The Grace Curley Show: 2A Tuesday with Toby Leary

2A Tuesdays With Toby Leary – 9.14.21 – Hour 3

Grace and Toby from Cape Gun Works take your calls and discuss ammo, LTC rules in Mass, and private security for congress people.

The actual feature starts at 2m17s,
in case the above link doesn't point you at the right timecode.

Topics include:
  • Grace heard through the grapevine that there's kind of a gun "blog" that listens to this segment every week, and they had some beef with some of Toby's answers.
  • CDC planning to resume gun violence research.
  • No, the show is not called "Two-Way Tuesday".
  • Are 80% lowers legal to manufacture in Mass; and if so do you have to register it?
  • What should I use on my Watertown FID application's "Reason(s) for requesting the issuance of a card or license"?
  • I SBRed an AR-15 to a trust, and then lost all my copies of the trust. Can I get a copy from ATF?
  • Is it legal to own a bayonet in Massachusetts?
  • What is the best budget micro-compact pistol for lefties?
  • Do the Squad's private bodyguards carry guns?
  • Is there any national gun license I can get?
  • Do I need to re-register the guns I inherited from my father?
  • How soon should I file to renew my LTC, and do I have to take a new HFS class to renew?
  • What is the Mass. web site to register an 80% lower?
  • What's the ammo situation at Cape Gun Works?
@Cape Gun Works. Toby, make sure you "circle back" to me, on my text question, that Grace read tonight. ;)

*If you didn’t hear the show, the “circle back” reference was a dig on Jen Psaki, that Toby made. [laugh]
I should be talking to the AFT Soon so I'll ask them! :cool:
I LOLed in the car when I heard that [laugh]
(I'm sure Grace is much better at social media than I am), but frankly,
I flashed on a Boston Legal line by Denny Crane:

Denise Bauer: You wanna try this case in the press?​

Denny Crane: Exactly. I wanna grab the public's attention. The story. Character. Narrative. We have to create our own reality. You! Young punk. You must know computers. Set up a website; all those blobs. Justice for Russell Blayney! ...​

"Blobs", LOL.
It's one of The Bride's favorites.
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Tobey, listened to the show yesterday. I can’t believe you got sucked into the .45 vs. 9mm discussion. ;)
I texted a question, to Grace, to ask you about “fotay” cal., from one of the “blog guys.” I sent it too late unfortunately. [rofl]
I listen to her show in the car. I find her segment more entertaining than Howie himself. She hits some interesting points that Howie and Jared aren't as quick to point out.

On on unrelated note, I find Grace Curley extremely attractive. She has that minimal-makeup natural look going for her big time. Her sandwich-making ability? Who knows!
Not to mention wayyyyyy less ads than Howie. But that isn’t saying much. I pretty much say that out of the 4 hours Howie is on, he is really only “on” for an hour. The rest is ads.
Not to mention wayyyyyy less ads than Howie. But that isn’t saying much. I pretty much say that out of the 4 hours Howie is on, he is really only “on” for an hour. The rest is ads.
That's when you hit the "+30 sec" on the Podcast app a few times to skip through it. I don't listen to the show live; only in the car during commute.
Grace's show was absolute FIRE today. Her impression of Jen Psaki was on point!
Thespians gonna thespian.

She's hones in on the Biden intricacies way better than the other two.
I caught the start of the show yesterday,
and she was beating someone like a red-headed stepchild atop a rented mule.

Her craft just keeps improving...
My one and only criticism. She pops her B’s. When she says the word “but”, it drives me crazy!
Damn “plosives” [wink]

2A Tuesday With Toby Leary – 9.21.21 Hour 3

Grace talks to Toby Leary from Cape Gun Works in Hyannis. Topics include the effects on gun ownership thanks to the summer of love riots and 9s vs. 45s.

The actual feature starts at 0m33s,
in case the above link doesn't point you at the right timecode.

Topics include:
  • WSJ: Close to half of all new U.S. gun buyers since the beginning of 2019 have been women, ...
  • Can I mount a new pistol grip on my pre-ban Ruger Mini-30 to replace the one I lost?
  • Is the polymer frame on the Sig-Sauer 365 durable?
  • When I move to Florida, is it sufficient to have my .38 pistol, shotgun, and rifle locked in one case and the ammo in another?
  • If I bring my rifle to the range, do I need to transport it in a case that has a lock?
  • What has the Biden* administration been up to with gun control laws?
  • How come the store that sold me a Hi-Point 9mm Long Rifle on my new FID said it was illegal to sell me ammo for it?
  • If I have a lock-box, can I store my gun in it while loaded?
  • If you have a smaller safe, does it have to be nailed to the floor?
  • What's got the most punch - a 9mm or the .45?
    • Grace warns Toby that he's gonna end up on "that blog" again.
  • My red town's police department is taking up to a year to take prints and a photo. What is the legal limit for how long they are allowed to take? I'm applying for an FID.
  • Given all the talk about back doors to controlling guns, what's to keep Them from controlling ammunition?
  • Do you need an LTC or just an FID for a pepper ball airgun?
  • How come the gun store won't sell me a .30-06 Browning Stalker with a 10 round detachable magazine on my FID, even though my police chief says it's legal?

