Trail camera thread. Post ur trail camera photos.

What’s a good cell cam that won’t break the bank?
I recently got 2 spypoint cellular cameras on Amazon for $120 total. With it comes 100 photos per month free (they get sent to an app on your phone). However 100 photos can easily be taken in a few days. I upgraded my photo plan to 1000 photos per month, at the cost of $10 per camera, $20 total for the 2 cameras, paying monthly and then I will cancel plan by new years probably.
I recently got 2 spypoint cellular cameras on Amazon for $120 total. With it comes 100 photos per month free (they get sent to an app on your phone). However 100 photos can easily be taken in a few days. I upgraded my photo plan to 1000 photos per month, at the cost of $10 per camera, $20 total for the 2 cameras, paying monthly and then I will cancel plan by new years probably.
Video as well?
I didn't even buy a license this year.
Still thinking about sitting in the stand - I don't need any meat in the freezer but with the drought there isn't much browse out there. Thinning down one or two might be enough to keep the 5 or six I know are back there good until spring.
Could also put out a bag of feed per week after the season closes
I didn't even buy a license this year.
Still thinking about sitting in the stand - I don't need any meat in the freezer but with the drought there isn't much browse out there. Thinning down one or two might be enough to keep the 5 or six I know are back there good until spring.
Could also put out a bag of feed per week after the season closes
They'll need more than a bag a week. I put out three or four a week and even more in the winter cold. I lay off the feeding during the lush green growth of spring and summer round here, so the fawns learn what native foods to eat in the woods and fields, then increase the feed and frequency to boost them along in early fall to fatten them up for winter.
I put out corn, corn/oat mix, millet, feed wheat, pinto beans, mixed bird seed, black oil sunflower seed, apple and pear drops from a friend's trees, trace mineral salts, sorghum molasses, sorghum syrup and once in a while some peanut butter. Mind you not all of the above at once, but at different times. They get a good variety.
They'll need more than a bag a week. I put out three or four a week and even more in the winter cold. I lay off the feeding during the lush green growth of spring and summer round here, so the fawns learn what native foods to eat in the woods and fields, then increase the feed and frequency to boost them along in early fall to fatten them up for winter.

Same here with mineral blocks for the spring/summer to support milk production in the does and antler growth in the bucks. The minerals and salt help.

I quoted my own post........Oh No!! [laugh]

Anyway.....this deer is a 16 point (possibly a 17 point if a ring will hang on one of them) asymmetrical rack. I let my good neighbor hunt here today and I placed him in a spot where I had gotten a deer in previous years. My neighbor was sitting in a chair in pretty much the open at the edge of an unmowed field for an hour and bagged this deer.

If I had to guess, it weighs over 220lbs field dressed. 20241109_155827.jpg 20241109_155948.jpg IMG_20241109_160202.jpg IMG_20241109_175331.jpg It's hanging on my tractor bucket right now outside my back door.

What makes it even more rewarding, this is his first deer. This buck was following a doe which he saw first, then waited a minute and the buck came into view.
A clean quartering shot to the left cheek of its face from the front and no exit wound.....with a 7mm Rem Mag at about 40 yards!!!! It was an instant kill. He said the thing dropped in its tracks and didn't even kick.

I heard the shot and said to myself "well........that didn't take long!" I called him on the radio and he said he got one, so I fired up the tractor and went down the trail and we hooked it up to the bucket and drove it to an area to gut it and hose it out.
Going to let it hang for a day or two then we'll butcher it.
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