Ounces equal pounds and pounds equal pain. How many of you can move dynamically with a full kit and not be gassed after ten minutes? I have to imagine in a SHTF scenario, if you leave shelter, you’re also carrying a plate carrier, and extra gear in addition to a rifle that probably weighs 7-10 lbs and extra magazines, which a combat load out is six + 1 in the rifle, in addition to a pistol secondary and a couple extra mags. You’d also be dumb not to have food and water on you. So figure, you’re larping at least an additional 40 lbs if we’re talking M4. I would only want a 308 if I need to hit and drop a target effectively out past 300 yards. Most engagements would be within 150, and at that distance, I don’t want to run out of ammo or be gassed from moving, or both. If you cannot move quickly when you need to, you’re not going to make it very long in a SHTF scenario. And no, you won’t be grabbing mags off dead bodies in the street, you’re one of them.