Toby Talks “Ghost Guns” – 9.24.21 – Hour 1

Toby Leary from Cape Gun Works fills in for Grace and discusses all things 2A.

Topics include:
  • Upcoming conversation with Rob Pincus on "Ghost Guns".
  • Regional Guns For Everyone G[un] M[akers] M[atch] competition at Cape Gun Works on 21-Nov'22
  • Biden* administration weaponization of Federal agencies against gun rights.
    • 3D guns.
    • Shoulder braces.
  • Poll of the day: 9mm vs. .45
  • Are Ghost Guns safe enough to be allowed on any range?
  • Is the KelTec KSG a gimmicky gun?
  • With Rob Pincus:
  • Since there is no 9mm ammo but .380 is widely available, what's your opinion of .380 vs. 9mm?
  • Don't the Ghost Gun laws have more to do with the people machining guns in South America and then upstreaming them to America, than people 3D-printing plastic guns?
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@Cape Gun Works. Hey Toby, Boris is a member here. How do you not know about the Shovel AK? It's gone viral all over the interwebz.
Sorry, I texted in that curveball. [rofl]

Search DIY Shovel AK

No photos in the original thread. Hopefully, they will be restored.

Good show btw. 👍
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A .45 And A Moose – 9.24.21 – Hour 2

Toby Leary form Cape Gun Works takes more calls on gun questions, and talks about a Bull Moose being taken down by a camper with a .45

Topics include:
  • The politically healing power of gun ownership.
  • How do I lock up a loaded 10/22?
  • If I'm pulled over, should I tell the cops if I'm transporting guns?
  • Ammoland.Com: Idaho: Backpacker Uses .45 to Stop Attacking Moose
  • Will the state issue my wife a new LTC to replace the one with the wrong house number?
  • I've never heard a Ghost Gun legislator claim that they're trying to regulate guns being smuggled over the border.
  • Since I live in Maine, should I get a permit, or carry on the Constitution?
  • News from Falmouth, Maine:
  • If I get a Mare's Leg for the farm, are any pistol calibers good?
  • When will we see primers again for reloaders? Also, when will we see primers again for reloaders?
  • Can I take my home-made gun off the property to go to the range?
  • I thought Massachusetts law required all ammo to be in a separate safe?
  • A guy told me that One Time In Boot Camp in the desert, his sergeant showed him that .45ACP is so slow that if you shoot it past a rattlesnake, it'll strike at the bullet and get killed.
  • A lot of people have said that the main reason for Them to put the Second Amendment in the constitution is because gun grabbers know that someday they're gonna need shooting.
  • Look at Australia to see what happens after gun confiscation.
  • I hear you can't drive through NJ under FOPA with hollow-points in the car.

Reciprocity, LTC, And “Assault Bibles” – 9.24.21 – Hour 3

Toby Leary from Cape Gun works takes more calls on a wide range of topics, and discusses how insane it would be if you had to go through gun registration to practice your constitutionally granted faith

Topics include:
  • Regular HCS caller Russ asks: If Marsha is elected Governor, what will she do to violate RKBA, and what should we do about it?
  • After the Bulldog Mass Gun Lawyer I hired when I turned 40 was disbarred before helping me, how come my South Shore police department still won't upgrade my childhood FID to an LTC?
  • Where is Holly?
  • As a sometimes Maine resident with a Mass resident LTC, can I carry an off-list gun in Massachusetts?
  • How do I clean and maintain my FN 9mm?
  • The government was infringing Freedom of Religion during the Shutdown.
  • Do the tests we took getting our NH resident P&RL work for our Mass non-res LTC application?
  • If guns are so American, why do they use the metric system?
  • Can I carry my Glock 44 in Massachusetts on my Arizona LTC?
  • How come a friend with an LTC can't pick up for me the guns that the cops confiscated when I inherited them?
  • Will I get in trouble if some Karen spots my CCW and calls The Authorities?
  • What ammo should I use for home defense in my brand new Mossberg 500 12ga?
  • Someone told me They repealed the Massachusetts castle doctrine.
  • What will Howie be talking about today?

