The Conference Committee has sent official language out - h.4885

That's pretty much how it is....

That being said, the temporary order that was 14 days is not one that will cause someone to lose their license or firearms.

If the judge determines that, after the "official" hearing to show cause, an order is warranted, then that is where the law comes into play.

But to agree with your point, it is that easy to "petition." Lets say that lunatic showed up for court when he was supposed to and you two duked it out in front of the judge? More likely than not, he would have lost anyway. I guess to land my plane, the onus lies on the courts and the judges to make these determinations.

Nope. Not correct. It is immediate under the temporary order.

That's what I have the issue with. You don’t even get a chance to defend yourself.

Concur - when we pushed hard they simply took everything behind closed doors.
And because there is no conservative infrastructure to speak of, we can't even put out candidates as a show of force.

I would run but an legally prohibited - wouldn't win even if I did since mass conservatives are pretty much okay if the commies promise only to give them the tip.

Not in MA, but a pro2A dude tried running for office and two thugs showed up at his door to give the nudge nudge, wink wink.

Save our democracy and all.
@1903Collector is incorrect. Lets look at this as a muli layer test.

1. is it C&R?
C&R is inherently pre-ban as far as ASW is concerned and is specifically exempt from the roster if you have a C&R FFL. This will cover most Garands and a lot of the SKS. If the answer to this is YES, then a dealer can sell it to you. No need to look at the rest of the questions.

2. Is it ASW? Pre-ban Y/N? Even if it's pre-ban it will have to have been registered in MA by 8/1. If it's not pre-ban then its an "evil features" test. If it passes as not an ASW, or is pre-ban, a dealer is still restricted to on roster guns. This may be a bigger issue, since those pre-bans will never be on-roster, but that doesn't stop FtF sales.

3. is it on-roster? C&R is exempt to this but otherwise this will be a BIG killer of sales. MA is a small market so manufacturers aren't going to jump in and get all there models on the roster. And anything that isn't in current production will never be on roster. So used guns that aren't registered in MA on 8/1 will be a big no for sales/transfer by a dealer, and no way to bring more into the state. This will absolutely kill the used market, and severely limit the new selection.

So C&R impact isn't much. People seem to be focusing on the ASW ban but the roster is going to have a bigger more damaging impact. It will drive shops out of business and permanantly and radically reduce supply and selection in MA. They played the long game and played it well, if not overturned this law will kill guns in MA in 10 years, you'll end up giving hours to a small shop that has nothing but some old beat up guns and super pricy shotguns.

Hopefully FPC is ready to push a stay up to the fed courts to keep this law shut down until it gets to SCOTUS. MA was my home for most of my life and I haven't given up on MA, as soon as FPC makes their involvement official I'm sending them $$$$ and setting up regular payments, they are MA's best hope.
Your probably correct on the C&R, I don't play in that park, but i don't think I'm wrong on the M1A and Mini-14.
Nope. Not correct. It is immediate under the temporary order.

That's what I have the issue with. You don’t even get a chance to defend yourself.

View attachment 901146

The only caveat is line 1966 ...... "if the plaintiff demonstrates a substantial likelihood of immediate danger of harassment."

But as it is written there, one can interpret it this way:

"If the plaintiff demonstrates a substantial likelihood of immediate danger (or harassment), and a temporary or emergency harassment/restraining order is issued, the immediate suspension and surrender of any LTC/FID that the defendant may hold, and order the defendant to surrender all firearms and ammunition that the defendant then controls..."

This is subjective to the courts and the plaintiff needs to check certain boxes. The court will have requirements that need to be met in order for the necessity of a seizure to be warranted.

What if the firearms and ammunition are being legally stored elsewhere? Local PD won't go out of jurisdictional lines to handle that.

Believe me, it is super confusing and we are dealing with the jumble up in the administrative section I contract out of.
From the press release:
“This legislation is the most significant gun safety reform package that Massachusetts has seen in a decade. It’s the culmination of a multi-year process that began once the Supreme Court’s conservative supermajority issued their disastrous Bruen decision, a ruling that undermined our laws and threatened the safety of our residents. After that decision was announced, the House began a comprehensive review of how that ruling would impact Massachusetts, and of the Commonwealth’s gun laws generally, a process that resulted in the historic bill that the House passed last October," said House Speaker Ronald J. Mariano (D-Quincy). "While the Commonwealth’s existing gun laws have made Massachusetts one of the safest states in the nation, relative success is never a cause for complacency. That’s why I’m incredibly proud of the legislation that Governor Healey signed into law today, as it builds on the critical reforms that we made in 2014. I’m grateful to Chairman Day and the members of the conference committee for their tireless work on this issue, as I’m confident that these reforms will make the Commonwealth safer.

Bold added by me. So nice to know that we've got governors and house speakers who don't respect the Supreme Court or its decisions. f***ing progressives ALWAYS know that they're right.

If this stands - other states will follow.

