The Conference Committee has sent official language out - h.4885

I don’t get the secrecy. What does telling the public who and what you’re going to sue compromise any case. Figure if you want donations you’d be giving us a road map. Oh well
Are you still mad you didn't get looped in on the Manhatten Project or Pearl Harbor?
What don't you get about the element of Surprise?
f*** the media for being so dishonest about what the law does

The so called legacy mainstream media has......of its own free choice.......become nothing more than a completely wholly owned subsidiary of the left wing progressive political party and they are openly proud and unashamed to have become nothing more than a blatant in house propaganda operation of that same party.

I have not purchased an actual printed newspaper in years but I seem to recall that at one time the mast header on the New York Times said "all the news that's fit to print" and the Washington Post header said "democracy dies in darkness".

What the Times meant was they will only print news that is slanted to fit and support their left wing narrative and the Post header was essentially their bragging that by the manner in which they mispresent the news they can help get rid of this pesky and irritating concept of democracy as a viable thought that still exists in certain parts of this country.

What we are seeing at first hand is that the honor graduates of the Joseph Goebbels school of journalism are alive and well and prospering in what is left of our country today. I can't say that as an old fart I am terribly optimistic about where this country will end up in its institutional race to the bottom but hopefully a part of the younger generation will not forget that what we see today is not in fact the way things used to be and that realization will aid them in keeping the memory alive.
I don’t get the secrecy. What does telling the public who and what you’re going to sue compromise any case. Figure if you want donations you’d be giving us a road map. Oh well

Seriously? Because then the will-be defendants have more time to work on their defense, round up support and better position themselves. We're talking about an entity that reached out to anti-2A groups to solicit ideas about how to deal with the referendum. Don't give them extra time to prepare. I'd say that's just litigation 101, but it's general life strategy 101.
This was my point several pages ago. The media and our overlords just keep spewing the crap that the law only prohibits ghost guns and weapons of war.
It doesn't tell everyone how far reaching this actually is, and we're way behind in trying to get that message out.

You have to remember that the people who go into journalism cannot figure out the difference between "automatic" and "semi-automatic."

There's zero chance they understand the terminology well enough to comprehend the damage this bill does.
We have cases. We are working on cases, we are working on building further cases.

I am not going to expand on the cases that being prepared until they are filed.

We are not alone in these cases.

If you want me to spill the details about who is supporting and who is being sued and such, I won't until the cases are filed.

Sorry if this offends you, but the strategy of casework is such that details need to be tightly controlled until the time is right.
I wasn’t offended a**h***.

But I have been donating in the thousands to Comm2A for years with a monthly credit card charge and your bullshit answer has made me consider sending my money to someone else.

Maybe not answer with bullshit.
You have to remember that the people who go into journalism cannot figure out the difference between "automatic" and "semi-automatic."

There's zero chance they understand the terminology well enough to comprehend the damage this bill does.

That is part of the (maybe unintentional) genius of this bill. If you don't understand anything about guns or how the convoluted laws in this state work, it would on the surface appear to only do what they are saying, while making a bunch of seemingly reasonable changes to the minutia of state gun law. They wanted to a) confiscate guns from people that have them now, b) stop people from being able to get a license or c) buy new guns, but they can't just say "sorry, 2nd Amendment is canceled!" even in this state. So they tweaked the law to make it super easy for anyone at any time to red-flag a gun owner with no due process, which seems good on the surface cause it "gets guns out of the hands of dangerous would-be mass shooters" but in fact accomplishes a). They added live-fire, which on the surface seems reasonable and an enhancement to safety but in reality will vastly reduce the number of trainers and locations able to give classes, meaning in practice a license will be nearly impossible to get, accomplishing b). And the roster and retro-active ban list (i.e., yeah the gun is legal now but we can add it to the list at any time and you have to destroy it or sell it out of state) that were done "for safety's sake" makes it nearly impossible to buy a shotgun or rifle and very risky even if you manage to, accomplishing c). And they control the media, so anyone that points this out is made to sound like an old man yelling at clouds.
I wasn’t offended a**h***.

