The Conference Committee has sent official language out - h.4885

The dems don't need to cheat, Republicans are like native americans across the country, they're getting smaller and their voices are basically just faint echos.

Grandstand all you want, fact is the younger generations are learning to hate Republicans and their ideals and the 20 somethings are migrating away from the party for similar reasons. We got baby boomers and older, and in places where Republicans do have young blood the population is so small it doesn't matter.

The future is looking bleak for the Republican party, and no, Trump isn't going to save it- he's not changing hearts and minds and progressively transforming the party, he's polarizing it and hoping the haters just die or leave- that isn't going to happen, if it were we wouldn't have to keep seeing Whoopi on the view.
Democrats as Gen X and older remember are today's moderate Republicans.
Today's Democrats are socialists/communists.

But the government's indoctrination system has fully incorporated younger generations in group think and an attitude of dependency so fixing the problem is going to hard at best.
If that isn't the ultimate anti-white, pro-criminal shifting of the blame for crime from the criminals to the most vetted, law-abiding people in the state, then I don't know what it is.
I agree that her position/opinion is retarded but where the hell do you get anti-white from? I swear some of you guys play victim better than the dems. WE as gun owners are being targeted, it has nothing to do with race/gender or whatever tf else. And until some of yall get a grip and realise that we’ll never be able to unify under a common cause.
I agree that her position/opinion is retarded but where the hell do you get anti-white from? I swear some of you guys play victim better than the dems. WE as gun owners are being targeted, it has nothing to do with race/gender or whatever tf else. And until some of yall get a grip and realise that we’ll never be able to unify under a common cause.
Oh please... not impressed. You haven't read much of AG Andrea's history and campaign literature I see. She is as anti-white racist as they come.
I agree that her position/opinion is retarded but where the hell do you get anti-white from? I swear some of you guys play victim better than the dems. WE as gun owners are being targeted, it has nothing to do with race/gender or whatever tf else. And until some of yall get a grip and realise that we’ll never be able to unify under a common cause.
don't kid yourself that "-isms" aren't part of this
One thing that's really insidious in this bill that nobody is talking about is all the data collection.

There's a bunch of places where the state records things about the gun or its provenance that I guarantee you will be used in the future to ban some behavior or gun because:
- guns from a particular country are dangerous
- guns sold on the secondary market are dangerous
- privately made guns, even when serialized and registered, are dangerous
- certain types of guns are used by gangs, and should be banned

All that stuff is a ramp-up to justify more restrictions.
Is funny that the only data they are not collecting is how much of the violence with firearms are committed by valid ltc holders.
No, I haven’t read about her bc i dont give a rats ass about the stupid bitch. What i care about is getting this ass backwards law off the books. Regardless of her intention, it affects every single gun owner in mass, even the libtards/gays/others that we constantly shit on in here. How are we going to garner their support if we come across as unwelcoming and prejudiced? Ya dont gotta like em but we need their votes too
Pretty much no one here cares about gays - sophmoric jokes aside, we wholeheartedly support their access to all constitutionally protected rights.

Libtards not so much - they can burn in ell since they want to take away rights and force their opinions on others.
So depressing. This is why the left keeps getting away with taking away our rights. They know they will always get away with it one way or another. [banghead]
They only do what is good for you, silly.
Nobody expects Spanish Inquisition. That is what we got.
Democrats as Gen X and older remember are today's moderate Republicans.
Today's Democrats are socialists/communists.

But the government's indoctrination system has fully incorporated younger generations in group think and an attitude of dependency so fixing the problem is going to hard at best.

malo periculosam libertatem quam quietum servitium

Pretty much no one here cares about gays - sophmoric jokes aside, we wholeheartedly support their access to all constitutionally protected rights.

Libtards not so much - they can burn in ell since they want to take away rights and force their opinions on others.
Yea i know, my point in saying all that is regardless of our opinions we should all just play nice (even if its pretend) so that we can keep as many people on our side as possible. Already a slim chance of us beating this, we don’t want to inadvertently make it slimmer by pushing potential supporters away.
Yea i know, my point in saying all that is regardless of our opinions we should all just play nice (even if its pretend) so that we can keep as many people on our side as possible. Already a slim chance of us beating this, we don’t want to inadvertently make it slimmer by pushing potential supporters away.
There is ZERO chance of us beating this up to and including the 1st Circuit.
Therefore we need to present very clear and narrow cases that the lower courts can rubber stamp for the state in order to get past them quickly
Yea i know, my point in saying all that is regardless of our opinions we should all just play nice (even if its pretend) so that we can keep as many people on our side as possible. Already a slim chance of us beating this, we don’t want to inadvertently make it slimmer by pushing potential supporters away.
Acting in bad faith in hopes a community that is largely aligned or adjacent with the anti-gun establishment will advocate for my rights is not on my list of priorities. I'm not going to signal the rainbow flag like some corporation trying to attract ESG investments.

