What did you do in the reloading room recently?

I've had this discussion with a reloader at the club who yells at everyone that uses bullseye powder for 38 special. He tells everyone NEVER use bullseye in 38 special cuz your gonna blow up your gun. I told him I get it.....low volume charges....I know.....but the bottle even says perfect for 38 and 45acp......you just have to follow your procedures and pay attention.....and the stuff is so economical and accurate it's really hard NOT to use it in 38 and 45acp.

Bottom line ....just because YOU blew up a gun because of YOUR double charge and not paying attention doesn't mean everyone else has a process that sucks. 😂. Yes .....he blew up a gun using bullseye so thinks everyone should stop using it.

Slap that person.
Slap him repeatedly, and then once more for good measure. And a "one to grow on" slap once more for me.
I think I'm at 3.7 gr? ( w/ 165's, would have to re-weigh next load binge) with bullseye in 38 spl.
4000 rounds down the pipe in a 627. Zero issues.

He probably blew it up using super-low charges and real light weight bullets, leaving a ton of dead space.
i should add, IF I where to buy the new design i would probably cut the top of the hopper off.
FAT hopper makes a pyrodex replacement hopper but Im not spending $50 on a $25 powder dispenser.
Call these folks and see if they have the old hopper design in stock. I buy a good amount of lee stuff from them.
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@Queen Bee - If it is the powder hopper that you don't like, Titan has the old one in stock.

I have several of the old style hoppers and like them - the new bottle makes it hard to add powder.
I even did a 3d printed bottle adapter before I had the new hopper and don't use it often because I can't return a charge to the hopper (it is good if you are setup and ready to crank out case qty on the progressive though)
i should add, IF I where to buy the new design i would probably cut the top of the hopper off.
FAT hopper makes a pyrodex replacement hopper but Im not spending $50 on a $25 powder dispenser.
Call these folks and see if they have the old hopper design in stock. I buy a good amount of lee stuff from them.
If you don't care about it being opaque, I can 3d print an open top hopper with cap pretty much any capacity needed - I already have the hard part (valve portion) modeled and verified
Although you may have several grains variation among components, you can try weighing your rounds to detect squib loads. Not very reliable though when using small amounts of powder.
Often times you can shake the rounds to detect powder. Also not always reliable. This won't work with a compressed load, of course. Larger rifle rounds work best with this method, small handgun rounds, about impossible to hear anything.
If you don't care about it being opaque, I can 3d print an open top hopper with cap pretty much any capacity needed - I already have the hard part (valve portion) modeled and verified
Take a look at the RCBS Uniflow Powder Measure that I'm selling, the cap can be easily removed.
Give me a day or so and I'll put together a 3d model that screws into the adapter to give you an open top and cover (much easier to print than the entire hopper)
Hopper v1.png
Printing the thread profile to verify - once verified, I'll post the STL files (and PM the Fusion file for those that request it)

Added zip with STL - printable hopper with cap, and a cap for a hopper made from a 1lb Hodgdon powder bottle with the bottom cut off

I have verified the thread profile bit not everything else - that shouldn't be an issue because everything 'fits' in CAD...


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Slap that person.
Slap him repeatedly, and then once more for good measure. And a "one to grow on" slap once more for me.
I think I'm at 3.7 gr? ( w/ 165's, would have to re-weigh next load binge) with bullseye in 38 spl.
4000 rounds down the pipe in a 627. Zero issues.

He probably blew it up using super-low charges and real light weight bullets, leaving a ton of dead space.
sounds like the guys that tell me Im going to ruin my garand shooting light cast loads.
So I assumed by picture the new bottle does not have a lid. A email to lee says different. ?

Stephanie W.
Staff - 05/14/2020 8:58 am

Hello John,

Our new powder measure bottle adapter allows you to hook up your powder bottle directly to the measure (see attached photo).

If you would prefer the "old school" red hopper with lid, we would be happy to exchange it for you if returned to the address below. Or one may be obtained through our website, part is at no charge, you would just be responsible for shipping charge to your residence.


