Trail camera thread. Post ur trail camera photos.

f***ing Hate Thieves.
Got this pic on my one of cell cams yesterday on public land and instantly had a bad feeling. Just didn't have the time to make the 60 minute round trip to check on it.
This AM it didn't check in and I was in the area duck hunting and stopped by. Sure enough it's gone.
I know.. should have used a cable or box but it's a pretty cheap camera and I never see anybody in this area.
I have mutiple camera in the area and no one has ever messed with him.
So if you see some jackass in Western MA wearing Kryptek gear.... kick him in the ass.

f***ing Hate Thieves.
Got this pic on my one of cell cams yesterday on public land and instantly had a bad feeling. Just didn't have the time to make the 60 minute round trip to check on it.
This AM it didn't check in and I was in the area duck hunting and stopped by. Sure enough it's gone.
I know.. should have used a cable or box but it's a pretty cheap camera and I never see anybody in this area.
I have mutiple camera in the area and no one has ever messed with him.
So if you see some jackass in Western MA wearing Kryptek gear.... kick him in the ass.
I never understood the mindset of these folks. .22lr to the kneecaps from behind the bushes might help the cause
I recently got 2 spypoint cellular cameras on Amazon for $120 total. With it comes 100 photos per month free (they get sent to an app on your phone). However 100 photos can easily be taken in a few days. I upgraded my photo plan to 1000 photos per month, at the cost of $10 per camera, $20 total for the 2 cameras, paying monthly and then I will cancel plan by new years probably.
Do you use batteries or solar for that?
After getting a video of a nice buck searching around one if my stands thurs morning I wanted ti be in that stand friday morning. Watched the wind forcast and it was the worst direction possible for that stand. I vassilated back and forth whether to risk it or not. I really wanted to hunt that stand, everything was screaming inside to go there. But the wind was wrong and alas I did not. I went elsewhere and saw squat. Meanwhile this guy strolls in wind at his back. My stand is 20 yards further down the trail. Would have been a slam dunk 10 yard shot. I spent the day kicking myself in the ass.

This vid is thursday morn


And friday morning with me in a different stand a mile away kicking myself in the ass.....

What’s a good cell cam that won’t break the bank?
I have tacticams and spycam flex G36's I am liking the G36's a lot. Especially the affordability. You can get two of them for 130 bucks. You get 100 pic free. If you join the spycam club for 99 bucks a year you get all your cameras upgraded to 205 pics. That is good for most of my spots but I had two cams I upgraded to 1000 that had a ton of activity. I set mine to video. They send 3 photo montage previews of each video and then if you want the full 1080p video sent it is 5 bucks for 20 videos. They are the most cost effective cam out there everything said.
The local turkeys getting their part. They clean up most of the oats that the deer leave behind from the corn/oat mix feed.

There's about thirty in total, about half of them are in or around these pictures. I've counted 30 of them coming from my neighbor's pasture, one by one following the leader through the fence.

One of the coyotes here, feeding off the deer carcass and scrap trimmings I dumped way out back.

They dragged the carcass back into the woods off the trail, maybe back to a den or to cache parts of it for the future.
There were crows, a buzzard, possum, turkeys, coyotes and a hawk all showed up for a free meal. Was hoping to see a bobcat but the coyotes must have driven them away from the area. Been a while since I've seen one of them.
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