The Conference Committee has sent official language out - h.4885

Copies and duplicates were not defined in the federal AWB - however case law limited the interpretation to the enumerated manufacturer changing a model number but leaving the firearm substantially the same as a copy or duplicate. This allowed the compliant versions to be sold by other manufacturers since they weren't enumerated nor did they fail the featured tests.

Healy's declaration tossed 22 years of case law out the window by saying all of that was wrong and copies or duplicates referred to similar versions made by other manufacturers also AND that there was no cure for being an AW by deleting features.

So from 2016 until today there was an assertion from the state that all post 94 AR platform rifles (and any enumerated firearm in general) was an AW. However that assertion was never used as a primary charge in order to avoid giving standing to fight the declaration in court.

On short there is no mass law before/after 2016 - the is now post 7/25/2024 but 2016 had no real legal impact even of it did cause massive shift in how a lot of FFLs operate.

Thank you. That was an explanation that kinda makes sense. Not the “I looked it up in 4 seconds BS”.

The answers to most peoples' questions are already here. I'm tired of looking up shit I've already looked up before. People with questions can easily learn to help themselves, and I'm decreasingly hesitant to tell them so.
Some people here will keep.asking until they get the answer they want or hope to eventually get.

Bottom line is there is no silver lining to any of this other than it might eventually get destroyed in court but that is presumably a long ways away.

So in the meant time as I always said at my old job in corrections "It's all bad"
The way I see it going down: “ Attn firearms license holder, our records indicate that firearms attached to your name have not been registered in the new state registration portal. Failure to register these firearms will result in the suspension and forfeiture of your LTC. This is your only notification on this matter…….blah blah penalty of law blah blah blah..
I know this hypothetical scenario has been mentioned before. You go to renew your LTC, "well we see you have e/fa10's for x,y and z, but you have no records of anything registered, please explain".
Some people here will keep.asking until they get the answer they want or hope to eventually get.

Bottom line is there is no silver lining to any of this other than it might eventually get destroyed in court but that is presumably a long ways away.

So in the meant time as I always said at my old job in corrections "It's all bad"
There's nothing left to ask at this point except "what can we do to fight this". Obviously support GOAL/Comm2A/FPC, but I'll be keeping my eyes peeled for specific steps I can take to help, such as donating to someone's legal fund.
Will they have a database of registered firearms people can log into to see what they have registered in case people have to register builds? Will they go door to door to check if everything is registered? How much more shit can I fill my underwear with tonight?
I don’t answer questions.
Ok, then they'll make up something that deems you unsuitable and deny your renewal. Based of the fa10's they'll have probable cause to get a 4:00 am search warrant and if they find anything your toast. There are towns in the state that are red as a barn and the state has their backs. I don't see this being outside the realm of possibility in some towns. I'm not pant shitting BTW, just thinking out loud.
I thought I had seen a reference that only 07's (not individuals) could 'manufacture' firearms, but section 129 outlines the process as if we can still do 80%'s but need to get the serial number before even starting. Was that removed or did I imagine it [rolleyes] . If thats the case, how does one describe a single frame that supports multiple calibers? Having never done that, can one just say multi-caliber? What happens if the frame is non-functional, just reuse the serial number for the first one that works? I have the final pdf, and did the obvious searches, but maybe this is logic (seriously missing) rather than verbosity (of which there is plenty).

Not sure if its recent, but Bear Creek and Davidson are not shipping any FFL items to the PRM.
I have always put Multi in the caliber field for an AR. Caliber would be dependent on the upper anyways and there’s nothing stopping you from swapping an upper or barrel to any one of the multitude of calibers available.
How could this possibly have any effect over online ammo sales? I did not see anything in the bill about this?
Sect 37 one of the lines bans online sales of firearms and ammunition unless transferred in person. Not sure if out of state companies like Midway will comply. I hope not. But they all might shut down shipping to MA addresses to avoid litigation.
Sect 37 one of the lines bans online sales of firearms and ammunition unless transferred in person. Not sure if out of state companies like Midway will comply. I hope not. But they all might shut down shipping to MA addresses to avoid litigation.
Ooh Midway is super weak when it comes to that stuff. Here in RI they wouldn't even send a 10 round magazine because the way stupid RI wrote the bill it contradicted itself about magazines with removable floor plates so Midway immediately pussed out and wouldn't send it. Luckily I found about every other online vendors that aren't afraid to ship a 10 round magazine into RI and will never deal with Midway on any purchases ever again. Larry Potterfield is a fapper
Another one to remember:

Chief Michael J. Bradley, Jr., Executive Director, Massachusetts Chiefs of Police Association:

“The MCOPA leadership has voted to support H4885, also known as "An Act modernizing firearm laws.” We extend our appreciation to Speaker Mariano, Senate President Spilka, and Governor Healey for their continued efforts to work with our Association toward a compromise on gun reform and their shared focus on enhancing safety in the Commonwealth. We are committed to working closely with the Administration to address any challenges that may arise to ensure that the law's provisions are effectively put into practice.”