Is funny that the only data they are not collecting is how much of the violence with firearms are committed by valid ltc holders.

They do collect that. "if the person was an LTC holder" is one of the things they record.

Look at 121E(c)(2)(v)

I agree that the data there won't be published because it doesn't follow the gun confiscation script.
They do collect that. "if the person was an LTC holder" is one of the things they record.

Look at 121E(c)(2)(v)

I agree that the data there won't be published because it doesn't follow the gun confiscation script.
They'll collect that data but when they present it will be obscured
Just like they include suicide in violence statistics - pumping up the numbers since no one looks under the hood.
Acting in bad faith in hopes a community that is largely aligned or adjacent with the anti-gun establishment will advocate for my rights is not on my list of priorities. I'm not going to signal the rainbow flag like some corporation trying to attract ESG investments.
Ok but it works for those corporations every year, no? Did lincoln not use an anti slavery position to help the union win? Did feminists not use black women as a way to gain suffrage rights? Did Biden not appeal to blacks and gays to take the election from trump? We all claim that the dems cheat, but in recent history they’ve also won. Maybe its time to take a page out of their book. Yes it sucks and u can sit there and throw a fit about it, sure. I’m just trying to provide another perspective. Do what you want.
Ok but it works for those corporations every year, no? Did lincoln not use an anti slavery position to help the union win? Did feminists not use black women as a way to gain suffrage rights? Did Biden not appeal to blacks and gays to take the election from trump? We all claim that the dems cheat, but in recent history they’ve also won. Maybe its time to take a page out of their book. Yes it sucks and u can sit there and throw a fit about it, sure. I’m just trying to provide another perspective. Do what you want.
The constitution was made for the purpose of making it so I didn't need to sell my soul to drag queens and other racial groups (most of whom have in group preference but are spared scrutiny of racism ironically) in order to be afforded my personal rights. I know hardcore leftists would rather us be deprived of rights until we prove our "virtues" to the rest of the population whether or not they like us; but that is a form of authoritarianism in itself. I do not kneel or bow to them.
The dems don't need to cheat, Republicans are like native americans across the country, they're getting smaller and their voices are basically just faint echos.

Grandstand all you want, fact is the younger generations are learning to hate Republicans and their ideals and the 20 somethings are migrating away from the party for similar reasons. We got baby boomers and older, and in places where Republicans do have young blood the population is so small it doesn't matter.

The future is looking bleak for the Republican party, and no, Trump isn't going to save it- he's not changing hearts and minds and progressively transforming the party, he's polarizing it and hoping the haters just die or leave- that isn't going to happen, if it were we wouldn't have to keep seeing Whoopi on the view.
This is not true. Male 15-25 year olds are the most based in the country. They listen to Jordan Peterson and Joe Rogan, spend time on Elon Musk’s X (Twitter).

It makes sense, masculinity is being vilified. They don’t have a sense of belonging in today’s mainstream narrative and politics.

The young females who idolize their Karen aunts are realizing they can’t get a date, and are coming around too. The woke and anti-gun movement is squarely females late 20s and older (along with their beta male husbands in captive sexless marriages).

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Did anyone ever stop to ask the Commonwealth what problem they're trying to solve with all this nonsense? How many LTC holders commit violent crimes? How will any of this prevent criminals from doing what they've always done?

Disarming good people makes nobody safer.
You keep thinking about this the wrong way.
Another article outing the Dems who voted no. And how dare the NRA be against ggghosttt gggunzzz

Just now called the State House (617) 722-2582 [Option 2] and got right through to an aide for Rep. Jon Zlotnik. I thanked them for his 'NO' vote on the "Unconstitutional gun ban bill".

Also told him I look forward to helping fund a lawsuit against this travesty.

This is not true. Male 15-25 year olds are the most based in the country. They listen to Jordan Peterson and Joe Rogan, spend time on Elon Musk’s X (Twitter).

It makes sense, masculinity is being vilified. They don’t have a sense of belonging in today’s mainstream narrative and politics.

The young females who idolize their Karen aunts are realizing they can’t get a date, and are coming around too. The woke and anti-gun movement is squarely females late 20s and older (along with their beta male husbands in captive sexless marriages).

"Most strikingly, young U.S. men were the only population group in the United States or seven EU member states actually to have become more conservative since 2014 - or, in the poll's terms, to favour more control rather than freedom."
-Citation Yours.

I'm sorry, are you saying the shift in conservativeism in young men 18-24 in the US is going to drown out the shift towards liberalism for every other category and bracket? Because I don't read it that way at all.

Certainly your article notes women in all groups are becoming more liberal and not conservative, so not sure what you're babbling on about there...
No need to imagine. The new MA energy stretch code is like that. You need to hire a HERS rater to do the energy model and determine insulation needed based on a bunch of other factors. Building inspector will make you get a HERS certificate proving you meet the code!
So it no longer says. "Walls - R21". You can't just stick some R21 fiberglass into a 5 1/2" stud pocket and call it a day??

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