SECTION 3. Allows the use of EBT cards to purchase ammunition, but not firearms.
This is because all of the firearms seized during crimes outweigh the significance of ammunition....

Also, how can hoodrats keep their street games going if they can't walk into an FFL and not be embarassed to throw an EBT card on the table and buy 1000 rounds of 9?
So confusing.

She signed it, but let's assume without an emergency preamble.

So FFLs can continue to sell for 90s days. But can they only sell inventory that they have in their possession by 8/1?
Or can they continue to add in new items in to their inventory/book and sell for 90 days?
So confusing.

She signed it, but let's assume without an emergency preamble.

So FFLs can continue to sell for 90s days. But can they only sell inventory that they have in their possession by 8/1?
Or can they continue to add in new items in to their inventory/book and sell for 90 days?
They love leaving us in limbo 😡
So confusing.

She signed it, but let's assume without an emergency preamble.

So FFLs can continue to sell for 90s days. But can they only sell inventory that they have in their possession by 8/1?
Or can they continue to add in new items in to their inventory/book and sell for 90 days?
yeah hardcoding that 8/1 date even though it takes 90 days to go into effect
seth meyers GIF by Late Night with Seth Meyers
So confusing.

She signed it, but let's assume without an emergency preamble.

So FFLs can continue to sell for 90s days. But can they only sell inventory that they have in their possession by 8/1?
Or can they continue to add in new items in to their inventory/book and sell for 90 days?

I'm not that big an expert, but several things are theoretically supposed to happen during those 90 days.

1. It gives the State time to figure out testing protocols, establish a roster for rifles and shotguns, iron out all the bugs, start the testing, and begin the approval process.
2. It gives dealers time to liquidate whatever inventory they need to liquidate.
3. It does the same for gunowners doing things FTF; if a guy like me "needs" more 10-rounders now, I'm supposed to get them in the three months of Aug, Sept, and Oct.
4. It gives the state time to establish, debug, and roll out their new Registry, including ammo. I think they have a year to finish that?
5. It gives plaintiffs time to file civil-court challenges to this new law.

Now, we know for a fact that 1. will not happen. 90 days is not enough time for that at government pace, least of all when there's no money appropriated to make it happen.

2. will probably happen, but with no roster established, they'll be unable to order anything new for sale except preexisting rostered pistols. The result is likely to be extreme financial difficulty for them.

3. will NOT happen, at least in my case, because I think the state can go f*** itself.

4. won't happen. Same reasons as 1.

5. is highly likely, in the sense that many suits will be filed. It's on us to keep funding those suits. We'll win some, we'll lose some.
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I know this is AWB 101, but which guns are we supposed to be worried about having a copy or duplicate of? Which base guns are included? ARs, AKs, but what else? Uzis? HKs? Anything that accepts stanag mags ("magazine port" language)?

I've read the language but can't seem to find layman's explanation. Anyone care to educate? Is the use of a buffer? Same trigger assembly? Bolt carrier? Any one? More than one?
I thought I remembered issued “guidance” regarding building a lower acquired post 7/20/16 issued by the AG at that time. Does that exist and if so can someone post it if you have it. I’d like to read it?
I had emailed the AGs office after the guidance and asked. (I wished I still had the email) but I remember them saying as long as the lower was purchased pre 7/20 it was legal. However, that could be irrelevant given what is actually written in this law.

I emailed Rep Day and asked this question, figure I would go to the horses mouth. I doubt I will hear back though.
I've read the language but can't seem to find layman's explanation. Anyone care to educate? Is the use of a buffer? Same trigger assembly? Bolt carrier? Any one? More than one?

No offense, but you're a little behind...

Count on it being applied as liberally as possible.
Gun stores have been slammed, selling so many guns, which is awesome. Giant FU to the shitbags that are discriminating against us and violating our rights. Realistically, many are buying stuff that they otherwise wouldn't be buying if it weren't for the fact that these unconstitutional regs are about to go into effect. I saw this back during the Bathhouse Barry years where we sold well over a YEARS worth of inventory in less than 2 weeks. So while they try to deter people from buying, the opposite happens and everyone racks up the purchases. Congrats, aholes. Meanwhile, FPC, NAGR, SAF, GOA, etc., are getting ready to take the commies to court. And at the end of the day, everyone is gonna keep on buying.
mr rogers middle finger GIF

That's cool and all, but new shooters will be locked out - so I wouldn't be so happy about it.
How in the fu*k do I find out which of my guns are already registered?
How in the fu*k do I find out if there are any registered guns in my name I don’t own anymore?

No I read I can’t use a large cap mag for hunting…. I don’t even own a 10 rounder!

Could someone explain this to me?
No the date is hard coded but come 90 days after today, anything not grandfathered by 8/1 would be illegal. If there was no date, the grandfather date would likely be the effective date in 90 days.

The preamble is a huge issue because then it’s effective today, which means the new feature test is effective today and damn near everything fails so nothing would be lawful on 8/1.
So do we know if there was an emergency preamble attached? 🤔
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