NES Member
But if the law is rewritten to define the meaning of copy or duplicate then the case law you are citing is invalidated.From the summary on Goal
"July 20, 2016 – Applies to the list of enumerated weapons (copies and duplicates ofthem) This now officially makes any purchases/transfers of Ars, Aks, or other enumerated Aws on or after the day of her press conference (July 20, 2016) illegal."
That is not what the language says. It says that anything purchased, owned and registered before 7/20/16 is NOT A COPY OR DUPLICATE. That is not the same as anything on or after 7/20/16 being illegal. You are taking two steps when you should take one. Report that it is not a copy or duplicate if it is "pre-Healey". That is what the law will say.
On whether it is a copy or duplicate on or after has not be judicated by a competent court. It is purely the opinion of the AG
We have 22 years of precedent from both federal and MA courts that say no, this is NOT the definition of copy or duplicate. And the MA AWB currently says "shall have the same meaning as" federal so the federal interpretation is what matters.
Why is GOAL going for super scare tactics on this topic?
The status of post 7/20/16 covered guns is still in contention - None of us know how the (lower) courts will interpret how the 2016 notice and this bills language in view of both Loper and Cargill. However we can assume that lower level courts will do their very best to work against us because guns.
My personal opinion is that Healy's declaration did not have regulatory power because the legislative intent of Mass was to reimplement the federal ban in Mass law without the sunset provision. Therefore, going by SCOTUS rules of interpretation, that would apply the federal regulatory clarifications on "copies or duplicates" to the Mass law also. That means that there was no ambiguity in the meanings that Healy could interpret as that language was clarified at higher levels of authority. But the federal ban has sunset and therefore the higher authority no longer applied and would a Mass or 1st circuit court interpret that as a loss of authority? I believe those courts would.