Trail camera thread. Post ur trail camera photos.

I have not been getting many good bucks lately but I did get this guy 3 times on camera in the last week (all legal shooting time surprisingly) in one of my main spots so I have been happy. This was this morning, 15 or so minutes into legal shooting. I had to blow it up and lighten it to get to get a good look at him.

This is the full pic. WHo can find deer #2 in this pic? It's a tough one. If I didn't have a sequence of 3 pics I likely wouldn't have noticed it.
not to go off topic... but how often do you guys check your cameras this time of year.

Mine is easily accessible to me. I can come home from work, pull the card, check the pictures, clear the pictures, and reinstall the card in about a half hour or less.

Reason I'm asking is because I put my camera up & have not got any hits & am thinking of moving it.
Am I visiting too often?

Also, Just found out One of my cards was bad by checking it more often.
So I really don't know if I've had any hits in the last cycle & i'm down to 2 smaller cards a 4gig & an 8gig.

Thanks in Advance!
A couple of things. I always format the new card in the camera when I change cards. The formatting between game cams, digital cams and PCs will cause issues.

i would say yes you are in too often. I struggle with not checking them but typically at least a week and I try for 2 between checks. Most will say you should treat it like a hunt. Rubber boots, scent free clothes, gloves etc etc. i don't go that crazy but I am sure that when I check too often I get less pictures. Deer knew I was there and avoid the general area.
I will check my camera two more times before season opener...I checked it last week after it was out for a month and I somehow locked the sd no photos from the last month **** me!
not to go off topic... but how often do you guys check your cameras this time of year.

Mine is easily accessible to me. I can come home from work, pull the card, check the pictures, clear the pictures, and reinstall the card in about a half hour or less.

Reason I'm asking is because I put my camera up & have not got any hits & am thinking of moving it.
Am I visiting too often?

Also, Just found out One of my cards was bad by checking it more often.
So I really don't know if I've had any hits in the last cycle & i'm down to 2 smaller cards a 4gig & an 8gig.

Thanks in Advance!

Way to often. You are putting scent there everyday you check them.

I put 3 out about a month ago and will get them some time in Oct. Another one went out about a week later and I will get it when I go to that area to hunt, on the way out.

Best to put them out and basically forget about them for a long time.

You can find some useful info on this thread:
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I put 3 out about a month ago and will get them some time in Oct. Another one went out about a week later and I will get it when I go to that area to hunt, on the way out.

It is kind of hard to use them as a tool to scout and narrow down which areas you want to hunt if you don't collect them until you go in to hunt [grin]

If you know where you are going to hunt and the camera is just a tool to let you know what deer are in your area then that's fine but if you want to adjust hunting locations or tactics based on the camera results you do need to look at the pics. The areas I have my cameras right now are pretty heavy human traffic on hiking trails to begin with and then I move off the trail a short distance to put a camera out. Based on the results I'll figure out where to hunt and move off the trails even more. The last picture I posted is about 25-30 yards from a main walking trail in a populated area. I figure I can get away with once a week checks, 2 at the most.
It is kind of hard to use them as a tool to scout and narrow down which areas you want to hunt if you don't collect them until you go in to hunt [grin]

That is where you can use the information from the cameras for the next years hunt(s).

If you have not already, you should read that thread I posted a link to a few posts above.
Can't read it as a guest but I have read many different threads through the years. I get it, keep scent down, stay away until you are ready to hunt, your best chance is the first time ever in a stand location, etc etc etc. All sound advice but there are also other factors at play. A camera showing non stop action this year can be dead next year if the food source is gone. I had a great spot I used to hunt. Killed 4 deer out of the same tree over 2 seasons. The next year there wasn't a deer to be found, I probably had 15 sits in that tree without even a tail seen. The reason was no acorns.

This year that spot has acorns and I haven't hunted it in 2 years, I'll be back. I am not even going to go in with a trail cam, I am just going in with my climber one of the first few days of the NH season and finding a good tree. I have no idea if I see anything though. I do know that I certainly don't want to go in there the last 2 weeks before the season now the acorns are falling to put up a camera.

I am no big buck hunter, I will admit that. If some of my scouting decreases my odds at a mature buck, then that is how it is but I would rather not put a cam out for 3 months, then pull it the first day I hunt and use the results of the pics to formulate the plan for the season next year.
You should registrar over there, great hunting forum.

And it does not have to be for next year either, just using that as an example.
All sound advice but there are also other factors at play. A camera showing non stop action this year can be dead next year if the food source is gone. .

Never mind next year, they could switch food sources next week. I had a spot I got 300 pics with 5 different bucks last year 2 weeks before the season. Acorns dried up and 2 weeks.later when I checked the cam after my opening day hunt I had 5 pics of deer. They ended up moving up the mountain to larger oak groves.
Way to often. You are putting scent there everyday you check them.

I put 3 out about a month ago and will get them some time in Oct. Another one went out about a week later and I will get it when I go to that area to hunt, on the way out.

Best to put them out and basically forget about them for a long time.

You can find some useful info on this thread:

This is the approach I take. I checked mine about once every 2 months. Next time I check them I will be hanging my stands at the same time. I do wear my mucks and wear cloths washed in scent free detergent. It takes little effort and helps at some level. But I don't go too crazy with it. With the forest still so green you have to expect to leave a scent trail on every branch or piece of brush you touch. I also go out mid- day when they're not moving around so much.
I take the opposite approach. I walk near my stand all the time, (up all year on private property) they get use to smelling me and tend to ignore it. I do however wear all kinds of gear during hunting season in my stand so my smell isn't too strong. But I have no problem checking my camera every week, it doesn't seem to bother them at all. Got this guy from that stand last season.

I take the opposite approach. I walk near my stand all the time, (up all year on private property) they get use to smelling me and tend to ignore it. I do however wear all kinds of gear during hunting season in my stand so my smell isn't too strong. But I have no problem checking my camera every week, it doesn't seem to bother them at all. Got this guy from that stand last season.

Wow, not a lot of mass but nice spread and real long tines. Great deer! That busted tine on one side is a bummer, he must have been doing some serious brawling.
He was, and I know with who. He was not the biggest of the few I have been seeing. I just hope to see the big boy this season under my stand, I already spotted him in the field he likes to hang around.
2 Bucks from last year. Hope they both made it. only got the one picture of the bigger one. erased all the pictures on my card from early summer and summer will be pulling my cards in the next few weeks.
IMG_7567.jpg IMG_0266.png
That's a nice deer. With a belly too.
Was working the dogs on Mon after work and saw what might've been a six point on, get this, a WMA.
Good luck.
2 more days until the season starts [party]

Got to wait until 10/20 here..

That's a nice deer. With a belly too.
Was working the dogs on Mon after work and saw what might've been a six point on, get this, a WMA.
Good luck.

I took a 6 point from a WMA last year. They're out there. You just have to go get them. It ain't easy though... For me it involves going deep into the woods to escape pressure and into the thick and nasty (cedar swamps) where they like to go to get away from it. I'll see deer there but if I bag one getting it out of the woods by myself sucks... I wish there was a better option than just dragging his heavy ass over rough terrain.
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