But I have been donating in the thousands to Comm2A for years with a monthly credit card charge and your bullshit answer has made me consider sending my money to someone else.

Maybe not answer with bullshit.
What specifically do you want me to say that will not jeopardize the work we are doing?
Until cases are filed, all the parties agree to not discuss specifics outside the group any more than required to get more plaintiffs.
This includes the groups who are involved, as discussing them can lead to challenges of standing down the road.
I am sorry that this doesn't satisfy your request for more detailed information, but I can't share more than this right now.
There are cases in the works to challenge multiple parts of this abomination of a law.
The details will come out when the cases are filed.
I wasn’t offended a**h***.

But I have been donating in the thousands to Comm2A for years with a monthly credit card charge and your bullshit answer has made me consider sending my money to someone else.

Maybe not answer with bullshit.

All I can say is Relax. They’ve done a LOT of good work in MA thanks to donors like yourself. If they say they are working on something I’ll take it on face value and wait for filing. One contributor to another!
That is part of the (maybe unintentional) genius of this bill. If you don't understand anything about guns or how the convoluted laws in this state work, it would on the surface appear to only do what they are saying, while making a bunch of seemingly reasonable changes to the minutia of state gun law. They wanted to a) confiscate guns from people that have them now, b) stop people from being able to get a license or c) buy new guns, but they can't just say "sorry, 2nd Amendment is canceled!" even in this state. So they tweaked the law to make it super easy for anyone at any time to red-flag a gun owner with no due process, which seems good on the surface cause it "gets guns out of the hands of dangerous would-be mass shooters" but in fact accomplishes a). They added live-fire, which on the surface seems reasonable and an enhancement to safety but in reality will vastly reduce the number of trainers and locations able to give classes, meaning in practice a license will be nearly impossible to get, accomplishing b). And the roster and retro-active ban list (i.e., yeah the gun is legal now but we can add it to the list at any time and you have to destroy it or sell it out of state) that were done "for safety's sake" makes it nearly impossible to buy a shotgun or rifle and very risky even if you manage to, accomplishing c). And they control the media, so anyone that points this out is made to sound like an old man yelling at clouds.
Yes and this what we all have to look foward to if the laughing cow and the coward get into the White House.
With the wave of the magic wond the ileagles will become citizens. With the fact every state is being packed with them they can become a powerful voting block. Even just getting them on the voting registry in all the states is good enough they won't even have to acctually vote because there vote will be ripe to harvest. The balance of power will change dramatically in local, state and federal elections. This is how the democrats will completely take over this country, be able to change or alter the constitution and mold the US into there cracked vision.
Speaking generally, and not necessarily about this particular exchange, it makes sense for orgs to hold their cards close to their chest (vest?) where litigation is involved. It's more important that they don't give anything away to the other side sooner than they have to than it is to publicly broadcast details.
So say something like "We are working with other organizations to coordinate and pursue legal action in opposition to this law, but OP SEC requires us not to get into specifics." IF THIS IS TRUE what they posted does not say there are doing anything, nor does it commit them to any course of action. It's basically "We will, maybe"

And yes @Darksideblues42 did come back with a better response, but the first was still BS.
Yes and this what we all have to look foward to if the laughing cow and the coward get into the White House.
With the wave of the magic wond the ileagles will become citizens. With the fact every state is being packed with them they can become a powerful voting block. Even just getting them on the voting registry in all the states is good enough they won't even have to acctually vote because there vote will be ripe to harvest. The balance of power will change dramatically in local, state and federal elections. This is how the democrats will completely take over this country, be able to change or alter the constitution and mold the US into there cracked vision.

Cloward-Piven Plan, circa 1968?
Not sure which thread to post this. Email from GOAL

In an August 13, 2024 State House News Service article, Governor Maura Healey stated that she strongly opposes “…the petitioners’ attempt to suspend the law before their referendum seeking to repeal the law makes its way onto a statewide election ballot.”

