NES Member
Lets not forget exercise. There are some many people overweight with knee problems and other problems that in their mind think they will be able to carry 70lbs because 30 years ago they could. It is laughable how delusional a lot of the SHTF crowd are.
I used to be in a FB prepping group and all these people would be debating what the contents of their get home bag (GHB) should contain. But if you clicked on their profile, you saw that they were some fat turd who would die if they had to walk 10 miles with nothing on their back and 3 miles with 20# on their back.
As an older guy, I consider physical fitness to be the best deal in preparedness there is. It's free, but time consuming. But it pays dividends in quality of life.
8 years ago I started wearing a pack when I walked my daughters to school. At first it was 10 lbs. The 20, etc. Within 6 months I was walking them to school, round trip about 1.2 miles on flat terrain, with 45 pounds on my back. I didn't use a waist. belt because I wanted to work and strengthen my back and shoulders.
If I'm taking my dog for a 3 mile easy hike in the woods, I now do it with between 25 and 35 pounds. It turns a walk into a real workout.
I've been doing CrossFit for the last 3 years. It's not stupid like it was 10 years ago. If you have ever been curious check it out. Or I'd be happy to discuss.
Our workout today is
500 m row
50 box jumps or step ups
40 Russian kettle bell swings
1000 m row
40 box jumps
30 kettle bell swings
1500 m row
30 box jumps
20 kettle bell swings.
Tuesday was a strength day with deadlifts and rowing.
My entire posterior chain was tired yesterday so I just went for a walk in the woods with my dog with 25# in my pack.
You can modify to adjust to your level of fitness. Decrease the row distance. Set your jump/step up height based on your age and fitness. Adjust kettle bell weight for your fitness.
ANYONE can do this. And a workout like this will also benefit even the fittest person.
I am in my 50s and have a prosthetic hip. If I can do it, anyone can.