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You know what they say about speculating on whether a lady is expecting.Is it me or does she look like she is ready to have a fawn?
You know what they say about speculating about whether a lady is expecting.
Seem to swing through from time to time.... I think I need some better trail cams though... mine takes a lot of pics of nothing...
I assume it has no type of motion sensitivity control on it?
nah the thing is a piece of junk... literally one of if not the cheapest camera I could find. They're all on public land so I didn't want to take the chance of losing an expensive camera if/when someone walks off with one.
Now I bring out a climbing stick with me and mount it one stick high. So I may upgrade....... next year....
Yeah hopefully they stay there but I have read to many stories to think all of mine are safe even on private land and locked to the tree.
I wonder if yours is picking leaf-branch movement. I had one where I did not notice a branch and got about 3500 pictures of "nothing" because the branch would trigger it with a little wind.
Maybe (if possible) try it in a bit more open space and see if it helps.
I've got several and they all do it.... So I don't think that will make a difference unfortunately... Wish I had access to some private land. I think I'm going to just start knocking on doors.... Worst they can say is no. Hell if I get 1 yes out of 20 no's - that's better then what I have now.. But there are public lands out there that have little if any pressure. They aren't easy to find - but they do exist.
Have caught this lynx on my cam a couple of times now. Unfortunately, it's one zone over from the area hunting is allowed.