More points that can be added that carry some weight, and largely inspired by a point Colion Noir brought up in a recent podcast:
Basing this part off of Pew Research data from 2021:
There are roughly 48,830 gun related homicides in the united states for that year.
The current population for 2021 was 332 Million, of that, the amount of reported deaths was 3,464,231
1.41% of all the reported deaths involved a gun in some way
0.604% of all the reported deaths were actually Murdered by guns
0.0147% of the total population died involving a gun in some way
0.0063% of the total population were actually Murdered by guns
0.00046% of the total population accounts for law enforcement (537), accidental (549), and undetermined (458) totaling 1,544
0.0063% of the total population accounts for "violent - murder" gun deaths at 20,958
0.0079% of the total population accounts for the 54% suicide at 26,328
Basing this part off of CDC data:
Current Massachusetts population sits at 6.982 Million. Massachusetts experiences about 260 (lets play 300 on the safe end) gun related "deaths" a year, putting the gun related deaths to population ratio at about 0.0043%
Factor in 54% for suicides (haven't found data to support this locally but hopefully the national percentage holds) brings the total gun homicides in MA to about 138 deaths or 0.0019% of total population
Massachusetts also experiences about 4,000 motor vehicle deaths a year, out of 6.982 million that puts us at 0.058%
Mind you, gun related deaths don't show up on top 10 causes of death in the state. CDC states that the leading cause of death in Massachusetts is cancer at about 12,500 deaths per year, out of 6.982 million that puts us at 0.179%
Mathing all of this out means you are 2,952.63% more likely to die on your daily commute and road trip down to the Cape than you are of being killed by a gun. You are also 9,321.05% more likely to die of cancer than you are of being killed by someone with a gun.
To sum up all the numbers and FACTS:
1. Nationwide, you would only save maybe 0.604% of the people who were going to die anyway by getting rid of all guns. If you could even guarantee a complete civilian and gang disarmament in the United States.
2. There are currently estimated to be 500,000,000 firearms in the United States that we know of and can somewhat track. If guns were the problem, expect the death rates to be significantly higher.
3. On the more left leaning side, there are estimated 600,000 self defense cases of guns each year. Meaning the death toll in the United States can be presumed to increase by at least half of that without legal arms in circulation. 2,000,000 self defense cases by more right leaning sources (hearsay unless I can find data to prove it)
4. You are 2,952.63% more likely to be killed driving than you are of being shot and killed by a gun before factoring in the firearm suicide rate.
5. 0.0019% of the total MA population is murdered by guns which doesn't even sit at the top 10 of leading causes of death in this state. You should be more concerned with hitting the treadmill, your genetics, and not eating too much candy this Halloween.
If they really wanted us to be safe and alive they would be passing legislation to make roads safer, mandating exercise, and restricting added sugars and chemicals that are poisoning us every day.
They won't do it because it's not a popular opinion. So the next time someone says that cars and Snickers aren't as inherently dangerous and killy as a gun, kindly correct them.
Please let me know if these stats are wrong or if you suggest edits, the numbers don't lie but I'm not perfect
Coming soon I'll post retorts to the "guns are still dangerous because of firearms related accidents and the sole purpose of a gun is to kill" argument
P.S., I'll be posting replies and updates here as my autistic ADHD brain takes over and I just need to research something to make this all make sense lmao
P.P.S. Kindly direct me to the proper thread or suggest a thread creation for common sense retorts to gun control bullshit arguments.
Basing this part off of Pew Research data from 2021, corroborated with CDC stats for 2022:
There are roughly 48,830 gun related deaths in the united states for that year.