Just days ago, a small group of patriots filed the initial paperwork to create a statewide referendum petition to repeal Chapter 135. With the matter being properly filed with the Secretary of State, the next step is for the Attorney General to declare that the filing meets the State’s constitutional requirements.

According to the Massachusetts Constitution, if the required amount of signatures are collected and certified, the implementation of the law would be postponed until the question can appear on the next statewide ballot. Which makes it likely that this question would not go before the voters until 2026. It seems that the intention of Governor Healey could be to continue the pattern of disrespect for the Second Amendment by using yet more unusual and rare maneuvers to deny citizens their civil rights – much like her counterparts in the legislative leadership.

“The Legislature and the Governor had every opportunity to include an emergency preamble to Chapter 135 and saw no urgent need to do so,” said Jim Wallace, Executive Director of Gun Owners’ Action League. “It is clear the sudden emergency was only manifested because the proponents of the law are witnessing a rising up of the citizens. This is completely unfamiliar ground for government officials that have done everything possible to avoid any legitimate public input.”

We will continue to keep our members informed on the constant erosion of our civil rights and legislative processes.

Article XLVIII of the Part of the Second of the Massachusetts Constitution allows the Governor to submit an emergency declaration prior to the referendum being put before the people. It does not appear that the Governor can stop the petition process.
“…at any time before the election at which it is to be submitted to the people on referendum, files with the secretary of the commonwealth a statement declaring that in his opinion the immediate preservation of the public peace, health, safety or convenience requires that such law should take effect forthwith and that it is an emergency law and setting forth the facts constituting the emergency, then such law, if not previously suspended as hereinafter provided, shall take effect without suspension, or if such law has been so suspended such suspension shall thereupon terminate and such law shall thereupon take effect: but no grant of any franchise or amendment thereof, or renewal or extension thereof for more than one year shall be declared to be an emergency law.”
Not sure which thread to post this. Email from GOAL

In an August 13, 2024 State House News Service article, Governor Maura Healey stated that she strongly opposes “…the petitioners’ attempt to suspend the law before their referendum seeking to repeal the law makes its way onto a statewide election ballot.”

Just days ago, a small group of patriots filed the initial paperwork to create a statewide referendum petition to repeal Chapter 135. With the matter being properly filed with the Secretary of State, the next step is for the Attorney General to declare that the filing meets the State’s constitutional requirements.

According to the Massachusetts Constitution, if the required amount of signatures are collected and certified, the implementation of the law would be postponed until the question can appear on the next statewide ballot. Which makes it likely that this question would not go before the voters until 2026. It seems that the intention of Governor Healey could be to continue the pattern of disrespect for the Second Amendment by using yet more unusual and rare maneuvers to deny citizens their civil rights – much like her counterparts in the legislative leadership.

“The Legislature and the Governor had every opportunity to include an emergency preamble to Chapter 135 and saw no urgent need to do so,” said Jim Wallace, Executive Director of Gun Owners’ Action League. “It is clear the sudden emergency was only manifested because the proponents of the law are witnessing a rising up of the citizens. This is completely unfamiliar ground for government officials that have done everything possible to avoid any legitimate public input.”

We will continue to keep our members informed on the constant erosion of our civil rights and legislative processes.

Article XLVIII of the Part of the Second of the Massachusetts Constitution allows the Governor to submit an emergency declaration prior to the referendum being put before the people. It does not appear that the Governor can stop the petition process.
“…at any time before the election at which it is to be submitted to the people on referendum, files with the secretary of the commonwealth a statement declaring that in his opinion the immediate preservation of the public peace, health, safety or convenience requires that such law should take effect forthwith and that it is an emergency law and setting forth the facts constituting the emergency, then such law, if not previously suspended as hereinafter provided, shall take effect without suspension, or if such law has been so suspended such suspension shall thereupon terminate and such law shall thereupon take effect: but no grant of any franchise or amendment thereof, or renewal or extension thereof for more than one year shall be declared to be an emergency law.”

The law is certainly no impediment to politicians and judges who are bound and determined to disarm the Republic's citizenry come hell or high water. The preservation of the progressive narrative is the only thing that matters.

