The Conference Committee has sent official language out - h.4885

Once it’s liv
I am quite sure that it is too late for them to add an emergency preamble. So the law will not kick in for another 90 days. This basically means that frame transfers, ammo sales, etc, will all remain legal. Moreover, everything that is not an assault style weapon (under the upcoming definition), can still be bought for another 90 days, for example Beretta 1301 or A300. As these are not assault style, they don't have to be registered by Aug 1. So guys, don't shit your pants.

I think transfers still need to be done by 8/1. Whether they’ll prosecute later transfers is another question, as is whether or not you’ll find an FFL to do them. Someone else will be along to correctly more shortly though.
NH shops couldn’t even agree on whether they can sell MA-compliant rifles to MA residents without shipping to an FFL before. Now? Forget it.

There are some that participate on NES that certainly do. That is, they are informed which is why they don’t pant shit.
This bill is critically important to us, but there are literally hundreds of cases involving civil rights that are just as important to the people involved in those cases nationwide, and only nine people to decide whether or not they're worth hearing. Nothing makes this one particularly special.

SCOTUS has demonstrated repeatedly that they're not interested in granting cert to gun cases that haven't yet percolated up through the appellate levels. They're not likely to make an exception for this law, which is at least consistent.

The good news is that we might not have to wait for this case to reach SCOTUS. Other cases in other circuits are much farther along than this one, and will get to the Supremes within a year or so. Those rulings are likely to have a profound effect on certain aspects of this law, too.
One small issue - MA doesn't care what SCOTUS says, as demonstrated by this steaming pile of dogshit. Any of the other AWB cases could reach SCOTUS, be shot down, and MA would still arrest you. Time to spill the tea.
I’m wondering if there is any kind of streamlining of the process of getting this in front of SCOTUS given that it has the potential of being a complete ban on RKBA for 18-21 year olds. After all, they’re not allowed to own handguns so if FFLs are also prohibited from selling them rifles or shotguns…
It has to go through the 1st Circus and that's by far the worst circuit by far for 2a cases
So the part that I’ve been struggling with is the ban on possession of “machine gun parts”. I build a fair amount of parts kit rifles, and almost all parts kits come with all the full auto parts. They’re legal federally to possess you just can’t install them, and certain modifications need to be made to the receiver (denials) to block their function. So I have a lot of “machine gun parts” that I’ll need to decide how to handle.

But it got me thinking, How many ARs out there have FA BCG’s in them? There are lots of AR “clones” that have every correct part except the 3rd pin and the autosear. Including an auto trigger group (minus sear or burst assy). Isn’t any part that is used in an M16 AND and AR15 a “machine gun part”?

Just another f-ed up angle that I’m trying to mitigate biting me in the ass.
Yeah - I'm a little salty from the immediate move to hawk Tuah the state through immediate compliance by half the a**h***s around here.

I wish I could say I was surprised, but I'm not.

That Sam Adams quote has been coming to my mind an awful lot lately: "If you love wealth better than liberty, the tranquility of servitude better than the animating contest of freedom, go home from us in peace. We ask not your counsels nor your arms. Crouch down and lick the hands which feed you. May your chains set lightly upon you, and may posterity forget that you were our countrymen."

I love the animating contest of freedom: this law has me completely fired up. I feel like Jules cleaning up Marvin's brains from the back of the car in Jimmy's garage:

It's become obvious to me that there are MANY posters here who prefer the tranquility of servitude. Sam Adams had it right: thanks, but we don't need you. Go away. Hope it works out well for you, but when the future comes and I'm enjoying my rights with my children, I'll remember how all you cared about was f***ing grandfathering.

But you won't feel like my countryman. Not unless you get fired up now. It's not too late. I'm normally a very even-tempered guy, but if this kind of affront to your liberties doesn't make you incandescent with rage? Then what do you care about?
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It will be interesting to see when the Mass Wildlife Director and Board will make “emergency” changes in their own regs. And those changes have a shelf life of 90 days, which means they have time to have something ready for October 1st.

The bill had every opportunity to change language around “chambered in” or “use of” and add bolt action, prohibit semiautomatic, etc but did not.

There are only about 60,000 licensed hunters in the state, which is what, ~1% of the population? But it generates quite a bit of $$ for the state.

I’m slightly optimistic that this confusion may be what’s needed to accelerate where this ends up.
One small issue - MA doesn't care what SCOTUS says, as demonstrated by this steaming pile of dogshit. Any of the other AWB cases could reach SCOTUS, be shot down, and MA would still arrest you. Time to spill the tea.