Sect 37 one of the lines bans online sales of firearms and ammunition unless transferred in person. Not sure if out of state companies like Midway will comply. I hope not. But they all might shut down shipping to MA addresses to avoid litigation.
That section only applies to Ma FFLs. It does not apply to individual LTC and FID holders nor does the text state anything at all concerning out of state vendors selling to in state LTC and FID holders. Of course those under ERPO are greatly affected.
Ill give FPC money all day, because they have a sense of humor and a record of wins in court
That’s why I signed up for their “grassroots army”

Perfect time for a protest 🤔
Exactly this! If she’s going to have a “ceremonial bill signing” let’s stand out and tell the truth. I realize everyone will pull the “I gotta work” or some other retarded bullshit. But if you truly f***ing care, you’ll be there. Let’s make it happen.

2016 had no real legal impact even of it did cause massive shift in how a lot of FFLs operate.
Exactly. Do you think the ATF would have approved any of the 1000s of Form1s for SBRs if her edict held any legal weight?
I know this hypothetical scenario has been mentioned before. You go to renew your LTC, "well we see you have e/fa10's for x,y and z, but you have no records of anything registered, please explain".

That sounds like a snake eating it's own tail. What I mean is they have a record of ownership and ask why you have not made a record of ownership. I guess it's one way of saying their record systems are faulty and want you to correct it as to what you currently have or else. A bit of bending the 5th there.

This leads me to my own question. I haven't used the e-FA/10 system or the paper FA-10's for that matter. The last time I did face to face transactions, blue cards were in use (yeah, I've been in the game a while) so excuse my ignorance. Since the late 70's I've only bought firearms from FFL's. I've filled out the 4473's and assumed that anything beyond that was handled by the dealer. Looking around, I've seen that some version of the FA/10's are required except when purchasing off a dealer. So, I'm kind of in limbo of where I stand. I'll plead the fifth on what I'll do but I will say that at the big house I don't care who my bunkie is except Reptile, guy is a bit too freaky.

So, in 131M: (says possessed, not registered)

(b) Subsection (a) shall not apply to an assault-style firearm lawfully possessed within the
commonwealth on August 1, 2024, by an owner in possession of a license to carry issued under
section 131 or by a holder of a license to sell under section 122; provided, that the assault-style
firearm shall be registered in accordance with section 121B and serialized in accordance with
section 121C.


Assault-style firearm”, any firearm which is:

that has a receiver that is the same as or interchangeable with the receiver of an
enumerated firearm in said clauses (d) and (e); provided further, that the firearm shall not be
considered a copy or duplicate of a firearm identified in clauses (d) and (e) if sold, owned and
registered prior to July 20, 2016
(g) “Assault-style firearm”

And this:

Firearm”, a stun gun, pistol, revolver, rifle, shotgun, sawed-off shotgun, large capacity
firearm, assault-style firearm and machine gun, loaded or unloaded, which is designed to or may
readily be converted to expel a shot or bullet; the frame or receiver of any such firearm or the
unfinished frame or receiver of any such firearm; provided, however, that “firearm” shall not
include any antique firearm or permanently inoperable firearm

So I have a unfinished AR15 receiver that I bought after 2016 and do legally possess on 8/1/24. It is now considered not banned under 131M. The definition of Assault-style firearm is any "firearm" that has a receiver of an AR15. The definition of Firearm includes any unfinished receiver. So, my Unfinished, none FA10'd and legally possessed stripped receiver for an AR15 can now be built up into a 6 inch pistol with a folding brace and a flash hider. I will then have to register it down the road when that system is created.
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I guess Mass residents will find out 8/2 if TSA is still shipping ammo in.
Frankly, this is the main thing I'm worried about. I shudder at the thought of having to overpay for two boxes of whatever ammo I can find on the shelf at the local store; I've gotten so used to just ordering by the case from TS and having it delivered within 48hrs or grabbing the same at the mill.
Sect 37 one of the lines bans online sales of firearms and ammunition unless transferred in person. Not sure if out of state companies like Midway will comply. I hope not. But they all might shut down shipping to MA addresses to avoid litigation.
That is incorrect, section 37 redefined Chapt 140 section 123 which covers what a massachusetts firearms dealer can do. It doesn't have any power over non-dealers in Mass or out of state dealers shipping to Mass

977 (k) No licensee shall fill an order for any firearm or ammunition received by mail,
978 facsimile, telephone, internet or other telecommunication unless such transaction includes the in-
979 person presentation of the required license, card, permit or documentation as required herein
980 prior to any sale, delivery or any form of transfer or possession. Transactions between federally
981 licensed dealers shall be exempt from this subsection.

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