're definitely on to something here. When I went for my LTC around 98 or so they gave me a "book" of stupid sh*t that I had to do. When I first looked through it I said forget this, its way to much work and nonsense to deal with. But my nature is a defying pr*ck and an as*hole. The more I thought about it the more it pissed me off and motivated me to get it. If I had been able to walk into a gun store and buy that Ruger P97 or whatever it was I probably would have bought that and over a year or two just kinda dropped the whole thing. When young people go to a police station and get their paper work they probably feel the same and just forget about it.

And that is why it is so important that adults who believe in the value of owning and using firearms pass that mindset on to.....and encourage.... the younger members of their families to continue that tradition.

The late Col. Jeff Cooper was once asked what he thought the important tenets of being a parent were........he replied that they were to teach his children to ride, shoot straight and tell the truth.

One could do a lot worse than believe in those values.
Quick someone show this clip to Maura , I think she missed the memo!!!


He is so full of shit that the local water department has to have a dedicated crew just to follow him around and pump out the political sewers on a daily basis. Perhaps this is what he considers to be economic full employment.
Nope. I’ve already heard a few say “I already have all the guns I need for hunting. It doesn’t affect me and some people shouldn’t be able to own guns”. I told one guy how inline muzzleloaders that use a 209 cap are now considered firearms and need a license. He I was wrong and wanted to call his “EPO” buddy and ask him for legal advice. f***ing idiots.
Like in my post. Maybe?
As much as I didn’t like Barry’s policies and disagree with most of what he said, I have to point out that he speaks so much more eloquently than the politicians on either side today.

I give zero f***s about eloquent speaking. I give all my f***s about the policies that affect our country and its future. If someone wants to sit in their mom’s basement and masturbate to eloquent speakers, go for it. Give me the results of the policies that Trump enacted and the justices he appointed. I’ll gladly read the mean tweets in my own house that I can actually afford under a Trump presidency.
I give zero f***s about eloquent speaking. I give all my f***s about the policies that affect our country and its future. If someone wants to sit in their mom’s basement and masturbate to eloquent speakers, go for it. Give me the results of the policies that Trump enacted and the justices he appointed. I’ll gladly read the mean tweets in my own house that I can actually afford under a Trump presidency.
No eloquent speaking only word salid from the laughing cow and the banning of all guns within her 1st hundred days at least that is what she said.
This entire gun thing has to be won at the ballot box and right now I am not feeling as positive as I was a week ago.
Maybe this is what we need. She will bottom out the country and put it into caous. This may just be the catalyst we really need to have change happen.
No eloquent speaking only word salid from the laughing cow and the banning of all guns within her 1st hundred days at least that is what she said.
This entire gun thing has to be won at the ballot box and right now I am not feeling as positive as I was a week ago.
Maybe this is what we need. She will bottom out the country and put it into caous. This may just be the catalyst we really need to have change happen.
I’ve been wondering about that myself. As a veteran, know that I don’t want anything resembling a civil war but I’m thinking that the zeitgeist is leaning more and more in that direction. After all, do you really think they’ll leave us alone? Settle for compromise? Seeing the mentalcases with the pink hair and gender fluidity, do you want anything to do with them?

Granada Television did a series on the Spanish Civil War in 1983. Many of the participants were interviewed. An Army officer named Goni stated about halfway through the second video “it got so that we couldn’t look at a communist or a socialist without seeing the devil.” I’ve said it here before, the next civil war will most closely resemble the Spanish Civil War of the 30’s than anything else. The rural and traditional, allied with the military versus the urban and radical.
I’ve been wondering about that myself. As a veteran, know that I don’t want anything resembling a civil war but I’m thinking that the zeitgeist is leaning more and more in that direction. After all, do you really think they’ll leave us alone? Settle for compromise? Seeing the mentalcases with the pink hair and gender fluidity, do you want anything to do with them?

Granada Television did a series on the Spanish Civil War in 1983. Many of the participants were interviewed. An Army officer named Goni stated about halfway through the second video “it got so that we couldn’t look at a communist or a socialist without seeing the devil.” I’ve said it here before, the next civil war will most closely resemble the Spanish Civil War of the 30’s than anything else. The rural and traditional, allied with the military versus the urban and radical.

Agreed, with a healthy dose of the breakup for former Yugoslavia and fall of the Soviet Union as well. Not going to be a fun time.
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