What did you do in the reloading room recently?

Loaded up and shot thirty .44mag this morning, just plinking with a handfull of left over bullets. 7gr of Titegroup topped with 215gr lead flat points, well crimped. From a Ruger Super Blackhawk 7.5 inch.
I'm impressed with how clean Titegroup burns.
my starline order of x39 brass shipped yesterday, scheduled for wed. 19 days to fill the order and ship which is lightning fast compared to other components in the reloading chain.

also, the x39 ammo i've made so far without using the small base die work fine. they are feeding and extracting without a hiccup in both the ak and ar x39 platforms so don't foresee future problems.
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I loaded some cast bullets for the 7.5 Swiss. I started with 3 bullets. An M1 carbine bullet from Oregon Trails, a Lyman 31141 and a Lyman 311284. All loads hit too high at 100 yards but the 311284 with 16 grains of 2400 is a great 200 yard load if the rear sight is set at 500. The 311284 was closest at 100 so I switched to Unique and settled on 8 grains. With the rear sight at it's lowest setting, it's dead on at 100 yards. The rifle is not the K31. It's the older and longer 1911. It's my most accurate military rifle and has the best trigger of any military rifle I've ever fired.
I loaded some cast bullets for the 7.5 Swiss. I started with 3 bullets. An M1 carbine bullet from Oregon Trails, a Lyman 31141 and a Lyman 311284. All loads hit too high at 100 yards but the 311284 with 16 grains of 2400 is a great 200 yard load if the rear sight is set at 500. The 311284 was closest at 100 so I switched to Unique and settled on 8 grains. With the rear sight at it's lowest setting, it's dead on at 100 yards. The rifle is not the K31. It's the older and longer 1911. It's my most accurate military rifle and has the best trigger of any military rifle I've ever fired.
nice, I used some 130 grain cast in my K31 but loaded them to gallery load velocities. good fun shooting with trailboss powder
My plated 147 gr powerbond bullets arrived this afternoon. Ordered Tuesday. Not as cheap as my blue bullets but arriving in less than a week is tough to beat right now. Been awhile since I loaded plated bullets in 9mm. I’ve got some Power Pistol that I’d like to burn up so I’ll probably use that powder. Save the N320 and Sport Pistol for comp loads.
Those Blue Bullets I loaded for my revolver?

Ran beautifully this morning in my Ruger GP100. 125 grn blue coated round nose over 3.5 grains of TiteGroup.
The loads were great - my shooting, not so great.

First time running revolver at Steel Challenge, I'll take it as a learning experience. I tanked a couple of stages, but had a lot of fun.
And I was kept from being humiliated by doing well with my G34.

Time to load some more blue bullets for the revolver before swapping the press back to 9mm.
Those Blue Bullets I loaded for my revolver?

Ran beautifully this morning in my Ruger GP100. 125 grn blue coated round nose over 3.5 grains of TiteGroup.
The loads were great - my shooting, not so great.

First time running revolver at Steel Challenge, I'll take it as a learning experience. I tanked a couple of stages, but had a lot of fun.
And I was kept from being humiliated by doing well with my G34.

Time to load some more blue bullets for the revolver before swapping the press back to 9mm.
I will start cutting moonclips for the 929. I already have the design and a couple of samples but need to make some changes, they came out too tight.

I will probably do GP100 next.
My plated 147 gr powerbond bullets arrived this afternoon. Ordered Tuesday. Not as cheap as my blue bullets but arriving in less than a week is tough to beat right now. Been awhile since I loaded plated bullets in 9mm. I’ve got some Power Pistol that I’d like to burn up so I’ll probably use that powder. Save the N320 and Sport Pistol for comp loads.
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I've got 1k of the 9mm power-bonds in 124gr coming next week. They load and shoot very well. Power Pistol is what I'll be using too.
Those Blue Bullets I loaded for my revolver?

Ran beautifully this morning in my Ruger GP100. 125 grn blue coated round nose over 3.5 grains of TiteGroup.
The loads were great - my shooting, not so great.

First time running revolver at Steel Challenge, I'll take it as a learning experience. I tanked a couple of stages, but had a lot of fun.
And I was kept from being humiliated by doing well with my G34.

Time to load some more blue bullets for the revolver before swapping the press back to 9mm.

Its definitely a challenge. I was thumb whipping it up until I reworked mine.
My first year I ran a 625.
Next season I ran a 627.
8 shots is where its at.
I will start cutting moonclips for the 929. I already have the design and a couple of samples but need to make some changes, they came out too tight.

I will probably do GP100 next.

The weird thing about moonclips, which I didn't know until I decided to have my GP100 cut - is that there's no true spec for the groove. So, I have "standard" moon clips which fit most of the .38/.357 shells I have, but there are some shells that won't fit in there, (from different manufacturer).

Its definitely a challenge. I was thumb whipping it up until I reworked mine.
My first year I ran a 625.
Next season I ran a 627.
8 shots is where its at.


I'm running a GP100 six shot, SS with six inch barrel and Burris FastFire.
It's my "pin gun". I had to search to find a holster so I could use it for Steel Competition.