If they arrested you in direct contravention of a SCOTUS ruling? You'd have civil rights lawyers clamoring for a piece of that case. You'd be sprung that same day, and the federal civil-rights lawsuit would be a slam-dunk.
Yeah - I'm a little salty from the immediate move to hawk Tuah the state through immediate compliance by half the a**h***s around here.
It amazes me that state after state see dismal, single digit percentage compliance rates... but in MA, of all places, the sheep are lining up to comply. I think we'll have significantly higher compliance rates than places like NY, NJ, IL, CT, etc.
It amazes me that state after state see dismal, single digit percentage compliance rates... but in MA, of all places, the sheep are lining up to comply. I think we'll have significantly higher compliance rates than places like NY, NJ, IL, CT, etc.

To be fair, I don't think any of those other states had a transaction system like MA does?

I suspect people here are not going to want to register, but they might feel sketchy about registering nothing when the state knows damn well what they have already. I would understand someone who complied because of that; they feel they already have registered, and in a way? They have. The state has them by the balls.

What I don't understand are posters saying things like, "I have this old gun from my grandpa that's not EFA-10'd. Where do I register it????" Well, shithead, you don't register it.
It amazes me that state after state see dismal, single digit percentage compliance rates... but in MA, of all places, the sheep are lining up to comply. I think we'll have significantly higher compliance rates than places like NY, NJ, IL, CT, etc.
I thinks part of the equation in MA is the “registration” system already in place. They already know what most have, vs the other states where there’s rough statistics but no individual data. This skews the compliance curve.

They were right, registration leads to ………..
To be fair, I don't think any of those other states had a transaction system like MA does?

I suspect people here are not going to want to register, but they might feel sketchy about registering nothing when the state knows damn well what they have already. I would understand someone who complied because of that; they feel they already have registered, and in a way? They have. The state has them by the balls.

What I don't understand are posters saying things like, "I have this old gun from my grandpa that's not EFA-10'd. Where do I register it????" Well, shithead, you don't register it.
"But will I be allowed to sell a magazine?!?!?!"
Really wish I had bought all the parts I need to build the couple AR's I got stripped lowers for a while back. Never got around to getting any of the parts. Certainly don't have time to get parts, build (which I've never done before, this was going to be my first), serial and fa10 before the 1st
Damn, everyone’s rushing to comply just as fast as they signed up for the covid vax.

I’ve asked questions that sound like I’m trying to comply but I’m really just trying to understand the degree of my current noncompliance. I assume others are doing the same. Everyone should be trying to understand what specifically they have that’s illegal under this (as futile as that may be) so that they can make informed decisions going forward. Maybe they put a lower on the books. Maybe they change their carry gun. Maybe they now have house guns (similar to house cats). Information is critical where significant felonies are concerned.
I thinks part of the equation in MA is the “registration” system already in place. They already know what most have, vs the other states where there’s rough statistics but no individual data. This skews the compliance curve.

They were right, registration leads to ………..
They don't know jack! When the data got leaked I found myself easily - there were guns registered to me that I didn't have and I had guns that were missing registrations. It's a garbage system.
The media is reporting that all assault weapon and high cap magazines are now not leagle to possess sell or transfer. That all non-serilesed firearms are ilegal and 3d printers and cnc machines are now ileagle to own unless you are licensed to manufacture guns.

The quality reporting I have come to expect
To be fair, I don't think any of those other states had a transaction system like MA does?

I suspect people here are not going to want to register, but they might feel sketchy about registering nothing when the state knows damn well what they have already. I would understand someone who complied because of that; they feel they already have registered, and in a way? They have. The state has them by the balls.

What I don't understand are posters saying things like, "I have this old gun from my grandpa that's not EFA-10'd. Where do I register it????" Well, shithead, you don't register it.

The way I see it going down: “ Attn firearms license holder, our records indicate that firearms attached to your name have not been registered in the new state registration portal. Failure to register these firearms will result in the suspension and forfeiture of your LTC. This is your only notification on this matter…….blah blah penalty of law blah blah blah..
The way I see it going down: “ Attn firearms license holder, our records indicate that firearms attached to your name have not been registered in the new state registration portal. Failure to register these firearms will result in the suspension and forfeiture of your LTC. This is your only notification on this matter…….blah blah penalty of law blah blah blah..

I suspect you're exactly right.
Really wish I had bought all the parts I need to build the couple AR's I got stripped lowers for a while back. Never got around to getting any of the parts. Certainly don't have time to get parts, build (which I've never done before, this was going to be my first), serial and fa10 before the 1st
Build what you want and shutup about it.
It will be interesting to see when the Mass Wildlife Director and Board will make “emergency” changes in their own regs. And those changes have a shelf life of 90 days, which means they have time to have something ready for October 1st.

The bill had every opportunity to change language around “chambered in” or “use of” and add bolt action, prohibit semiautomatic, etc but did not.

There are only about 60,000 licensed hunters in the state, which is what, ~1% of the population? But it generates quite a bit of $$ for the state.

I’m slightly optimistic that this confusion may be what’s needed to accelerate where this ends up.
I hope they bend over every box a year FUD and don't change a damn thing.
Not all hunters but those that only care if it effects them and then go on to vote blue because they don't care past their own comfort.

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