2A Tuesday On A Wednesday – 9.29.21 – Hour 3

Grace and Toby discuss an update in the McCloskey saga. Other topics include what to say to an officer if you have a gun in your vehicle, selling weapons and more.

Topics include:
  • What happened with the McCloskeys?
  • Can I just renew the Somerville LTC that I allowed to expire 15 years ago?
  • Which is better - hot coffee or iced coffee?
  • Do I have to retake the course I took two years ago to finally apply for my LTC in Danvers?
  • Is there a limit to how many rounds of ammo you can own or store in Mass?
  • What does "3½ barrel" mean on the outside of the .22LR ammo box?
    • Grace is confident that if Toby's answer was wrong, it will be debated on the Gun Blogs tonight.
  • Is it legal to use a Dark Storm fixed-mag lower to build an SBR in Mass?
  • What did the McCloskeys do wrong?
  • When are we going to see shotgun primers again?
  • Are micro-conversion kits legal in Mass, and where can I get one for a Walther P99?
  • Isn't the weight still an issue with AR pistols even with a fixed mag?
  • How can I buy 18-20 round mags for my pre-ban Beretta CX4?
  • How do I buy the .30-06 that my friends just found in the cellar rafters of the house they bought from a dead guy's estate?
  • During a traffic stop, should I tell the cop about the unloaded gun I have locked up in my car?
  • When should an attorney draw a gun trust?
  • Can you recommend a smaller-frame .45 to carry concealed?
  • Which polymer 80's do you recommend?
  • Can we use 50gr powder pellets with a 250gr-300gr slug in a .54 TC Thunderhawk?
  • Is there a strong market in Mass for a pre-1986 on-list Beretta?
  • What will Howie be talking about today?

Reciprocity, LTC, And “Assault Bibles” – 9.24.21 – Hour 3

Toby Leary from Cape Gun works takes more calls on a wide range of topics, and discusses how insane it would be if you had to go through gun registration to practice your constitutionally granted faith

Thanks for posting these summaries, AHM. Reading through a few of them, my general impression is that some very good questions are being covered on this segment.
Thanks for posting these summaries, AHM.
De nada.

I regard it as a form of "networking" -
encouraging NESers to check out the show,
and perhaps causing NES to be mentioned on-air.

Reading through a few of them, my general impression is that some very good questions are being covered on this segment.
I don't claim to know the answers to any class of questions,
but I'm getting surprised at the dark corners
visited by some of the questions themselves.

On the other hand,
it's a real rib-tickler when someone asks a Frequently Asked Question...

2A Tuesday – 10.5.21 – Hour 3

Toby Leary from Cape Gun Works joins the show to answer all your gun questions.

Topics include:
  • Were you surprised by Smith and Wesson moving out of Massachusetts?
  • Since the CDC is getting involved in gun control, where do you see it going?
  • Can I keep bringing my AR pistol assault weapon to Massachusetts from NH on my non-res LTC?
  • What do they call that under-powered shotgun shell again?
  • (To Grace): With all the crap coming out about the pure politics about the vaccine, do you regret getting it?
  • Can you recommend a first-time hunting rifle for me to get on an FID?
  • What's your take on the FN5.7 being faster than 9mm, firing a rifle round, etc?
  • Daily Poll: What are you most afraid of:
    • Global warming [1%],
    • COVID-19 [19%], or
    • Domestic extremism? [78%]
  • How come the CDC is going to focus on guns when last year Massachusetts had 2100 overdose deaths, 140 gun suicides, and 60 homicides and John Lott says 99.7%-99.9% of gun owners are law-abiding?
  • "The Blog Guy" asks, what's your opinion on Boris's Shovel AK? [rofl2] <= timecoded stream hyperlink @Boris
  • Can everyone else in my house get LTCs if an FPP lives here?
  • Am I allowed to carry in Maine on my Mass resident LTC and my NH non-res P&RL?
  • Have you tried RST low-pressure non-lethal shells?
  • Oh, I see what the Boris AK is.[rofl2]
  • What make/model shotgun do you recommend to amateurs like me for home protection, skeet, and bird hunting, on an LTC?

  • Howie, do you think everyone was masked at Hunter Biden's splatter art show?
  • Howie, when a reporter asked Jen Psaki for an update on whether Hunter Biden has finally dissolved his interest in a private equity firm with ties to Chinese State Bank four months after the deadline, did you hear the reporter ask anything about some speech by a Chinese ambassador?
  • Howie, what do you think of this Michigan resident's reaction to Biden*'s visit to his state?
  • Howie, what do you think of Connecticut Governor Ned Lamont's regard for the religious freedom of people who don't want to get vaccinated?
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