The current population for 2021 was 332 Million, of that, the amount of reported deaths was 3,464,231
1.41% of all the reported deaths involved a gun in some way
0.604% of all the reported deaths were actually
Murdered by guns
0.0147% of the total population died involving a gun in some way
0.0063% of the total population were actually
Murdered by guns
0.00046% of the total population accounts for law enforcement (537), accidental (549), and undetermined (458) totaling 1,544
0.0063% of the total population accounts for "violent - murder" gun homicides at 20,958
0.0079% of the total population accounts for the 54% suicide at 26,328
Basing this part off of CDC data:
Current Massachusetts population sits at 6.982 Million. Massachusetts experiences about 260 (lets play 300 on the safe end) gun related
"deaths" a year, putting the gun related deaths to population ratio at about
Factor in 54% for suicides (haven't found data to support this locally but hopefully the national percentage holds) brings the total gun
homicides in MA to about 138 deaths or
0.0019% of total population
Massachusetts also experiences about 4,000 motor vehicle deaths a year, out of 6.982 million that puts us at
Mind you, gun related deaths don't show up on top 10 causes of death in the state. CDC states that the leading cause of death in Massachusetts is cancer at about 12,500 deaths per year, out of 6.982 million that puts us at
Mathing all of this out means you are
2,952.63% more likely to die on your daily commute and road trip down to the Cape than you are of being killed by a gun. You are also
9,321.05% more likely to die of cancer than you are of being killed by someone with a gun.
Bear with me now, I'm going to use a Radical Anti-Gun source to prove our point, again, bear with me here
According to Everytown, on average each year:
96,935 people are wounded by a gun in some way and survive
*Disclaimer* 2,411 of those are attempted suicides
*Disclaimer* 35,451 includes police
AND "gun assault" which probably alludes to attempted homicide
59,073 of those are injured by negligent discharge, accident, or undetermined
Using the population for 2021 which was 332 Million:
0.029% of the total population received some sort of wound from a gun (be that a graze, burn, might even being pistol whipped idk) and survived.
2.48% of these are attempted suicides or
0.007% of the total population, subtracting it brings us down to
37.5% of these are police AND attempted homicides or
0.01% of the total population, subtracting it brings us down to
59,073 unintentional injuries.
This figure is probably skewed without accounting for victims who only reported being shot "on accident".
0.017% of the total population is injured from firearm related "accidents".
Those arguing that they still
could have died, would need to add
549 accidental gun deaths to
59,073 non fatal accidents bringing the total deaths from firearm negligence, in theory, to
If they theoretically succumbed to their injuries, adding to the death count for 2021, there would be
3,523,853 deaths total.
This would mean
1.69% of the people who died that year in total would have died from firearm wounds compared to the original
1.41%, reflecting a minor change of
Adding a "potential death" figure gets you to
0.017% of the total population involving a gun in some way, compared to
0.014% beforehand
To sum up all the numbers and
1. Nationwide, you would only save maybe
0.604% of the people who were going to die anyway by getting rid of all guns. If you could even guarantee a complete civilian and gang disarmament in the United States.
2. There are currently estimated to be 500,000,000 firearms in the United States that we know of and
can somewhat track. If guns were the problem, expect the death rates to be significantly higher.
3. On the more left leaning side, there are estimated 600,000 self defense cases of guns each year. Meaning the death toll in the United States can be presumed to increase by at least half of that without legal arms in circulation. 2,000,000 self defense cases by more right leaning sources (hearsay unless I can find data to prove it)
4. You are
2,952.63% more likely to be killed driving than you are of being shot and killed by a gun.
0.0019% of the total MA population is murdered by guns which doesn't even sit at the top 10 of leading causes of death in this state. You should be more concerned with hitting the treadmill, your genetics, and not eating too much candy this Halloween.
6. Only
0.017% of the total population received some sort of injury from a firearm due to negligence. With widespread awareness and guns safety instead of making the topic taboo, that figure is likely to drop significantly. Even if you added firearm related accidents to the "casualty" list, you would only get a
0.003% increase in deaths which is negligible. Let's be honest, even without guns, stupid and irresponsible people will find ways to get themselves and others hurt.
If they really wanted us to be safe and alive they would be passing legislation to make roads safer, mandating exercise, and restricting added sugars and chemicals that are poisoning us every day.
They won't do it because it's not a popular opinion. So the next time someone says that cars and Snickers aren't as inherently dangerous and killy as a gun, kindly correct them.
Please advise on stat corrections or if you suggest edits, I want this to be as bulletproof (pun intended) as possible
P.S., I'll be posting replies and updates here as my autistic ADHD brain takes over and I just need to research something to make this all make sense lmao
P.P.S. Kindly direct me to the proper thread or suggest a thread creation for common sense retorts to gun control bullshit arguments.