So say something like "We are working with other organizations to coordinate and pursue legal action in opposition to this law, but OP SEC requires us not to get into specifics." IF THIS IS TRUE what they posted does not say there are doing anything, nor does it commit them to any course of action. It's basically "We will, maybe"

And yes @Darksideblues42 did come back with a better response, but the first was still BS.
In my defense, my first reply was half-way through my first cup of coffee after being up until almost 4 AM researching case law, then sleeping for a couple hours and starting my day job. I am normally much more clear when I can't say something, but my brain was operating more like a Harbor Freight power washer motor after 5 years of sitting outside with no protection from the elements and a full tank of "vintage" fuel. It wanted to work but words were hard to form.
In my defense, my first reply was half-way through my first cup of coffee after being up until almost 4 AM researching case law, then sleeping for a couple hours and starting my day job. I am normally much more clear when I can't say something, but my brain was operating more like a Harbor Freight power washer motor after 5 years of sitting outside with no protection from the elements and a full tank of "vintage" fuel. It wanted to work but words were hard to form.

Not for nothing, but my predator-powered one still runs being stored outside as you describe. fuel stabilizer makes a world of difference.

Might I recommend some Cumby's Espresso Shots? take a few with you (after you buy a coffee, of course) and add to morning coffee with whatever cream and sugar you enjoy. Works like a taser to the testicles.
In my defense, my first reply was half-way through my first cup of coffee after being up until almost 4 AM researching case law, then sleeping for a couple hours and starting my day job. I am normally much more clear when I can't say something, but my brain was operating more like a Harbor Freight power washer motor after 5 years of sitting outside with no protection from the elements and a full tank of "vintage" fuel. It wanted to work but words were hard to form.
There is really no need to defend yourself. Some folks will be confrontational and adversarial about the least important and peripheral issue(s) because it's how they roll. Thanks for your efforts.
Not for nothing, but my predator-powered one still runs being stored outside as you describe. fuel stabilizer makes a world of difference.

Might I recommend some Cumby's Espresso Shots? take a few with you (after you buy a coffee, of course) and add to morning coffee with whatever cream and sugar you enjoy. Works like a taser to the testicles.
I'm torn between wanting to know how you know what a taser to the testicles feels like, and want to stay in ignorance.......
I gave up a while ago on this turd bowl of a state. Now I’m actively figuring out my exit, which could be in 2025. About the only thing I can say with certainty is that I own a bunch of shit that at various times in this state was legal, wasn’t legal, was legal based on some date, was legal if certain features were removed, was not legal again based on some strongly worded letter and now is legal if owned by some date, but is illegal after such a date.

I don’t give a shit anymore. I’m not afraid of the left’s bullshit. I bought what I wanted. I owned what I wanted. I shot what I wanted. I won. None of the left’s shitty anti-2A shennanigans kept me from exercising my 2A right in the manner I saw fit. If fellatio Harris gets elected and wants to try banning shit again? We’ll, welcome to the party a**h***s. Been there done that and I’m still here shooting super killy scary rifles.

Here’s the thing: I’m exercising my 2A rights regardless of their bullshit. That is what this is really about. Not what the king will or won’t allow. Not what the courts will or won’t overturn. Take back your f***ing manhood, get your balls back from your wife, and stop asking for permission from shitbag commies and bureaucrats who live off of your tax dollars. Or continue to be cucks bowing and scraping to avowed commies and people who are the equivalent of lampreys on the ass of society. IRDGAFA. They have already taken up too much space in my head over the years. I’m not giving them space rent free anymore.
One hundo percento. What you have said I have been saying for years on here. I started with carrying even with a restricted LTC. Did that for 6 years before a town graced me with an unrestricted. I can't count how many times I walked into my step kid's school still ccwing. I initially made my rifles evil killy just because I was f***ing lazy and didn't want to pay to repin my muzzle device. But once you stop giving a shit, it becomes easier to keep not giving a shit. There is a freedom with not giving a shit. And with that, soon all my rifles were unpinned, tip to butt.

NES, become "a not giving a shit collective". 🤘

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