Lee Precision, Inc.
4275 County Road U
Hartford, WI 53027

phone (262) 673-3075

90058_withPowderContainer.jpg(221.5 KB)

The new designed powder hopper bottle should have a top lid.

IP Address:
Trimming 22TCM brass. I just got the Little Crow trimmer, I thought I would use my drill press, but it turns out feeding the cases in vertically is awkward. So, just a standard electric hand drill with a large plastic bin to catch the shavings. It goes along pretty quick, even with less than 1/2" of brass to hold onto


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Trimming 22TCM brass. I just got the Little Crow trimmer, I thought I would use my drill press, but it turns out feeding the cases in vertically is awkward. So, just a standard electric hand drill with a large plastic bin to catch the shavings. It goes along pretty quick, even with less than 1/2" of brass to hold onto
Nice! A modern day 22 Hornet. I’ve only shot one once but it was fun.
I just realized that the 3006 that I reloaded for my M1 Garand used large magnum rifle primers. 46 grains of IMR 4895 and a 150 grain bullet. Are the magnum rifle primers okay here or do I need to pull them all? And if I need to pull them how do I safely pull out the primers or do I just pull the bullets and powder and fire the primers out the rifle without bullets or powder
Given that load is not at the high end it shouldn't make a difference using a magnum primer.

If you are going to pull them you can just deprive exactly like normal. As long as you're not using the handle literally as a jack hammer, a depriming pin will not set off a live primer.
Given that load is not at the high end it shouldn't make a difference using a magnum primer.

If you are going to pull them you can just deprive exactly like normal. As long as you're not using the handle literally as a jack hammer, a depriming pin will not set off a live primer.

Thanks.. they are the CCI primers.. blue box.. Red "magnum" and white "Large Rifle Primers". The red doesn't exactly stand out on the blue background like the white does.
Midway sez: "CCI 7.62mm NATO-Spec Military Primers are a military large rifle primer containing magnum priming mix. " under CCI #34's
Midway sez: "CCI 7.62mm NATO-Spec Military Primers are a military large rifle primer containing magnum priming mix. " under CCI #34's
CCI website used to state to use #34s as Magnum primers, now they just call them standard primers.
I just realized that the 3006 that I reloaded for my M1 Garand used large magnum rifle primers. 46 grains of IMR 4895 and a 150 grain bullet. Are the magnum rifle primers okay here or do I need to pull them all? And if I need to pull them how do I safely pull out the primers or do I just pull the bullets and powder and fire the primers out the rifle without bullets or powder
you might get a touch more velocity but your well with in the safety range of powder/charge/primer
These bullets won't fill your backstop with lead and they may also reduce ricochets on steel plates.
The Albanian brass (7.62x54R) utilizes the .217" diameter berdan primers, which occasionally turn up in the USA.
The Argentine is easily made from .30-06, 270 Winchester and others.


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Up early this morning with the dogs and back to the .223 brass prep grind. Managed to knock out another 200, sized, pocket reamed, trimmed and deburred ready to load.
I usually wait until I have a gallon ziplock bag full before I start loading.......about 3/4 of one now. It'll be raining here a couple days this week so I'll have enough to keep me busy indoors.
Last pcs of brass in the tumbler. The two Frankforts do take a bit longer to shine up brass than my large Lyman did. Doesn't bother me as I usually just throw the batch in and then a day later remember its running, lol.

Sorting another 5gal pail of just tumbled. I fixed up a small wood bench for the living room and mounted two single stages to it. My boys will use it to resize/deprime 223 while watching TV.
Had some ugly in a good way Colt brass to play with.
I might have finally found a use for the expertly modified Lyman 45 round ball mould. some crafty bastard turned it into a ball-ette. It's supposed to be .457" but they drop way small. Sized to .453" and loaded over some Clays.
I made a hand full to try out someday when I get back to the range. This has king of been the norm. Make up a hand full of something g weird to test at a later date. It’s cool to get some experiments lined up.
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