With 5 plates and 6 rounds, I really can't afford to miss very much - and today I did.
I shot 3 stages twice, (we thought it was going to rain), so 6 stages, 5 runs = 150 targets.

There were a couple other guys shooting revolvers, they had 8 rounds per cylinder.
It's definitely the way to go - but I can't justify in my mind another revolver just for this.

Maybe next year.
The weird thing about moonclips, which I didn't know until I decided to have my GP100 cut - is that there's no true spec for the groove. So, I have "standard" moon clips which fit most of the .38/.357 shells I have, but there are some shells that won't fit in there, (from different manufacturer).

.22 and .25 will fit 90% of whats out there. I had to get in the habbit of sorting brass.


I'm running a GP100 six shot, SS with six inch barrel and Burris FastFire.
It's my "pin gun". I had to search to find a holster so I could use it for Steel Competition.

With 5 plates and 6 rounds, I really can't afford to miss very much - and today I did.
I shot 3 stages twice, (we thought it was going to rain), so 6 stages, 5 runs = 150 targets.

There were a couple other guys shooting revolvers, they had 8 rounds per cylinder.
It's definitely the way to go - but I can't justify in my mind another revolver just for this.

Maybe next year.

My first s.c. season was.............................painful at best.
I did cut my times in half shooting bottom feed production, but I can't give up the wheelgun. Even bought a used 617 for indoor plate shoots because I'm a weirdo like that.
I should've went the 929 route, but I had so much .38 brass, and I reloaded for that, so.............
Got a 625 for pins, things a hammer
Got a brandy-new 610 sittin in a box for 6-shot only games. I think idpa is 6 only.

So, question-
How long did it take you to get used to the optic?
I'm running Dawson front fibers on everything, and have been on the fence about an optic. Any issues when its really bright out, does the dot wash out at all?
The weird thing about moonclips, which I didn't know until I decided to have my GP100 cut - is that there's no true spec for the groove. So, I have "standard" moon clips which fit most of the .38/.357 shells I have, but there are some shells that won't fit in there, (from different manufacturer).

That is why I went 9mm. The .38 and .357 brass can be a pain.

But once I have the 9mm sample working, if you send me a .38/.357 moonclip, I can easily copy it and manufacture it for less than 50% of the stupid price places like TK custom charge.
That is why I went 9mm. The .38 and .357 brass can be a pain.

But once I have the 9mm sample working, if you send me a .38/.357 moonclip, I can easily copy it and manufacture it for less than 50% of the stupid price places like TK custom charge.

PM me with an address, I'll mail you one. And then buy a dozen or so from you...
.22 and .25 will fit 90% of whats out there. I had to get in the habbit of sorting brass.

My first s.c. season was.............................painful at best.
I did cut my times in half shooting bottom feed production, but I can't give up the wheelgun. Even bought a used 617 for indoor plate shoots because I'm a weirdo like that.
I should've went the 929 route, but I had so much .38 brass, and I reloaded for that, so.............
Got a 625 for pins, things a hammer
Got a brandy-new 610 sittin in a box for 6-shot only games. I think idpa is 6 only.

So, question-
How long did it take you to get used to the optic?
I'm running Dawson front fibers on everything, and have been on the fence about an optic. Any issues when its really bright out, does the dot wash out at all?

I've been running an optic on that gun for probably 8 or 10 years. I tried shooting pins with it without an optic but wasn't real thrilled when I was looking at the head of a pin that had fallen. I could hit it, but it took way too much time. That's a Burris FastFire 3. Which is "okay", but not great. I wouldn't trust my life to it, but for pins/plates it works. Today was a mixed day, bright sun and overcast. I had no problem seeing the dot at any time.

I have a Trijicon SRO on my G34, and I gotta tell you - that's an awesome sight.

Kevin was running a SeeMore (spelling?) on his semi - and was joking that it was a See Less today. It went out while he was shooting, it's going back to the factory. I know a lot of people who really like the SeeMore; I see a lot of them in Open class.

EDITED to clarify; optic added to pistol for faster shooting of small targets.
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That is why I went 9mm. The .38 and .357 brass can be a pain.

But once I have the 9mm sample working, if you send me a .38/.357 moonclip, I can easily copy it and manufacture it for less than 50% of the stupid price places like TK custom charge.

Can you do them in.......................Fotay. Or 10mm if you prefer that.
That is why I went 9mm. The .38 and .357 brass can be a pain.

But once I have the 9mm sample working, if you send me a .38/.357 moonclip, I can easily copy it and manufacture it for less than 50% of the stupid price places like TK custom charge.
You’re in the moon clips business now?
You’re in the moon clips business now?
Maybe. Trying to find an alloy that won't bend while at the same time being tighter than the moonclips TK and Revolver Supply sell. Finding the right strength is proving to be a little challenging. But I will get there. Once I do that, I can start cutting them for any revovler
Maybe. Trying to find an alloy that won't bend while at the same time being tighter than the moonclips TK and Revolver Supply sell. Finding the right strength is proving to be a little challenging. But I will get there. Once I do that, I can start cutting them for any revovler
That’s awesome man.
I only have a 625 so my clips later forever.
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